Making The Message Count Rabbis spend weeks, sometimes months, planning their High Holiday sermons, Part emotional, part current events, part schmoozing, they appeal to the broadest audience. osh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are times of judgment and repentance, of families coming together, crowded syna- gogues, a change in the seasons, symbols of apples and honey. And for Detroit area rabbis, it's also a time to step into the spotlight and deliver a message that will hopefully change lives and refocus congregations to a greater committment to Judaism. Indeed, many Jews look forward to the High Holi- days not only for the prayer, but also for the words they will hear from their spiritual leaders. For most rabbis, High Holiday sermons are a pro- ject that requires months to put together. Every word is carefully considered; every thought is refined. Most important, they say, are the results: not whether their words are eloquent and interesting, but that congregants begin to live the lessons their rabbis speak. R waritiftollorft"."001041041011011.110040 11 30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1990 Rabbi Nelson R abbi David Nelson of Congregation Beth Shalom uses his summers the way bears hibernate in the winter. "I call it my creative rest," he says. "I don't give sermons in the summer. I like to save up for Rosh Hashanah." Then he bogins to for- mulate his topics, looking for inspiration everywhere from the latest best seller he's picked up — which this year means columnist George Will's book on baseball — to rabbinic texts. "I try to speak about key concerns and issues in the lives of my congregants and in my own life," Rabbi Nelson says. "I always start with myself." Rabbi Nelson will not deliver Rosh Hashanah addresses with the direc- tives, "You must do this; you must do that," he says. PHIL JACOBS and ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Assistant Editors "I focus instead on how to pay serious attention to our Jewish tradition — which is in fact the topic of all my sermons." Concern for others is a frequent topic in Rabbi Nelson's High Holiday remarks. "The Bible tells us we are to remember that we were downtrodden, and we must reach out to all our Jewish brothers and sisters — and to all human beings." While he realizes he may reach a larger crowd than at any other time, Rabbi Nelson does not plan ser- mons to accommodate those congregants who rarely attend services. "People who may hear me only once a year expect me to talk about every- thing — assimilation, anti- Semitism, Jewish edu- cation, intermarriage —but I'm not going to offer a potpourri just to show someone I'm aware of the numerous issues facing the Jewish people," he says. "My litmus test for a good sermon is whether people learn something, if ABOVE: Rabbi Meilech Silberberg: "The most important element is the state of spirituality in which you find yourself." LEFT: Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg: High Holiday sermons are "overrated."