a reception for Co/one/ Lev Ovsishcher Education formerly of the Sov iet Ali. Force and Dmn-lunity Council Community \ Assembly ecember Dilemma: former refu \7ow living Ins / esni ir I In more than 4,000 years of Jewish history, one theme remains constant—the never-ending thirst for education. • Through the Program Office, Council provides speakers, videotapes and other educational materials to hundreds of schools, organizations and secular and religious institutions. eliion & Cultural Sensitivity I nt, R g Jewish Community Council h SST 0 date F J March 1990 nh2-1 8 80 163 Madison Volume 7, No. I • One hundred and twenty Christian religious leaders attended the annual Passover Workshop for Christian Clergy. A new twist this year: almost a quarter of the participants were church youth group members. • Hundreds of area students learned about one of the most horrifying periods of modern history at the Youth Symposia on the Holocaust at the Holocaust Memorial Center, coordinated by Council and the Greater Detroit Interfaith Round Table. Avenue Are Soviet Jew How long will the doors of emigration from the Soviet Union remain open to the Soviet Jews? These questions arise during a period where all evidence points to a sharp increase in anti Semitic activity, where rumors a rampant of impending pogroms, Soviet Jews are in a state of part serious concern is the ; announcement on the popular % utlook:' television program, O Pamyat (an anti-Zionist n group) as promising a p • "Hand in Hand for Justice," a unique and moving display depicting the coalition between the Black and Jewish communities during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, reached thousands of students at dozens of area schools. • A new task force was formed, mandated to explore ways to strengthen Jewish activism and identity in our college-age youth. The task force is comprised of representatives from a variety of agencies involved in these issues. May 5. s hed nsist the c While glasno freedoms. it frightening I and acti thousand to leave. Jews r Communication Local Jewish leaders Es i.-irii:etin Bohland -I • • . l • n ••• I. eh leader. \ 1../1. 1.16 . • ,•...1 - t an/lnal laeel Glen n . ter I . 1,.....11. I ...ah.,1:, rho,. 11 le re . h ea !. ■ re,n e a I 'arm, Irr e I, death r arn, .1.1teal ,.I. •,..1.0 nal • • -.•.• tl.r. ....a,,nal that .leu.,,nt q ., ,.. th., • irs ... pr, r, I 'arch,/ Glenn). .. Ifol .loss oh group, ...pp.! tr•Inso! s t ev.. , he nil . ded • I.• n u $11 n•mmel es., '.. eit 1. A! . h.• n • i•nan lirentla a...at S ,In I , nil l` raper, ad En nn lud a , inna nl ii...h.n. I le, la and. No.. inrk go and NI. Cl .be itt:42;:ll1.4:249 fltu a IVa.hunn.•- apnteaman be• mid Gienl o - ' 2 etL "" r'' . of the Int. If. a he •nental an ay', ; Mnrshall ...,n1 i . ht• trip urn Ian, n.1 •nEge.ttng 1.n.xl l' Ihrl IIIIIIIIIII11,1 a • r l e. ul 11.1r1 1 ,JI II e dtn. tor of 111.• eh i •••Innnt.n.. I 'ouncal n al.e. le 11,1 nog. vol ,..r, .,.. •L ' •^, emea t Nletre Dt•tr. er ...I /1.,,r Srok..... 1....:••• n roman he ta . sin. lefl In t tan 111,111: •I.JIIII ,• .7,- atz.nrad ACM., an I bIl," II fyrk I'S • • •.• 'he/. .lea e.h grteqe. h. h. • I ,,,, h n ■ . - 1.1. Jo,. •• aloe III I.", III. I •rt.1 • a•It le I ann../ I•alt ,,, hl I oh • head el e•rel a the tr. fule• ls/. e •■I Netrea. t '.. snt . .. s, ••• .1,.• k.s..,hun, ...ea, •• ,n.... and in In. nnlertnnan • ....n.n1 . • • :), .40 /4 ., ' ! 0,2 t'ivo oc,e . .erci3O Q:2j,, - 16 4 0. °P0i2i . 6) ' 0 0 .h, 16'6' ° I'lbl (1124 N16,0 fp?. l c??? J" c o 1:** o&E eNNish r ol Eear just before P very y, from their ho ws remove s which are chametz lood ,her for Passover. This time when so many in our ty are hungry. Jews haN tunny to make a dittere celebrate the holiday of lo irom hardship. Co The .3ewisti rornurt Metropolitan Detroit t 'Project Charnetz," collect non -p • e the 19 89 Thursdal_ March CS2 ' N.6 b e ta won al them to area soup itch- ^n ril 16, VI and any 28 DETROfT FIRES pREssimuRsoAy, 6°.°12 ' angry in 1.10( real should be placed and cle sible. style plastic bags t ■ rked not otherwised istribu vi ma d donations will be Action Coalition t MARCH 29, 1990 • Soviet Jews live in fear, Detroit meeting is told BY MIKE WILLIAMS problems and politic - al instability That has accompanied the policies of Soviet ., between the Soviet Union and Western Jews, Lockman said.. nations but it's reviving a nightmare of anti,SemitiRm ne Jews are nawnc_in_a_ ,mm., Free Press Suit Writer Glasnost may be easing fears of war President Mikhail Gorbachev onto . • When public funds were used to finance the appearance of Louis Farrakhan at Michigan State University, the editors of both the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press responded to calls by Executive Director Gad-Hart by printing editorials decrying Farrakhan's message of hate. Letters from Council board members supporting those editorials were printed in both papers. l. Q't 4 _ e?, i., 2, Q ' , —1 4 ; ,, & .6 e, t jot oo 1 Q' t-P-r, • ‘) 2 ‘t‘ 2"S%/‘ WM tve.\\ t‘\'c' x'x CP lea A' Abe tVe nov., 4'4 1 Council was more effective than ever before in both reaching out and responding to the local media. We are increasingly the agency called on by the media for the "Jewish viewpoint." • Council joined forces with The Jewish News on several projects which generated enormous response. Project Sherut, a program which matches agencies with in-kind needs with donors of goods and services appears weekly in The Jewish News. The Jewish News also supports Project Chametz with a series of full-page ads. • An op-ed piece by Executive Director Gad-Hart was printed in the Michigan Chronicle, the Black community weekly, in response to their editorial on Farrakhan. • Council and the editorial leadership at the Detroit Free Press conducted two half-day seminars designed to give each group a better sensitivity toward the other's issues and goals. • We continued to implement our policy of pro-action when world events dictate, issuing timely statements which were widely picked up by the news media.