PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus Assuring The Dignity Of Jewish Loyalties M illenia of humilia- tions, centuries of persecutions, endless falsifications of Jewish lifestyles that are the very source of our people's ex- istence have all become the experiences shared with the nations whose tolerance was endured through the ages. There was always much to test Jewry as long as there was faithful resistance to the accumulated hatreds; there was the strength to survive. Dangers lurked only when Jews themselves became partners with their an- tagonists in fostering the evils engineered to harm us and even to destroy us. Sadly, Jews themselves are continuing what is judged as evidence toward the under- mining of the Jewish posi- tions in the current crises. The best evidence of the abandonment of Jews by Jews is the manner in which em- phasis is given to menacing forces that are mainly children. There is no recogni- tion given to children being used as rock throwers. There is no admission of the fact that when rocks are hurled as weapons at soldiers, and soldiers resort to defense, there are casualties. When children are casualties, it is tragic. When their parents use them as weapons, it is more tragic. Perhaps there is a corollary in an Associated Press story from Washington to the evil of rock throwing. NEWS ITEM: (AP) — A 90-count indictment has been handed down against two teenagers accused of throwing stones at cars on the Capital Beltway around Washington . . . The two 18-year-olds face up to 30 years in prison on the charge of assault with intent to murder .. . Is it possible that the Arab forces against Israel would like to turn the Jewish state into another Lebanon? Daily reports from that area describe the horrors of war- fare among rival factions and every hour in the struggle is tative in Lebanon said the Lebanese civil war has kill- ed 40,000 children and destroyed an entire generation. The represen- tative, Andre Roberfroid, said: "In this country, in 15 years of war, no less than 40,000 children have been killed, many more wound- ed, handicapped or crippl- ed. Fifteen years is the age at which childhood ends . . . This means that one complete generation of children in Lebanon has been actually living all its life in an environment of war and aggression." Chaim Herzog described in press reports as a "blood bath." Added anxiety is caused by a brief item involving the children in the Wall Street Journal, necessary even if it dates back to June 6, 1990, which is revealed under the headline "Lebanon's Destroy- ed Generation": The UNICEF represen- Such items are buried somewhere in the press, as was this one. But when an Arab child becomes a casual- ty in the rock throwing against Israel, the headlines are staggering. That's when the Jewish abandoners of the Jewish state who are so deep- ly moved by peace passions begin to condemn fellow Jews as being inhumane. Is it any wonder that Presi- dent Chaim Hezog became so seriously concerned over such tactics as to write an appeal for justice to fellow Jews. Pressure to negotiate with the PLO is often accompanied by so much abuse heaped upon Israel that there is the increasing necessity to refute the attacks. Too often the assaults on Israel stem from prejudiced Jews who virtual- ly demand Jewish acceptance and recognition of the PLO. The Herzog explanations urgently ask for understan- ding of facts and adherence to realities in the mounting criticism of his nation. As an appeal to reason, President Herzog urged elimination of bias and a fur- thering of just treatment of Israel in a message to Theo Klein, former head of the Council of French Jewish In- stitutions, in which he stated in part: I agree with you that if Diaspora Jewry or any part of it does not accept the policy of the State of Israel, it is not only per- Continued on Page 38 Jacob Marcus' U.S. Jewry: Episodic Memoirs A n immense literary achievement, defined as the magnum opus of its illustrious author Jacob R. Marcus, began to rate global interest in a matter of weeks after the release of its first volume by Wayne State University Press. Dr. Marcus gave the title United States Jewry to his history of the Jews in America. While this is its main consideration, it evidences an approach and at- tainment that is universal. The four-volume United States Jewry will be in thousands of pages. The en- tire work is about American Jews from 1775 to 1980. The first volume numbers some 850 pages. They include 86 pages of a revealing index. This at once serves as a THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in February, March, May, August, October and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and addi- tional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $29 per year $37 per year out of state 75• single copy Vol. XCVII No. 25 August 17, 1990 2 FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1990 challenge to discriminating readers to study and learn the extent of the research incor- porated in a notable work by a scholarly historian who already has a score of works to his credit. Many recorded historic in- cidents will satisfy the curious readers. In one sense they could absorb it by glanc- ing through the few illustra- tions in the first volume. Lorenzo Da Ponte The caption to this photo arouses more curiosity. It reads: Lorenzo Da Ponte (d. 1838), an Italian Jewish immigrant, was Mozart's librettist. He taught Italian at Columbia and furthered Italian opera in this country. Da Ponte was a convert to Christianity. Courtesy, American Jew- ish Archives. Is it possible that the world famous name Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, (1756-91) has a role in the history of U.S. Jewry? Dr. Marcus enlightens the reader with the following interesting account: Almost a decade before Schlesinger came here with his portfolio of piano classics, Bnai Jeshurun of New York had a choral group which met in the "vestry" (basement) and sang publicly on festive oc- casions (1828). As early as 1820, Jews were associated with Philadelphia's Music- al Fund Society — a philan- thropy of sorts — as members and players. The city at that time could even boast of a music store own- ed by a Jew. The Society gave concerts, helped musicians in need, and fur- thered the cultural life of the larger community. That same decade, in 1829, Lorenzo Da Ponte, Mozart's librettist, brought Italian opera to the city. This immigrant was one of the country's most exotic and glamorous per- sonages. Da Ponte had been born into a Jewish family in the town of Ceneda, near Venice, Italy. His original name was Emanuele Conegliano. It is not improbable that he was a member of that Con- egliano family which pro- duced distinguished physi- cians, statesmen, and students of rabbinic literature. In all likelihood, he received a good Jewish education, including of course instruction in Hebrew. At the age of fourteen, young Conegliano was converted to Roman Catholicism and took the name of his sponsor, Bishop Lorenzo Da Ponte. The brilliant young neophyte was ordained to the priesthood, but later renounced his order, although he would remain a Roman Catholic through- out his life. Da Ponte, a friend of Casanova, was banished for profligacy from Venice, where he was living during the 1770s. He then turned to Vien- na, the capital of the powerful Hapsburg Em- pire, and there became a "Poet to the Italian Theatre," writing libretti for operatic composers. "The Marriage of Figaro," "Don Giovanni;' and "Cosi fan Tutte" were the results of his collaboration with Mozart. In 1790, this unstable but brilliant poet, Jacob Marcus teacher, and man of letters had outstayed his welcome in Vienna. Three years later he was settled in Lon- don, writing more libretti, managing opera com- panies, selling books and speculating. Constantly making enemies wherever he went, Da Ponte knew by 1804 that he was through in England as well. He ship- ped his family off to America and followed soon after. The scores of episodes ac- cumulated for this history in- clude religion, the arts and crafts. They call attention to the theater, and on that score Continued on Page 38