given us. Spirituality and aesthetics — enjoying the world — are closely linked. Jewish spirituality means sanctifying the every day. Its a way to appreciate the world moment-to-moment." "Other religions," said Prof. Katz, "especially Christianity and Hinduism, tend to devalue this world. Judaism's emphasis is how to be in this world. That's a big difference." Judaism's awareness of the world can be illustrated by the blessings that are said upon seeing a rainbow, a shooting star, a great desert, or trees blossoming in spring: These prayers help bring an experience into consciousness, into a con- text that is both personal and divine. A full spiritual appreciation of the world, said Rabbi Zaiman, usually means that one "is not afraid of life." It does not imply, he said, that the spiritual person is certain of each new step in his life or that he has plotted out his future. Instead, he said, someone on the spiritual path assumes that "the universe you inhabit is safe and you trust that it will not destroy you. Judaism, then, offers extraordinarily different ways of meeting God: Prayer, study, work, joy, devotion to community. Given these varied paths, perhaps a Chasidic tale answers in a broad sense the question of how one can sense God's presence: "Where is the dwelling of God?," the rabbi of Kutzk asked several learned men visiting him. "What a thing to ask," laughed the vis- itors. "Is not the whole world full of his glory?" The rabbi then answered his own ques- tion: "God dwells wherever man lets Him in." In Jewish spirituality, then, man can let God in wherever he can: Through the intellect, through the heart, through ac- tions. There is no one province for the di- vine, no one conduit through which man can best serve Him. Indispensable to the spiritual journey, said Rabbi Zaiman, is the willingness to take "the risk" of such an adventure, one that may alter a person's sense of self and the world. Also indispensable is a sense of per- spective. As the Baal Shem Tov, the 18th century founder of Chasidism, said, "One too filled with self has no room for the Holy One." Just as God has made space for man in the world, one must make space for God in the soul. Or, as philosopher Martin Buber wrote, the spiritual person should "begin with oneself, but not end with oneself; start with oneself, but not to aim at oneself; to comprehend oneself, but not to be preoc- cupied with oneself.... Then we will estab- lish, in this our place, a dwelling for the Divine Presence." ❑ Spirituality In The Rabbinate lthough rabbis are often referred to as "spiritual leaders," until recently many were poorly edu- cated in Jewish spirituality or were un- comfortable talking about it. Sermons about it were rare. When asked about it, many "got confused," said Nathan Katz, a professor of religious studies at the University of South Florida. "When pressed, they would say they didn't know anything about it. They were em- barrassed by the subject." In recent years, Reform and Conser- vative rabbinical seminaries have been trying to change the knowledge and attitude toward spirituality of their denominations' next generation of rabbis. Both schools have injected more spirituality into their academic and experiential programs. According to Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman, a profes- sor of liturgy at the New York branch of the Reform movement's seminary, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Insti- tute of Religion, "We try not to teach purely in an academic or theoretical context, but talk about the spiritual consequences of what is being discuss- ed." Classes at the seminary are often preceded, said Prof. Hoffman, with a prayer. If he is teaching about the historical and theological evolution of a certain prayer, Prof. Hoffman might ask students how this development re- lates to contemporary Judaism. "We are trying to build a spiritual community in which we sustain each other and build the habits that will last a lifetime," he said. The Conservative movement's Jew- ish Theological Seminary is trying to cultivate spirituality in its students through its new Rabbinical School Seminar. The sessions began during the last academic year and meet for four hours a week for each of a student's five years at JTS. During their first three years at the seminary, the five to eight students in each seminar discuss prayer, the Jew- ish life cycle, Judaism's annual cycle of holidays, Jewish theological and philo- sophical issues and Jews and Israel. The fourth and fifth years are devoted to discussing students' internships. A few years ago, said JTS vice chan- cellor Rabbi William Lebeau, the in- stitution realized its challenge was "to take someone who studies and under- stands Jewish texts and integrate this into his or her religious life so he or she can communicate this to others. We A Rabbi William Lebeau of JTS: "Trying to develop a religious personality." are trying to develop a religious per- sonality. The seminars are where spiri- tuality gets tested. It's not left as a side issue." The seminars' ultimate goal, said the vice chancellor, parallels the concept of a rabbi articulated by the late German rabbi and philosopher, Leo Baeck: "The message of the rabbi must not be the sermon of the preacher. The mes- sage must be the rabbi himself." The dean of the nation's leading mainstream Orthodox seminary at Yeshiva University in New York said it was not necessary to rejuvenate spir- ituality in his institution because Or- thodoxy's beliefs had never caused the school to deviate from traditional Jew- ish spirituality. Orthodoxy "believes God gave the Torah at Mount Sinai," said Rabbi Zevulun Charlop, dean of Yeshiva's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. The Reform and Conserva- tive movements "have trouble with that, so they have to find other ave- nues for spirituality. "One could not commit himself to the totality of Orthodox observance and study unless he felt he had to serve God," said Rabbi Charlop. "In other denominations, one may feel he wants to serve man, not God. In the Jewish tradition, among the various commu- nions with God there is none more sig- nificant than learning. When a Jew learns, he speaks to God." — A.J.M. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 29