SPECIAL REPORT Saudi guardsmen simulate an attack at a training center in Saudi Arabia. any of the key players." Equally clear, at least from the Israeli and Ameri- can Jewish perspectives, were the importance of two other factors. The first is Jerusalem's central place in Jewish thinking. "Jerusalem is always a highly emotional issue for the Jewish community," said Jess Hordes, Washing- ton director for the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, one of the groups that reacted with strong lang- uage to the Palestinian rock throwing at the Wall. "The fact that this was Jerusalem, that it involved Jews pray- ing in the area, only amplifies the sense that a double standard is being ap- plied to Israel." The second is the percep- tion that the Bush ad- ministration is slowly edg- ing away from its announced goal of dislodging Iraq from Kuwait, forcefully if necessary, in favor of a negotiated settlement that would avert American bloodshed, but leave Saddam Hussein's military might in place and poised to strike Israel next. 44 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1990 "All of this is another piece of a disturbing puzzle," said Rep. Charles Schumer (D-NY). "While the ad- ministration denies it, they're clearly moving away from support for Israel. Their coalition against Saddam Hussein has taken on exaggerated importance. This portends very badly for Israel. "I think it's clear that the administration thinks the Persian Gulf is more impor- tant now than Israel. I think that's very shortsighted." This week's harshly word- ed letter from Secretary of State James Baker III to Israeli leaders underscored the degree of animosity that now separates Israel from its long-time guardian angel. Mr. Baker wrote that "if Israel rejects the Security Council decision, there will be some who will compare you, even though it is not justified, to Saddam Hussein and his rejection of Security Council decisions." Mr. Baker's letter dismayed pro-Israel ac- tivists; the fact that the letter was leaked in Israel angered administration offi- cials in Washington. "We've been going back and forth in the past few weeks, trying to discern whether the administration is, in fact, talking linkage," said the Washington repre- sentative for a major Jewish organization, requesting anonymity. "This Baker letter ... was an outrageous confirmation of our worst fears about linkage." The UN's past history as a forum for anti-Israel sen- timents also did little to al- leviate the fears of Israel's supporters. "The reluctance of the Israeli government to coop- erate with the United Nations representatives is surely understandable, given the UN's record of one- sided pronouncements on virtually all questions per- taining to the Arab-Israeli conflict," the American Jew- ish Congress said in one of the week's less emotionally charged statements. "The (UN) resolution is a continuation of classic anti- Semitism which negates the value of Jewish life," added Rabbi Marc D. Angel, presi- dent of the Rabbinical Coun- cil of America, whose more heated remarks reflected the private seething others were more careful to conceal. . America is par- ticipating in the classic anti- Israel venom of the United Nations," said Rabbi Angel, whose organization joined with other Orthodox groups in proclaiming Saturday (Oct. 20) a "Sabbath of Pro- test." For Washington, Israel's reluctance to cooperate with the UN mission was the last straw for foreign policy offi- cials who increasingly view Israel as an irritating com- plication in their high- stakes showdown with Saddam Hussein. American officials pri- vately suggest that they re- sent Israel's failure to understand that U.S. par- ticipation in the UN state- ment was designed to bal- ance two interests — holding together the fragile alliance of Arab nations confronting Iraq, and protecting Israel from even harsher language proposed by the Palestine Liberation Organization. This anger was abundant- ly evident in Mr. Baker's letter, which forcefully urg- ed the Israelis to accept the UN envoy. The bottom line so far is that American Jewish ac- tivists increasingly find themselves at odds with the White House's evolving sense of this country's vital interests in the Middle East. Taking the long view, that's one of the most frightening elements of the current crisis. Despite years of arguing that American and Israeli interests in the Middle East were compati- ble, the most serious test to date of that assumption is pointing in a different direc- tion, at least in the view of many in the administration. And the fact that the ad- ministration appears willing, to sacrifice more of Israel's? international credibility in return for a little more bal- ing wire to hold together the fragile coalition currently arrayed against Iraq is a clear signal to the world that the U.S.-Israeli relationship has fallen considerably on Washington's list of priorities. ❑