CLOSE-UP Some of the biggest gangsters, from Bugsy Siegel to Meyer Lansky, were strong supporters of the new State of Israel. ROBERT ROCKAWAY Special to The Jewish News I n the summer of 1946 "Ruben," a Ha- ganah representative in Los Angeles to raise money for arms, received a curious phone call. The caller identified himself as "Solly." He wanted a meeting. When they got together, Solly asked Ruben, "Tell me what you're doing. The boss is interested." The boss turned out to be Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, one of gangland's more infamous figures. Solly arranged a meeting between Siegel and Ruben at a well-known restaurant. At the appointed time, Sol- ly and Ruben went into an empty room at the rear of the restaurant. Then Solly left. Soon, two tough-looking goons entered and searched the room. When satisfied it was safe, they left. Shortly thereafter, Siegel came in. 22 FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1990 "Bugsy" Siegel Ruben told him his story, how the Haganah needed money and weapons with which to fight. When he finished, Siegel asked: "You mean to tell me Jews are fighting?" Ruben said, "Yes." Siegel, sitting across the table, leaned forward until the two men were eyeball to eyeball. "You mean fighting, as in killing?" "Yes," said Ruben. Siegel looked at him for a moment then said, "I'm with you." From then on, Ruben recalls, "every week I got a phone call to go to the restaurant. And every week I received a suitcase filled with $5 and $10 bills." The payments continued until Ruben left Los Angeles. He estimates that Siegel gave him a total of $50,000. This story illustrates how Jewish gangsters, quietly and without fanfare, assisted in the struggle to create the State of Israel. These activities were part of a tradition of American Jewish underworld figures defending their people in times of trouble. The role of Jewish criminals, like Siegel, in the establishment and exten- sion of organized crime in the United States is well- documented. Although Jewish criminality existed in 19th and early 20th Cen- tury America, it was only after World War I that a significant number of Jews elected to work in illegal enterprises. This resulted from Prohibition and anti-Semitism. In 1919, the U.S. govern- ment attempted to regulate morality by outlawing the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. As soon as the law passed, it seem- ed everyone had to have a drink. Prohibition provided tough, ruthless, criminal sons of Irish, Italian and Jewish immigrants with the golden opportunity to slake America's thirst and become enormously wealthy while doing so. The decade of the 1920s also witnessed a precipitous rise in anti-Semitism. From 1920 to 1927, Henry Ford vilified Jews in the pages of his Dearborn Independent newspaper and in pam- phlets titled The Interna- tional Jew. The Ku Klux Klan instigated boycotts of Jewish merchants, vandaliz- ed Jewish-owned stores, burned crosses outside synagogues and terrorized prominent Jews in Southern communities. Colleges and professional schools, in- cluding Harvard, Dart- mouth, Columbia, New York University and Rutgers, in- stituted quotas on Jewish enrollment. encountered Jews economic discrimination in commercial banks, in- dustrial corporations, in- surance companies and public utilities, as well as widespread social discrimination. All this made it increasingly dif- ficult for Jews to enter respectable avenues to suc- cess and status. Conse- quently, many followed alternative paths to fame and fortune; sports (especially boxing), the entertainment industry and crime. Just as they succeeded in other areas of endeavor, so, too, did Jews achieve pro- minence in crime. During Prohibition, 50 percent of the leading bootleggers were Jews, and Jewish criminals bossed the rackets in a number of America's largest cities. Charlie "King" Solomon ran Boston's underworld and New England's nar- cotics traffic. Moe Dalitz, Sam Tucker, Morris Klein- man and Louis Rothkopf controlled bootlegging in Cleveland. They moved so much liquor across Lake Erie that it was dubbed the "Jewish Lake." Harry and Yiddy Bloom and Isidore Blumenfeld managed illicit businesses in Minneapolis. Chicago-based Moses "Moe" Annenberg perfected the wire system of off-track bet- ting in America. During the Depression he netted $6 million a year, the largest individual income of any American. Jake "Greasy Thumb" Guzik was treasurer and bookkeeper of