I PURELY COMMENTARY I PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus Elie Wiesel 0 f the many debts of gratitude we owe the University of Michigan, the presently add- ed one is extraordinarily im- portant. On Sept. 25 com- mences the series of annual lectures in honor of the hero in the rescue of tens of thousands from the Nazi ovens, Raoul Wallenberg. It is the 45th anniversary of his incarceration by the Russians upon their entrance into Budapest. The Wallenberg arrest, as well as the Russian infamy, are historic records. Would that Mr. Wallenberg First U-114 Wallenberg Medalist could be here to accept the honors accorded him. There is a prevailing belief that he is still alive in a Soviet prison. The honor to the Universi- ty of Michigan graduate from its College of Architecture also will be the occasion for the presentation of the an- nual Raoul Wallenberg Medal. The event, to be held in the Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor, assumes added significance because the first recipient of the Wallenberg Medal will be Nobel Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel. There is very much that is ennobling in the U-M testimonials to two great per- . sonalities — Wallenberg and Wiesel. There is very much that is ennobling in the U-M testimonials to two great personalities. While commending our university's action honoring a distinguished graduate, we must not forget those who en- couraged inauguration of the honor more than 20 years ago. The late Sol King, who was a classmate of Mr. Wallenberg, inaugurated the fund-raising for the project. The late Prof. William Haber was an active member of our committee for the perpetuation of the Wallenberg historiography. These are factors to remember as we express gratitude to the University of Michigan for sponsoring the Wallenberg Lecture and Medal. I wish now to recommend a successor to Elie Wiesel as recipient of the Wallenberg Medal. He is Georgio Perlasca, of Padua, Italy, whose heroism, a replica of Wallenberg's, is now becom- ing known. The account of his courage is told by Michael Ryan, one of the editors of Parade Magazine. Under the heading "In the Midst of the Holocaust .. . This Quiet Man Saved Thou- sands" (Parade Aug. 10) Ryan related the Perlasca bravery in Budapest where he was doing the rescuing. This story must await a forthcoming Commentary. I shall always feel the impact of the Perlasca story as I do Wallenberg's. ❑ Russian Jewry Finds Voice In Self-Liberation C enturies of oppres- sions and humilia- tions have been sprinkled with hopes that our people would have opportuni- ty to be self-helpful to erase indignities. When the most agonizing hatreds of the last century became unbearable, there began to emerge defiance. It was soon to be an awakening of Zionist idealism. That which created the social and political aims of the Zionist cause also had its precursor. Preceding Theodor Herzl and his "The Jewish State," the most deeply moving appeal to Jewry was the advocacy of self assertiveness by the eminent Dr. Leon Pinsker (1821-91). The life and activities of this distinguished personali- ty should be studied for a comprehension of the many causes that created Jewish appeals. Insofar as the perpetuated lesson of this Odessa physician is concern- ed, it will remain in historic records of his advocacy of self- help. The pamphlet "Auto- Emancipation," which he wrote in 1882, preceding Herzl by more than a decade, was an urgent call to action THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in February, March, May, August, October and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and addi- tional mailing offices. Postmaster. Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $29 per year $37 per year out of state 75' single copy Vol. WWII No. 2 September '7, 1990 2 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1990 that inspired the liber- tarianism of Zionism. Leon Pinsker provided guidance to his fellow Jews of a century later, those now enrolled in the New Exodus. It is the admonition that self- emancipation is the respon- sibility of our time. The lesson of "Auto- Emancipation" is especially applicable to the analyses of the emerging commitments by Dr. Zvi Gitelman, of the department of political science at the University of Michigan and an acknowledg- ed authority on the issues of Russian Jewry. He provides his basis for understanding the new developments and the people involved in the mass im- migration. Prof. Gitelman's "Anti-Semitism in the Age of Perestroika" is published by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society — HIAS. There is an especially im- portant summarizing com- ment that leads to an ap- preciation of his valuable social and human study of the events that have historic Jewish value. He declares: The USSR may be on the brink of chaos or revolu- tion. All the ingredients of a classic pre-revolutionary situation are there: a divid- ed elite, a leadership un- sure of its course, a disintegrating empire, discontented nationalities, an economy in shambles, and a hitherto repressed population exhiliarated by finding its voice and using it before new rules of civil discourse have been work- ed out. No one can predict what will be the outcome of the interplay of these forces. In the light of recent history, with the loss of tens of thousands of their fellow Jews in the civil war and over a million in the Holocaust, Soviet Jews are not inclined to wait and see what the future will bring. They would rather try and determine their own futures as free men and women rather than as ob- jects of other peoples' frustrations and resentments. This is the heritage for which I now call for utiliza- tion of Leo Pinsker's em- phasis on self-liberation, defining the plight of Russian Jewry. Many queries arise. There were reports of threatened pogroms that did not materialize, yet there are many individualized pogroms. There are the skeptical who would reduce concerns in an effort to abandon fears. Zvi Gitelman takes them all into account and provides them a platform by indicating the following: From a Western perspec- tive, the behavior of Soviet Jews today could be seen as irrational and hysterical. After all, very few Jews have been killed in the ethnic violence of the past two years, some Jews seem to have attained prominence in the Soviet intelligentsia, and, besides, those who are truly frightened can leave. There are as yet no very reliable data on the extent and intensity of anti- Semitic attitudes in Soviet society. A recent study con- ducted in the Moscow region found that 18 per- cent of the respondents said they disliked Jews, and equal proportion said they liked them, and 65 percent said they were neutral. Nearly equal pro- portions of people thought that "most people in the Soviet Union are anti- Jewish" and that "very few people are anti-Jewish." Over 90 percent thought Jews should have the right to emigrate or choose to stay in the USSR and 88 percent favored equal employment for Jews. Though these results — which may not be generalizable to the coun- try as a whole — indicate higher levels of anti- Semitism than what most surveys find in the United States, they do not indicate widespread and intense anti-Jewish feelings which would lead to pogroms. Furthermore, in elections to local Soviets in March 1990, "right wing" can- didates associated with ex- tremist nationalism and anti-Semitism were sound- ly trounced in Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk and other areas. Overall, Rus- sian nationalists seem to have gotten only about 10 percent of the vote in the Russian republic. The response to these agonies is the total rejection of the inhumanities in the Gitelman challenge that leads to commitment to the New Exodus. The affirmation of faith is defined in the Gitelman analyses as follows: Why then the widespread fear of pogroms and the rush to flee the country? We must understand that Prof. Gitelman Soviet Jewish perspectives are quite different from Western outlooks because they have been molded in a specific historical con- text and in very different circumstances from that of American Jewry . . . For Soviet Jews, these events took the lives of their near and dear ones. They have an immediacy and reality which few Americans can grasp. Where once Jews feared the power of the govern- ment, today they are frightened by its weakness. It may have neither the will nor the ability to intervene effectively against anti- Semitic attacks. For Jews today the danger seems to come more "from below" than "from above." In some ways this is a more frightening type of anti-Semitism. When the government was the main source of anti-Jewish agita- tion, Jews experienced a Continued on Page 46