May the New Year Bring To All Our Friends — Health, Joy, Prosperity and Everything Good in Life. dent of kabbalah whose hyp- notic personality gained him . thousands of followers. Eventually, the would-be messiah, threatened with ex- ecution by the Sultan, con- verted and became a Moslem. Most of his disciples were sad- ly disillusioned but some re- mained steadfast and follow- ed his example, forming a Judeo-Islamic sect, "Don- meh" (Turkish for "apos- tates"), which still exists in Turkey. Devout people may well believe that with the creation of the State of Israel we have entered into the Messianic Era — a time when the scat- tered Jewish people will return to the Land of Israel and all mankind will prosper through peace and justice. The Talmud warns us against trying to predict ex- actly when the End of Days will occur: "Blasted be the bones of those who calculate the end, for when the calculated time comes and the Messiah does not appear, people will despair of his ever coming" (Sanhedrin 97b). However, when that great time comes, longevity is pro- mised: "No sound of weeping, no voice of crying, shall ever A\:\A BASSETTS SOMERSET MALL TROY, MICHIGAN 48084 (313) 643-0770 A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to All Our Friends and Family. Devout people believe that with the creation of the State of Israel we have entered the Messianic Era. be heard; no child shall die anymore in infancy, nor any old man who has not lived out his years of life; he who dies youngest lives a hundred years." Since the establishment of the State, the Chief Rab- binate of Israel looks upon the State as "Athalta de Geulah," Aramaic for "the beginning of universal redemption?' All of Israel today awaits the fulfilment of Isaiah's Mes- sianic dream: "For out of Zion shall go forth the Law and the word of the Lord from Jeru- salem . . . and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more World Zionist Press Service ROSEN'S BAKERY PARVE Featuring Our Reduced Calorie Bread Wishing All Our Friends A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year FLORENCE ABEL & JUDY STEIN tak ENO RED CARPET" KEE5E REAL 855-9100 W. BLOOMFIELD •Bloom 06 Bloom • • Registered Electrologists • Come and let us remove your unwanted hair problem and improve your appearance. Near 12 Mile Rd. bet. Evergreen & Southfield 559-1969 Appt. Only. Ask For Shirlee or Debby THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 21