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June 01, 1990 - Image 38

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1990-06-01

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Twin Peeks


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responsibility belongs, first
and foremost, to Peres," he
said. Citing his own resigna-
tion, he wryly commented
that others, too, should
"draw personal conclusions"
— an oft-used euphemism for
stepping down.
Peres, in a long, emotional
speech to the Labor Central
Committee on Sunday, made
it clear that he had no inten-
tion of following such advice.
But party rival Yitzhak
Rabin was quick to seize the
findings as a means for step-
ping up his already quasi-
public challenge to the party
leader. He told reporters at
Tel Aviv's Ohel Shem
theater, where the com-
mittee met, that the last
election had been lost be-
cause of a mistaken concept
based on the effort to portray
"the party leader as an
asset, and the party as a lia-
bility." Asked directly if he
favored Peres's departure,
Rabin echoed Dr. Less.
"Those who lead must be
able to draw personal con-
clusions," he said.
The juxtaposition of the
Arad and Labor Party
reports was coincidental, but
their joint impact has reviv-
ed speculation about the
possibility of a new Govern-
ment of National Unity,
perhaps headed by Shamir
and Rabin. The Prime Min-
ister said, as recently as last
weekend, that he would pre-
fer such a government, but
cited "political conditions"

as making it extremely
unlikely. One of those condi-
tions, according to experts, is
Shamir's unwillingness to
enter a renewed partnership
with Shimon Peres, who
Shamir blames for under-
mining his leadership.
Rabin, for his part, is on
record as favoring a unity
coalition, on the grounds
that he fears the policies of a
narrow, hawkish govern-
ment. Given the dire warn-

The warnings
delivered from
Washington and
from Tel Aviv were
unusually frank.

ings from Washington, it is
likely that this approach
will gain support from other
Labor leaders, some of whom
have been visibly frustrated
at finding themselves
without cabinet positions for
the first time in years.
It is still too early to say if
this week's twin reports will
change the course of Israeli
politics by convincing Yit-
zhak Shamir to revive his
peace initiative or by caus-
ing Peres to be replaced by
Rabin. But the warnings
delivered from Washington
and from Tel Aviv were both
unusually frank; and both
are certain to put more
pressure on Israel's already
harassed political leaders. ❑

Pipe Bomb Kills Man
In Jerusalem Market


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FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1990


Help us keep winning.

Jerusalem (JTA) — An el-
derly Jewish man was
fatally wounded when a
small pipe bomb exploded
shortly past noon Monday in
the crowded Machaneh
Yehuda fruit and vegetable
market in the center of
Ten other people suffered
varying degrees of injuries
requiring hospitalization.
Two of them were reported
in serious condition.
Shimon Cohen, 72, of
Jerusalem succumbed to his
injuries several hours after
he was rushed to Shaare
Zedek Hospital.
At least 40 Arabs were ar-
rested for questioning, in
what the authorities said
was clearly a terrorist act.
The bomb explosion was
widely believed to be
revenge for the massacre of
seven Palestinian day
laborers and the wounding
of at least 10 others by a lone
Israeli gunman near Rishon
le-Zion on May 20.

Palestinian terrorist
groups had been calling for
revenge. Leaflets circulated
by intifada activists
exhorted Palestinians to
take up firearms.
The bombing was clearly
planned to cause a large
number of casualties. The
Machaneh Yehuda market,
the scene of past terrorist at-
tacks, was especially crowd-
ed with people shopping for
the Shavuot holiday, which
began at sundown Tuesday.
Police said the bomb was
concealed in a plastic bag
and placed in a trash bin in
the center of the market.
The rage of Jewish vendors
and shoppers was predic-
table, but its targets were
not readily explicable.
Although Arabs who
happened to be at the scene
were beaten up, so were a
number of Israeli journalists
and camera crews, whom the
crowds also pelted with
rocks and other heavy ob-

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