volunteers who have welcomed the newcomers. A dinner to honor the vol- unteers last year attracted 600 honorees, immigrants and community members. In Kansas City, • where a number of community agencies and volunteers pro- vide services, the approach considers the need to acculturate to America, too. -"We're much more adept at what we're providing than we were 10 years ago," says Rabbi Michael Zedek of Temple B'nai Jehudah. "We realize the immi- grants come here to breathe American air, not Jewish air. So we have to very carefully reach out to them and teach them about our religion." That statement could also apply to the programs offered for the burgeoning number of immigrants in Columbus, Ohio. The keys words are "Family Ties," the name for a program that pairs Soviet families with Americans who host Shabbat dinners, take the Soviets to the Social Security offices and assist them in numerous other ways. Another program pairs day-school youths with American students for outings, holiday observances and other youth activities. Additional acculturation takes place in English-as-a-second-language classes at CLOS E UP Be'er Hagolah (A well to drink from in the Diaspora) Institutes sprawl over four campuses, where 500 immigrant children are in an almost womb-to-adult welfare state learning about Judaism. From kindergarten to senior high school and beyond, the instruction — in English — of Jewish customs and a regular diet of general, courses is free for those who can't afford it. The byword is English. There are no Russian-speaking teachers on the faculty so the students have no crutches. Families also receive free synagogue memberships, scholarships to Hebrew summer camps, even free weddings. Pro- grams pair Soviet Be'er Hagolah students and American youngsters at Jewish day schools. Also field trips are scheduled so students can better understand their new land. It's not uncommon on Friday to see students carrying overnight bags on their way to spend Sabbath with Jewish families as far away as Toronto, Canada. A special skills program uses audio- visual and other media to individualize instruction. Wherever possible, teachers develop correlations between Jewish values and American ethics. For example, one class uses a text explaining how an individual is responsible to others and to society — in the context of the American system of criminal and civil justice. The result of all these approaches, in the words of director Pearl Kaufman, is "magnificent. They've become very Jew- ish." The program is operated by the Fund for Jewish Education, about 10 percent of whose dollars come from the United Jew- ish Appeal and the balance from private individuals. It has a $2 million budget. In one year, a tree-lined campus in Starrett City, on the Brooklyn-Queens border, will also open. According to Ms. Kaufman, "our only problem is that we can't ac- commodate more students. There should be more schools like ours." Near Boston, the North Shore Jewish Federation in Massachusetts offers an- other model program. It provides services to immigrants ranging from English-as-a- second-language classes, to free syn- agogue memberships, to pairing new im- migrants with an "old" (from one decade ago) Soviet family already coupled with an American sponsoring family. The federation ; which services 22 cities and towns, has assisted 1,200 immigrants since the late 1970s. In the Boston area, success is measured by the hundreds of At an English class for Soviet immigrants run by the Jewish Vocational Service at Chicago's Temple Menorah, students learn about the Jewish holidays and hear the blasts of the shofar for the first time. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 41