EDITORIAL Religious Blinders The Jewish community is being besieged by a frightening and dangerous problem: intolerance. A new survey, conducted among sixth, eighth and 10th grade-Jewish students in the Detroit area by the University of Mich- igan's Project STaR and the Wilstein In- stitute for Jewish Policy Studies, shows a growing polarization between Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews. The students revealed limited knowledge about movements other than their own; Orthodox students said their best friends are only Orthodox, while Reform students also pick Reform friends; and students showed a marked discomfort about ex- periencing the religious traditions, such as Shabbat observance, of other Jewish de- nominations. The survey found that one of the factors contributing to this dramatic polarization is the lack of time Jewish schools devote to the subject. Educators said that they believe in the concept of klal Yisrael, one Jewish people, but that they have little time to teach it. But what is more important for the future of the Jewish people than the idea that we are all indeed one, that our lives and goals are inextricably linked, and that our interest in and concern for our fellow Jew is a primary tenet of Judaism? Klal Yisrael is not an option; it is a neces- sity. It should become part of any Jewish school program as sure as the teaching of Hebrew, Torah and Jewish history. Next month will bring our new year, Rosh Hashanah, and an important but often neglected holy day — the Fast of Gedaliah. The fast recalls the man named by the Babylonians as governor of Judah after the capture in 586 of Jerusalem. His appoint- ment was greeted with hostility by many Jews, jealous political rivals. Gedaliah governed only a short time before he was assassinated by one of those rivals. The rabbis were appalled that a Jew could kill a fellow Jew. And so they asserted that from that day forward Jews would fast until they could learn to coop- erate with and respect each other. Have we learned nothing since Gedaliah? Intolerance makes a mockery of the oft- quoted notion of Klal Yisrael. We Are One will continue to be an empty public rela- tions phrase until our religious leaders and schools make a conscientious effort to ad- dress the problem. The Iraqis' Blitzkrieg Last week's lightning-quick invasion of tiny Kuwait by Iraq sent waves of fear around the globe. It proved instantly that our planet is still not safe simply because American-Soviet tensions have eased. As usual, anxieties, jealousies and ambitions color most international relations. Of all regions, the Middle East is probably most susceptible to them. The invasion gave some temporary solace to Israel. For the moment, at least, it wasn't on the firing line with Iraq, a coun- try which just two months ago threatened, if provoked, to incinerate Israel with chemical weapons. And the invasion will, at least for the moment, reduce American pressure on Israel to reach an accommodation with Pa- lestinians. The Iraqi blitzkrieg reminded the world that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the only potential powderkeg in the Middle East. For all their talk, the Arabs are not one great brethren, united in religion, politics and economics. Just as they have mistreated Palestinians who have lan- guished for decades in refugee camps and just as they have tolerated the endless in- 6 FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1990 tra-Arab bloodletting in Lebanon, they also mistreat each other in the name of ambi- tions to be czar of the Arab world. Egypt's Gamal Abdul Nasser suffered from this syndrome. So, too, does Iraq's Saddam Hussein. The invasion further illustrates that Middle Eastern alliances can be erased in a moment. Kuwait, which long bankrolled Iraq, is now its victim. Iran and Iraq, enemies during an eight-year war, now admit they recently met secretly to coor- dinate oil-pricing strategies. And Israel has said that it will only get involved in any Iraqi-initiated fighting if Iraq's forces penetrate Jordan or Syria. This does not suggest that an alliance is imminent bet- ween Israel and Syria, the Jewish state's implacable foe. But it does show the vagaries of self-preservation if Iraq's troops should threaten Israel's borders. Ultimately, the invasion proves the Mid- dle East's great volatility. Rarely are things there what one wants them to be or what one thinks they are. Instead, the one certainty of the region is that it is always in perpetual — and dangerous — flux. OPINION Iraqi Invasion Grist For Opinion Mill ARTHUR J. MAGIDA Special to The Jewish News C olumnists and edito- rial writers are hav- ing a heyday with Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, trying to assess why the incursion was anticipated only by Israel, England's Economist and New York Times' columnist William Safire. And trying to figure out what the world should do next. Wall Street Journal columnist George Melloan said the West's only reasonably reliable friends in the Middle East are now Israel and Turkey. But each, he said, has "recent cause for reservations about the reliability of their western allies." And Israel wonders whether "Iraq, by attacking another Arab country, .. . has demonstrated to every- one's satisfaction that it, not Israel, is the greatest threat to Mideast peace." Also in the Journal, novelist Mark Helprin, au- thor of such books as Ellis Island and Winter's Tale, urged a quick military re- sponse against Iraq. Helprin was convinced that NATO air and land forces could handily destroy any Iraqi forces that ventured into Saudi Arabia. And Egypt "could ferry well equipped armored divisions across the narrow Straits of Titan to a paved Saudi road directly opposite, or transit small sections of Israel and Jordan even faster." A Washington Times edi- torial observed that the United States can neither fight a land war against Iraq nor engage in serious opera- tions without help from our western allies," and that "no plan that relies on NATO, Japan, 'moderate' Arab states, Israel and Turkey is immune from unanticipated disasters." And a New York Times op- ed by Israeli journalist Yossi Melman suggested that Iraq's military threat may force Israel to admit publicly The West's only reliable friends are Israel and Turkey. that it possesses nuclear weapons. According to Melman, Israel may change its policy of clandestine nuclear deterrence as many Arab states stockpile weapons of mass destruc- tion. Perhaps none of these ar- ticles have the prescience of a column by Morton Kon- dracke that appeared in the May 7 New Republic. Mr. Kondracke advised the United States to bolster Iraq's potential victims — Israel, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia — and hint at maybe improving relations with Iraq's "archenemies," Syria and Iran. The Bush Administration, he continued, should also warn Iraq that violating America's international agreements would provoke a "concerted U.S. effort to ex- pose, isolate and punish Iraq in international forums." "Right now," he conclud- ed, "George Bush is trying to soothe Hussein's paranoia and temper his mega- lomania. It's not likely to work." ❑