him at all hours at home for spiritual support. "Everywhere I go I hear comments about how worried the Jewish communi- ty is about Duke," says Jane Buchsbaum, who emphasized that she was speaking out not in her capacity as executive director of the New Orleans Jewish Federation but as treasurer of the Louisiana Coalition Against Racism and Nazism, a group opposing Mr. Duke's campaign. "People ask, 'What are we doing? What will happen? Is he going to win?' " She hesitates, then continues, "Well, you have to be very careful when you're dealing with Duke. The run-of-the-mill Louisiana voter doesn't care about his old Nazi stuff. It's much easier to fight him on the gut issues of racism and Nazism and, unfortunately, that's not what ap- peals to voters. The last thing we want is a backlash." Rep. Duke says he's not surprised, giv- en his past, that Jews would be chary of him, but he only asks for a chance. He be- lieves Jews agree with him on the issues that have become the battle cries of his campaign: that affirmative action pro- grams are a great ill in society; that America's prestige is suffering in the world; and that the welfare underclass threatens to sink the nation. "I think Jews generally are well- qualified," he says. "They work hard, they're intelligent and educated, and those quotas and affirmative action pro- grams fall very much on their shoulders." But there are those who feel his reaching out to the Jewish community is an example of the highest level of politi- cal chutzpah. In the past Rep. Duke has said, among many other things, that the Holocaust never occurred. He's had for- mer neo-Nazis in his campaigns, like Ralph Forbes who managed the Duke for President campaign two years ago, and has sold Nazi publications out of the of- fice of his National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) in Metairie, which doubles as his House of Representatives office. The NAAWP News, until recently, was a fount of anti-Jewish diatribes, such as: "One Klan family could easily overpower a fat cat Jew and lazy nigger trash families." A conference of Klansmen and neo-Nazis organized by Mr. Duke in 1976 called for the legalization of The Third Reich. David Duke can be found on the second floor of his combination campaign head- quarters/home in Metairie, a virtually all- white suburb 10 miles west of New Orleans. The headquarters on the first floor is a flurry of activity as volunteers send out blue-and-white Duke stickers and paraphernalia and toil away at com- puters with mailing lists of up to 80,000 persons. In person, Mr. Duke is a pale, athletic- looking six footer who talks softly but looks the questioner directly in the eye and always seems to anticipate the next question. Why did he become a Nazi sympathiz- er? "I became a very, very frustrated young man," he answers. "My dad was in Vietnam at the time and I came to believe that the American fighting man was not allowed to win that war. I was looking for answers, was angry. I was so intensively anti-Communist that I lost sight of how to oppose Communists and it was not the right thing to do. I was never a member of any Nazi party but I did associate with people like that. I spoke out on some of those issues, I picketed (in a Nazi uniform at Tulane University) William Kuntsler (the Jewish civil rights lawyer and peace Rep. Duke describes himself as "a rascal" in those early years, which led to a decadeā€¢long odyssey in far-far-right wing politics. activist), and I shouldn't have done all that and I'm regretful." Rep. Duke describes himself as "a ras- cal" in those early years, which led to a decade-long odyssey in far-far-right wing politics. As for almost every other charge against him, Rep. Duke responds that his views have been misconstrued or misin- terpreted by the media and his political opponents. Did he, for instance, say that the Uni- ted States should be divided up among In 1987, David Duke announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination in front of Georgia's state capitol. He said the contest would be between himself and Jesse Jackson. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 163