Making The Message Count irowts~imona~sotsmetrottoirown ABOVE: Rabbi Avraham Jacobovitz: "I want people to get something practical, an answer to, 'What does this mean for my life?'" BELOW: Rabbi Norman Roman: "If one person comes up to me and tells me I've made a difference, then I know I'm a success." constantly comes across ideas to use in his Rosh Hashanah sermon. "I can be sitting in a car or waiting in line when I'll think of a word. Just before Rosh Hashanah, I'll take all my notes and compile them." He reviews events of the past year, trying to learn lessons about serving God. He then hopes to impart this insight through his sermon to congregants. "All Jews are born with a soul that has a penchant for service to God," he says. "We don't have to teach Jews to be spiritual. We just have to draw it out." Rabbi Roman R ■•■■•■•■■•■ 011."01 ■ 01WWWW11 32 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1990 abbi Norman Roman gets misty- eyed when he speaks about his High Holiday sermons. The spiritual leader of Temple Kol Ami and president of the Michigan Board of Rab- bis has had several signifi- cant events happen in rela- tion to his sermons. He remembers eight years ago when he ser- monized about the expecta- tions he had over the birth of his first child. And when his daughter, Caryn, was born on erev Rosh Hashanah, the sermon became emotional and joyously difficult. He can also remember sermonizing about then Soviet refusenik Ida Nudel and her need to be lib- erated. The next day he read a story in the New York Times that Ms. Nudel was free. There are other stories. Because of the significance of the year, Rabbi Roman believes there is something almost magical about it. It is appropriate that this is a time of great expectations, he says. And it is the ex- pectations of his con- gregants that he tries to touch through his sermons. Rabbi Roman follows a pattern for his series of four sermons that includes a certain amount of per- sonal nostalgia, current events, poetry, biblical ref- erence and what he kid- dingly calls "schmooze." "I vary my themes and my delivery style of the sermons," Rabbi Roman says. "One sermon is always Israel oriented while one is theological, one is current events and the other is usually oriented to my temple. In this case, we're celebrating our 25th anniversary and we're going to commission the writing of a Torah." Rabbi Roman likes to quote different poets in his sermons. Typically, he'll use Alfred Lord Tennyson's verse, "Come my friends, it's not too late . . ." "I do this because I think my congregants expect cer- tain things out of a ser- mon," he says. "They want to be entertained, stimulated and educated. In addition to this, many of my congregants want a validation for some of the things that they are think- ing themselves about their lives." If there is a bottom line to his sermons, it's the stress- ing of a sense of awe, the rabbi says. He also says that because many more Jews attend services dur- ing the High Holidays, he is under a certain amount of pressure to deliver more. And it's through the ser- mon that the message is delivered. "I'd like to say that I wish I could be as intense at every weekly sermon as I am during the High Holi- day sermons," he says. "But I know I'm not. As a rabbi, you put more of yourself into the High Holiday sermon. I don't measure my success if 100 people come up to me and say 'Wow.' If I know I've helped one person who comes up to me and tells me I've made a difference, then I know I'm a success." Rabbi Spectre R abbi Efry Spectre col- lects ideas and news tidbits in a folder he keeps specifically for his High Holiday sermons. Then' he takes the information dur- ing the summer and blends it into a series that includes everything from biblical passages to the world's cur- rent situation. But if there is one theme the Adat Shalom Syn- agogue rabbi wants to ad- dress during these days, ,it's the understanding that life is judged during this time. It's a time of possibilities, he says, when Jews cap mitigate the se- verity of the decree. "It is a time when, through our sermons, we can help people realize that we are fallible, that we are most frail," he says. "The sermon should raise nerve endings. If life is judged at this time, perhaps the right word at the right time will affect a person so his life will change. Sometimes people are coming to shul during the High Holidays because they are giving Judaism a shot. They might not be into the Machzor (High Holiday prayer book), so they come to have the rabbi talk to them." Rabbi Spectre says he isn't there to judge those who decide to attend syn- agogue only during the High Holidays. He says, however, that he hopes to motivate through his ser- mons change in the con- gregants. "I want there to be a stir- ring in their lives during this time," he says. "A suc- cessful sermon is one that will motivate. I'm unsuc- cessful if the sermon doesn't motivate one to look at himself and im- prove. "But it's not all or nothing, and I'm not look- ing to reach the lowest common denominator with my sermons. If they come in at least for the sermon, that's sometimes the open- ing in their spiritual lives." Rabbi Spectre says the High Holidays are a critical time for religious