PURELY COMMENTARY Indictments: Important For Israel's P.R. M aligning Israel has become a habit in many quarters. There has developed the trend to distort fact and to make the spreading of bias habitual. In most respects this tendency is as much anti- Jewish as it is anti-Israel. There is a responsibility, therefore, to keep emphasiz- ing the truth. It is not only in the media that we find fault. When the spreading of misinformation that emerges as outright un- truth comes from churches and men of the cloth, it is especially reprehensible. Therefore; when the lies are branded, the resentment against churchmen should not be ignored. There is a particular expose of unfair charges from five churchmen in a letter that was published in the Detroit Free Press. Denouncing the falsehoods, Uri Bar-Ner, Israeli Consul General in Chicago, presented facts repudiating the spreading of lies by revealing the true conditions of Israel's protection of religious freedoms. The Consul General wrote: An incident did happen at the St. Paul Anglican Church in Jerusalem, not in Acre, on Dec. 11, 1987. Damage to the church was limited to superficial damage to the main door, the wardrobe and a number of books. The police arrested a man who was sentenced to 40 months' imprisonment. The mayor of Jerusalem personally handed over a check for 22,000 shekels ($11,000) to cover the entire cost of repairs. The Baptist Church in Jerusalem on Narkis Street was burned down due to arson in October 1982. The mayor of Jerusalem vehemently deplored the arson and opened a special account for contributions, and many contributed. The church is now under reconstruction. The police have made a major effort to find out who committed this crime, and they con- tinue to do so. So far no one has been arrested. St. Saviour Anglican Church in Acre: The arson attempt took place on April 12, 1987. Prayer books and a few wooden benches were burned. The police have not yet found the arsonist. The Hassan Bek Mosque 36 FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1990 in Jaffa stood empty after Israel's war of in- dependence in 1948. Dur- ing discussions through the 1980s, disagreements and arguments took place within the Muslim com- munity in Jaffa about what to do with the mosque. The Waqf (the Muslim Public Property Trustee) was ready at a certain point to sell the mosque to the Tel Aviv municipality. Others within the Muslim com- munity of Jaffa objected. It is suspected that these elements set fire to the mosque on July 25, 1988. Since the mosque was not sold to the Tel Aviv municipality, the latter has been working for the last few years to renovate the mosque in full agreement with the Waqf. There is a responsibility to keep emphasizing the truth. The mosque in Bureen Village near Nablus caught fire on Jan. 29, 1990. The police and civil administration conducted an investigation that deter- mined that the center of the fire was inside the mos- que in the library. During the fire, the doors were closed and no signs of a break-in were found. Since it was impossible to deter- mine the cause of the fire, the Israeli government pro- vided a sum of money to help renovate the mosque. This is the type of defense of Israel that fairminded peo- ple must encourage. There are two organizational groups that do it consistently: CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America; and FLAME, Facts and Logic About the Middle East. Hopefully, these two will con- tinue to function with the widest support and encouragement. There are defensive efforts frequently available from friends in the field of com- munications. The facts from Israel must not be ignored. An editorial in the Jewish Post, for example, did not hesitate to criticize White House and State Department blunders. A statement from that editorial charged: In an unprecedented departure from White House norms, and with a resounding slap in Israel's face, the President of the United States has sent per- sonal condolences to the families of the victims of the Rishon Lezion massacre as well as to the kin of those killed by the Israel security forces while putting down the subse- quent riots. Mr. Bush's ac- tion could not have been simply an expression of personal grief; it could on- ly have been a calculated act of policy. And the policy is new. White House con- dolences to families of rioters are interpreted as American approval for throwing bricks through the windows of moving vehicles and incinerating bus passeners with fire bombs. In the same statement, the administration also urged Israel to exercise "maximum restraint." No such exhoration was directed to the intifada leaders, to the PLO or to the Arab states. There are so many ultra- critical condemnations of Israel, including U.S. official voices, that criticisms should also be treated with respect. The most recent demands sensationalized in rather ac- cusatory terms by the State Department caused anguish for Israel's friends. In the in- terest of truth and justice, Israel's defensive tactics should not be resented. Israel's defense should be welcomed with dignity. An analysis of the prevail- ing conditions appeared in a two-column editorial in the Wall Street Journal. In its defensive evaluation of facts demanding justice for the Jewish State the editorial reaffirmed the newspaper's militant appeal for fair action by asserting: The claim that the new government will oppose all plausible chances for peace stretches credibility. Why should Israel not want peace? Its constant state of siege, most recent- ly manifested in a foiled Arab raid aimed at crowd- ed Tel Aviv beaches, is costly both to the national consciousness and the Israeli economy. Until the recent raid, the Bush administration was able to pretend not to notice more than 18 at- tempted terrorist attacks on Israel by groups represented on the PLO's executive committee. It can no longer ignore the Arafat double-cross. The ex- perience may provide a dose of realism. We remain convinced that these troubles will continue until Israel, not to mention its neighbors, sup- plants socialism with a free-market economy. Peo- ple, after all, whether Israeli or Palestinian, have to work, and the current economic structure of the region offers sparse incentives. Secretary Baker may yet decide that he must reinsert himself in the mid- dle of Israel's difficulties with its unfriendly neighbors. It might be the better course if he made good on his threat to withdraw awhile. The American Genius em- phasizes the right to criticism. It also recognizes the duty to correct misunderstandings. Presi- dent George Bush and Secretary of State James Baker proved their alignment with both aspects of the American Genius in their firm treatment of the PLO leadership. In many respects this is also an indictment of unfairness in treating Israel's struggles to reach even the minimum approaches to amity. Therefore, there is need for continuing commitment to prevent fabrication of falsehoods and the constant placing of obstacles to cooperative tasks between Israel and the United States, and, in the process, between Israel, the Jewish people and the Arab world. ❑ Marcus Continued from Page 2 called to serve the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan, where he was awarded a Ph.D. degree in 1932. In 1949, Dr. Heller was named Director of Restitu- tion of Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc., the agency charged with restoration of cultural pro- perty seized by the Nazis from Jewish people and Jewish institutions. From headquarters in Frank- furt-am-Main, Dr. Heller handled the distribution of the more than 300,000 con- fiscated volumes, among them many rare and valuable, which the Nazis had assembled for use in anti-Semitic institutes they hoped to establish after their victory. In 1951, Dr. Heller served the only liberal Jewish congregation in India, the Progressive Union of Bom- bay. He maintained a life- long interest in the B'nai Israel of India. Dr. Heller was appointed to the faculty of Hebrew Union College — Jewish In- stitute of Religion as Visiting Professor of Jewish Ethics and the Philosophy of Religion at the New York School in 1952. After years of rabbinic service, Rabbi Heller ex- pressed his interests in business as one of the founders of the predecessor to the United Brands Corporation, and also of the West Indies In- vestment Company in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Dr. Heller was deeply concerned with the sur- vival of the Jewish people, and with the transmission of the Jewish religious and cultural heritage. His life reflected his abiding in- terest in philosophy, in Jewish thought and in learned scholarship. His widespread knowledge of Judaism was encyclopedic in its breadth. By the terms of his Last Will and Testament, he established the Dr. Ber- nard Heller Foundation for the Benefit of Jewish Education and for the welfare of the Jewish peo- ple in Israel. To date, the Dr. Bernard Heller Foun- dation has distributed over $5,000,000 for these purposes. He frequently referred to himself as a mere trustee of his wealth for Israel. Such is the fascinating story about a remarkably devoted personality. Dr. Ber- nard Heller is surely remembered with deep respect by U-M students who benefited from his guidance. Now another man of distinc- tion, Jacob Marcus, who shared roles with him on the Hebrew Union College facul- ty, surely has deep reverence for the prize in Heller's name. These are academic recollec- tions worth perpetuating. Cl