Johnny and Pete Ginopolis and the employees of at as Ot;f 27815 Middlebelt at 12 Mile • Farmington Hills Heartily Wish Their Customers, Friends And The Entire Community The Gildenberg Family and staff of D1' 4, Restaurant At Sugar Tree 6263 Orchard Lake Rd., North of Maple Wishing All Our Customers and Friends A Healthy & Happy New Year NEW HWAS CAFE 855-2800 Wishes Their Customers & Friends A Healthy and Happy New Year Our Many Thanks To Everyone For Their Great Support. 583 MONROE 961-5544 Go against the grain. Cut down on salt. Adding salt to your food could subtract years from your life. Because in some people salt contributes to high blood pressure, a con- dition that increases your risk of heart disease. The Management and Staff of Extends Wishes To Its Customers and Friends For A Very Healthy and Happy New Year 565 E. Lamed 136 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1990 961-7766 V American Heart Association Yiddish Theater Continued from Page 134 articulation and marrying a Jewish girl. For Bruce Adler, on the other hand, a show business career and Yiddish theater are linked naturally, for he was born to both, and he is one of the last to be able to say that he learned them "by osmosis." He made his debut on the Yiddish stage at the age of three (he's close to forty now), when he was first taken to see his parents perform their popular vaudeville act. When they invited the au- dience to sing along, his pip- ing soprano rose above the rest, so they naturally in- vited him up onstage to take a bow. By the age of six, Little Brucie had speaking roles and was doing his homework in the dressing room. "I took my curtain calls, and then I went home for milk and cookies. And in the morning I was in the schoolyard. We did two or three new shows a week. That was an education." When Bruce sings the old show-stopper "Rumania, Rumania," he sings it as he learned it on the knee of Aaron Lebedev, the star who popularized it. Compact and springy on his feet, buoyant with controlled energy, he is one of the few entertainers of the younger generation who can ease with zestful au- thority into old- time soft- shoe routines and pratfalls. And though he works mostly in English now, he relishes opportunities like Those Were the Days. "I don't turn my back on my heritage. When I do Yiddish theater, I do it well. I feel I'm paying a little bit of homage, through my body, to my family and their world." Richard Carlow represents the current youth movement toward cultural revival. Like his contemporaries who are collecting Yiddish books and learning to read them, listening to Yiddish folk tunes and learning to fiddle them, Richard came sear- ching for Yiddishkeit and discovered Yiddish theater. "I always meant to learn Yiddish. My parents spoke it to my grandparents, but I didn't understand. Five years ago I finally got around to signing up for a beginners' course at the Workmen's Circle." A full semester passed before his teacher happened to mention that such a thing as Yiddish theater existed, and by coincidence the semi- professional Folksbiene Theatre was holding audi- tions. "I got the part. I left the show I was in. I didn't know if I could act in Yiddish." He pauses, shyly. He doesn't mean to sound swashbuckling. "I took a chance." Since then Richard has kept studying the language. Now he feels comfortable speaking it onstage, and he has progressed to sweet, earnest, tall and slightly' awkward leading men. ThiE7, year at the Folksbiene he ac- tually got the girl! His living comes part from acting and part from other kinds of jobs, but Yiddish theater is where he has found his roots, as well as the satisfaction c r helping to preserve those roots for the community. Raquel Yossipon, trained for the serious avant garde, lent glamor to leading Yiddish roles with her dee voice and exotic Israeli cent. Now she returns hors summers to teach a course The audience get themselves there even if the nursing home has to charter a bus. Yiddish theater at the Uni- versity of Tel Aviv. Ever since professional secular Yiddish theater began, just over a hundred years ago, cantors have eased back an forth between the stage and the synagogue, and to this day almost every season br- ings a cantor to the Yiddish stage. Some regulars are simply amateurs whose knowledge of Yiddish language admits them to the fun of occasional theatricals and what Sandy Levitt, who began as a cho- reographer, calls "crazy Yiddish backstage humor." Adrienne Cooper, who pun I sued doctoral studies in Yiddish literature at the University of Chicago and learned to perform Yiddish art songs from their com- posers who are no longer alive, observes that "people in Yiddish theater are quick to feel anger and affection for each other." Intimacy is part of the culture. It creates a bond that holds them in orbit around the institution. If all these attitude toward Yiddish theater can be imagined as spectrum of a generation, Moishe Rosenfeld is at the extreme end. Moishe may well be the last person actually to set out to make a professional '' career in Yiddish theater. His commitment began in childhood. Moishe had a se- Continued on Page 138 ,