SIDEWALK SALE failing to condemn Libya for its role in the abortive seaborne attack on the Israeli coast earlier this month. Following the meeting, the ambassadors reported back to their governments that, for the first time, they had failed to reach agreement with Israel on a single sub- ject under discussion. Another clear signal of the growing European frustra- tion with Israel was delivered by British Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd during a visit to Saudi Arabia last week. He called for greater international involvement in the search for a Middle East peace, including the United Nations, and de- scribed the settlement of Soviet Jews in the occupied territories as "unjust, illegal and a real danger to stabili- ty. These are the sort of sen- timents that Israel is going to have to deal with, not only when they come from Euro- pean leaders but, as appears increasingly likely, when they come from senior offi- cials in the Bush ad- ministration, too. In assessing the difficulties which await Only once before, at the time of the 1956 Sinai Campaign, has Israel been as isolated as it is now. Israel in the near future, it must be remembered that the dramatic deterioration in relations with Europe has occurred at a time when Israel's foreign mini s ter, Arens, was the sophisti- cated, articulate product of an American background, a former academic of con- siderable intellectual ability who, as a successful ambas- sador to Washington, was considered to be singularly well-equipped to deal with Western governments. His successor as foreign minister, David Levy, an ethnic populist who built his power base on Israel's substantial community of Moroccan extraction, has little formal education, only the most tenuous grasp of the English language and carries a large chip on his shoulder. He is considered unlikely to improve on Arens' performance. There can be no doubt that Israel, with the most hard- line and uncompromising government in its history, is now charting unknown ter- ritory of unprecedented difficulty. Equally, there can be no doubt that the make- up of the new government imposes special difficulties in dealing with the daunting challenges that appear in- evitable in its relations with both Europe and the United States. Only once before — at the time of the 1956 Sinai Cam- paign — has Israel been as isolated as it is now. Then, however, the isolation was of a limited, relatively short duration, ending almost as soon as Israel withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula. There are, however, no quick fixes for the current malaise, which touches on the struc- tural foundations of rela- tions between Israel and its traditional allies and which is likely to prove more in- tractable than anything ex- perienced before. Just six months into a new decade, the problems Israel experienced in the Eighties already appear to be child's play. True, there was the Lebanon War; true, the Pa- lestinian youth of the West Bank and Gaza Strip shot to prominence, rescuing PLO leader Yassir Arafat from political oblivion and dump- ing Israel into the interna- tional dog-house. But there were consola- tions. For one thing, the Gulf War insured that the Moslem states of the Middle East remained at each other's throats — and far from Israel's borders; for an- other, the Reagan ad- ministration did little to rattle the coffee cups in Jerusalem. The Eighties were not plain sailing, but they did serve to reinforce the cherished notion that the transatlantic alliance, en- shrined in a network of treaties and pacts that were thought to be almost im- possible to untangle, was firm, stable and immutable. That alliance, unassailable just one year ago, is now looking increas- ingly tenuous, and the cur- rent decade is presenting a starkly less-hospitable face to the Jewish state. The end of the Gulf War is leading to the emergence of hostile new alliances in the Arab world, prompting former Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin to serve for- mal notice last week that the reconciliation of ,Syria with its rival, Iraq, will dramati- cally alter the military threat facing Israel. ❑ 3 DAYS THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE 14th, 15th & 16th 10 a.m. 6 p.m. OAK PARK STORE ONLY SPORTSWEAR • Printed T-Shirts • Spring-Summer Tops - Skirts - Pants • Select Fall Sportswear Groups $100° "AT" "BARGAIN" "PRICES" COATS-SUITS • Spring Summer Suits • Slicker Rainwear • Summer Jackets • Raincoats • Denim Jackets •Activewear Fleece Jackets $499° $199° $1994429" $19"-$39" $199A-$29" Only $1990 COATS UNLIMITED OAK PARK LINCOLN CENTER GREENFIELD AT 101/2 MILE 968-2060 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 37