PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus Resisting Hatreds While Saving Lives A 11 the accumulated heartaches and suf- ferings of the cen- turies, the resistance to the threats to our very existence and the courageous efforts to save and protect lives when possible are now in a single package. In this generation of glorified redemption, which blesses us with the pride of an existing State of Israel, the right gained by our people to be able to save the oppressed is accompanied by new threats. Now there also are the multiplied respon- sibilities not to panic nor to fail to act honorably. There is an Israel to serve in rescuing Jews and there are many Jews to be rescued. No one can be misled into believing that the threats of pogroms in Russia are idle rhetoric. There are not the massive pogroms of czarist times, but the humiliations of individuals, the tortured in invaded homes are sufficient to condemn the inhumanities and to indict government and people of the Communist post czarist regime that continue the lust for pogroms. There is no longer a hiding of the continuing threats and resulting sufferings from the anti-Semitism which is prac- ticed by every element in Rus- sian life. There is no hope left there for our fellow Jews, and, unlike some decades ago, there is no longer hesitation in exposing the truth. Deeply distressing are some of the misconceptions spread for a number of years by the Reynolds ABC Programs. It is cause for concern in its conti- nuing emphasis on every- thing that is evoking rancor against Israel. When so able There are now multiple responsibilities not to panic and not to fail to act honorably. a news analyst dared refer to the Russian Jews who are escaping from pogrom threats as "Jewish foreigners," he falls into the trap of the lowest type of Arab propagan- da. The only description of such programming is that it is an approach to anti- Semitism. The lasting Russian pogrom was part of the Romanoffs and continued in- to Stalinism and the Com- munist realm. In the earliest years of the century there were not many Jews who escaped the terror. The 1903 Kishinev pogrom was so hor- rifying that a full length book with condemnations was published by the Jewish Publication Society. Every voice of value was represented in the protestations, in- cluding the leading clergymen, public officials and newspapers in Michigan. The Voice of America on Kishinev had the status of an official document condemn- ing the Russian atrocities. Has it been forgotten? Then it needs a few reminders. There is need for the records so that the continuity of con- demnation of the Russian ter- rors not be interrupted. For- tunately there are among us some who retain the records. One of them is especially qualified. Walter L. Field, poet, bibliophile, student of history and the Bible, has re- tained and presents me with a "Purely Commentary" clip- ping from The Jewish News dated April 15, 1960. It con- tains an apologetic from Nikita Khruschev in which he claimed USSR decency for Jews. In that column, in which Khruschev was given a plat- form for his contentions, I quoted an expose by one of the most responsible American journalists, the foreign correspondent Har- rison Salisbury, who por- trayed the Russian horror of the Khruschev era as a conti- nuing inhumanity of the czars copied by the Com- munists. The Salisbury revelation in 1960 contained the following: "I have not the slightest doubt that if the Soviet government were to permit free emigration tomorrow that 75 to 80 percent of the Jews would leave the coun- try. That would not have been true two decades ago. But the anti-Semitic policies of Stalin and his successors have taught the Jews of Russia that their government regards them as enemies of the state, and their fellow citizens regard them as inferiors. "None of the existing pro- scriptions against the Jews has been lifted. They are still not admitted to the Foreign Service school. They are not accepted in the higher military schools. They find consis- tant difficulty in getting ad- mitted to universities, es- pecially Moscow Universi- ty . . . Khruschev's party may not discourage Jewish careers but it does not en- courage them. No Jew has risen to high party rank under Khruschev. The one Jew in the Presidium, Lazar M. Kaganovich, has vanished. Most Jews, however, regard him as anti-Semitic; and he described himself as a Rus- sian, not a Jew. No Jew has risen to a post of conse- quence in the propaganda aparatus. There are many Jewish writers on both dai- ly and monthly publica- tions, but none is the editor of a prominent newspaper. The number of Jews of cabinet rank is in- finitesimal." Salisbury's accusations re- main facts of history. They have not been directly con- demned by Mikhail Gor- bachev and they remain the responsibility of world Jewry in the duty to rescue all who can be saved from the Rus- sian inferno. From the traditional query "Whence cometh help — meayim yovo ezri?" (Psalm 12) comes the lasting reply. All of us must come to the rescue and carry the banner of confidence so that, no mat- ter what the threat to the res- cuing processes, there will be Jewish solidarity. Will the Christian world come to the aid of the oppress- ed as many did in the days and years that followed the 1903 Kishinev pogrom? Let us retain a modicum of hope that this will develop. ❑ Sutzkever: Poet's Yiddish Survivalism W ayne State Univer- sity Press earns added acclaim for its scholarly Jewish bookshelf with the publication of the deeply moving poems of Abraham Sutzkever. The title of the volume of his poems of the years 1970-72 is The Fiddle Rose. It is explain- ed as the over-arching metaphor symbolizing the poet and the moving achievements testifying to the music of poetry that aims to l'HE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in February, March, May, August, October • and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and addi- tional mailing offices. Postmaster Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $29 per year $37 per year out of state 75' single copy Vol. XCVII No 16 June 15, 1990 2 FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1990 survive the Holocaust and the modern world's pains and tragedies. Many fascinations greet the reader of Sutzkever's poems. Some portions are illustrated with impressive Marc Chagall art works. They are the evidence of the friendship between the two distin- guished personalities who communicated in Yiddish. The entire volume is a salute to Yiddish. The prominent authority in Yiddish literature and writers, Ruth Whitman, in her introduction to the book registers not only a tribute to Sutzkever but also provides basic facts about the status of Yiddish, the influence it had for centuries in Jewish life and history. While there is not much optimism about the future of the language the hope for it is sustained in the translator. Ruth Whitman was chosen by Sutzkever himself for this task. There are the knowledgeable in Jewry who treat Yiddish with affection as Ruth Whitman does in the Sutzkever assignment. The Yiddish Sutzkever originals and the Whitman English texts appear on facing pages. Her skill is evidenced in the title poem "Fiddle Rose." This is the Whitman translation: The Fiddle Rose From resurrecting warm rain she begins to slowly blossom, to grow — with the (together childhood of my aged memory) — the fiddle rose in her earth- black coffin. The fiddle rose doesn't need a fiddler, there's no one left to praise or curse her. She plays without a player, with joy and faith in honor of a reborn string. In honor of a string, in honor of its vibration, in honor of a bee whose honey is bitter but whose sting is sweet, Chagall's portrait of title poem "The Fiddle Rose." rt e Portrait of Abraham Sutzkever by Marc Chagall. so juicy and flowerlike — in honor of a reborn pain. Sutzkever's life relates to the tragedies of the Nazi era. His life in Vilna, his enroll- ment in the ranks of the par- tisans who fought the Ger- mans with the underground forces were filled with dramatic experiences. He sur- vived the horrors and settled in Israel where he has lived since 1947. He has edited a Yiddish quarterly, Die Goldene Keit, and has made lasting contributions to Jewish literature. WSU Press enriches that record with this important volume of his poems. El