PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus New Exodus: Persecutors Defied Peoplehood I n the endless struggle against persecutions, in the centuries of defiance of persecutors, there were few instances of solidarity mat- ching the present. It is because the unity of the Jewish people is more pro- nounced in the present in- stance. We are under the guidance of two generations of identifying elements and their inspired leadership. Two generations of dedicated leaderships share the privilege of rescuing fellow Jews from oppression. The elder witnessed the Nazis' outrages that led to death camps and remembered the guilt of procrastinations. The younger, the children, now hear threats of pogroms in the land where they were engineered for more than a century commencing with czarism. Now they are heard again. Now there is renewed call to action and we can take pride in the promptness with which the rescue effort is being organized. There is a contrast in rescue procedure today with what was almost impossible half a century ago. Then all doors were closed to Jewish escapees from persecution. Even the U.S. was shut to them. Clandestine means were resorted to for escape to the Jewish national home in what was Palestine, in de- fiance of British warfare against Jewish immigrants. It is a different story now. Today there is Israel and the Jewish autonomy over emigration and an open door for whoever seeks a share in Israel — unobstructedly Jewish citizenship. There will surely be some Christians who will seek a share in the sanctity of rescu- ing oppressed people. Yet there is already the sign of some Christian repetition of the prejudices of the Holocaust time. It becomes part of the ideal inherent in the New Exodus never to con- done interference with rescue work. There is the added in- humanity of the Arabs in their warfare against Russian Jewish settlement in Israel and it is confronted with our contempt that greeted all ef- forts to prevent the settling of Jews in their homeland. We have not ignored the reminder that even when one Jew was on his way to Israel, Arabs were already bran- dishing knives. The Jewish rescue movement put them to shame before and is doing it again, and the mass move- ment of the rescued will con- tinue to become more massive by the day — by the hour. In all Jewish communities, from village to metropolis, there is the unity that warns persecutors and those in- terfering with rescue movements, that there will never be submission to tyran- ny and anti-Semitism. Our community is in the rescue movement full force, with every Jew counted as participant. Our peoplehood and our leadership are ONE in this task. Let us share pride in triumph for the New Exodus. ❑ Spinoza In Limelight With A Memory Of Ben-Gurion B aruch Benedictus Spinoza, the 17th century philosopher and author of theological essays, for centuries defiled for accused heresy, is in the limelight again with admira- tion from many lands. Always continually studied, and revered in his native Holland, he now gains interest in Israel where he previously was an anathema especially among the Orthodox. In Israel, the two-volume Spinoza and Other Heretics by Hebrew University Pro- fessor Yirmiyahu Yovel has become a best seller and has already sold out the fourth printing. In this country, the Yovel work is popularized in a Princeton University Press edition subtitled The Mar- rano of Reason and The Adventures of Immanence. Professor Yovel, who is also the director of Jerusalem's Spinoza Institute, applied a Spinoza-ism to the recent discussion about who and what is a Jew. He has made this interesting comment in relation to his book as it ap- plies to the present when he THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in February, March, May, August, October and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and addi- tional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $29 per year $37 per year out of state 75' single copy Vol. XCVII No 13 May 25, 1990 2 FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1990 stated in the appearance of his book: Spinoza wants to do away with the concept of sacred history, history con- trolled by God, as if God wrote the script for history and now He directs it .. . wants to secularize history . . . In history, there are on- ly natural causes. Natural causes means sociological, historical — all causes of this world, no super- natural causes. They wrongly called him an atheist. He certainly was a heretic in terms of the established religion .. . For him, God was the natural universe and the laws of God were the laws of nature, but still the universe was Divine; there was a sense of divinity, of salvation, of piety, of ethics in accepting and behaving according to its laws .. . And yet he was a vir- tuous man and that was scandalous to public opi- nion: A virtuous atheist, how was this possible? If you are an atheist — that is to say, if you are a heretic against established religion — you must be so- meone very villainous, very cruel, very vicious, and here you have a tzadik and he is an 'atheist' tzadik. It was in- conceivable and yet it was true. It was a scandal. This kind of a scandal made up part of the attraction of Spinoza. Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who had himself turned to philosophic and religious studies although he was never an observant Jew, advocated the erasing of the excom- municative regulations against Spinoza. Perhaps Ben-Gurion was in- fluenced towards Spinoza because the excommunicated philosopher at one time ex- pressed belief in a reconstructed Jewish state. Spinoza explains the origin of the Jewish state, that is, of Judaism, in the following manner: "When the Israelites, after deliverance from slavery in Egypt, were free from all political bondage, and restored to their natural rights, they willingly chose God as their Lord, and transferred their rights to Him along by formal contract and alliance. That there be no appearance of fraud on the divine side, God permitted them to recognize His marvelous power, by virtue of which He had hitherto preserved, and promised in future to preserve them, that is, He revealed Himself to them in His glory on Sinai; thus God became King of Israel and the state a theocracy." As for David Ben-Gurion, might he have become a Spinozist? In the time of Moses Mendelssohn his close friend Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was accused by the Christian theologian Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi of being a Spinozist. It was then considered adherence to heresy. Mendelssohn strongly defended his close associate against the charge. Ben- Gurion needed no defense. He affirmed belief in God. He wrote in March 1972: I have not the slightest shadow of doubt that God exists. He is not a body and He is free from all the ac- Ben-Gurion Spinoza cidents of matter. We can neither see Him nor hear Him. He has no lineness but He exists and without Him nothing can exist in the universe. This is a pro- found and correct belief and no science can speak a greater truth than it. This is conviction. Nevertheless, as I say, I do believe that there must be a being, intangible, in- definable, even unimagin- able, but something in- finitely superior to all we know and are capable of conceiving. Without such a being, there are certain phenomena which just cannot be explained. What is it, for example, that enables man to think? His brain is matter, just like a table. But a table does not think. The brain is part of a living organism, like my finger-nail, but my finger- nail cannot think. Nor can the brain think when removed from the body. But the whole of the living body taken together becomes a thinking being. I once talked about this to Einstein. Even he, with his great formula about energy and mass, agreed that there must be something behind the energy. And when I spoke of this to Niels Bohr, he too agreed, and thought it was probably true of the entire cosmos, that behind it there must be some superior being. This is also what Spinoza may have meant. If I believe that the world was created by the Lord, I believe that He has more sense than all of us put together, and He instituted specific laws in accor- dance with which nature exists. Flinging a staff and turning it into a snake, as Moses is said to have done in Pharoah's court, is against the laws of nature; therefore, I cannot accept that God would deviate from His carefully conceiv- ed laws governing nature. But I respect those who do accept it, just as I respect Continued on Page 50