PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus Historiography On An Honorable Level U nless historical rec- ords are properly treated, there will surely be a diminution of chances for the advancement of human relations and at- taining amity between nations. The threat of negations is not apparent in the manner in which Gaza and its residents are interpreted in public discussions. All the emphasis is accord- ed to the terrorizing that has developed here. The dramatic occurrences, the fascinating human factors that have kept Gaza among the most il- luminating eras of the an- cient world, are instead gran- ting priorities to the generated hatreds. There was an ignoring of the most recent declarations about Gaza when Egypt made it clear that it had no desire to assume responsibility for Gaza or to deal with the multiplicity of its problems. For Israel, it became an im- posed headache and the Gaza issue emerged and grew as hate propaganda among Arabs and Israel's an- tagonists everywhere. Israel's desire to tackle the problem of Gaza imposed upon it with the dignity need- ed in uplifting a depressed Arab community has not been given due respect. There was a major occurrence when David Ben-Gurion, prime minister of Israel during the 1957 Sinai campaign, ex- pressed an attitude of helpfulness. The Ben-Gurion role might have been forgotten had it not been for the sharing in it by Abba Eban, who was one of Israel's chief diplomats and then represented his country in the United States. Eban was distressed by a misconception of the Ben- Gurion attitude in an article in the Jerusalem Post. He called attention to the actual occurrences in a letter published in the Jerusalem Post in which he corrected misconceptions: In February 1957, in- fluential U.S. officials, while exerting strong pressure for our with- drawal from Sinai, revolv- ed the idea of leaving Gaza in Israel's control. Egypt was unenthusiastic about recovering it and Secretary Dulles hoped that Israel would break the back of the refugee problem, or, perhaps its own back. On February 23, 1957, I came back from the United Nations struggle for 48 hours to consult the prime minister. After all, a part of Eretz Israel was at issue. Ben Gurion reacted with fury. He said that it would be impossible for Israel both to retain Gaza "against the will of its own David Ben-Gurion inhabitants and of the friendly and hostile world and also to absorb 350,000 Jewish immigrants." He implored me to seek other solutions such as a UN force which would prevent the return of the Egyptian army. He repeated all the remarks which I have quoted above in more im- portant context of a state- ment in the Knesset. Here are his words: "If the government of Israel had not had the courage to ac- cept a fateful decision in consideration of Israel's supreme long-term in- Abba Eban terests, in full knowledge that it was an unpopular decision, it would not be worthy of the heavy responsibility which the nation laid upon it. I am no less proud of the Sinai campaign, a pride which I share with every Jew, than I am proud of the civic courage displayed by the government in adopting a decision that was un- popular, but also wise, ad- vantageous and well- founded, and which will stand in history as one of the decisive stages in the constant consolidation of the state from its rebirth until this day." (Knesset Proceedings, April 2, 1957, and Medinat Yisrael Hamithadeshet, Am Oved, 1969, page 557.) Egyptian administrators returned to Gaza, but Egyptian troops did not. One of the best histories of the period accurately notes: "The prime minister was not wrong. Fedayun activity from Gaza virtual- ly ended. Israelis in the outlying border set- tlements now could work and sleep in peace for the first time in seven years ." (Howard M. Sacher, A History of Israel, Knopf New York 1981, page 514.) Ben-Gurion had different views on Gaza in previous times, but his writings and speeches, especially after the 1967 war, are a constant reproach to the annexa- tionist school. It is fortunate there is an Abba Eban to preserve the truth about a major topic in Israel's history. It lends validity to the regret I ex- pressed when Eban was denied an active role in the Israel government, after the several decades of diplomatic leadership, when the last government was formed by Labor and Likud. At least he remained a member of the Knesset. Now the just-quoted letter becomes and remains Continued on Page 44 Hadassah And Jerusalem: Inseparably Glorified W hile the misled whose minds have been poisoned against the Jewish people are fanning hatreds the Zionist- created ideals rise above the experienced venom. The Hebrew University welcomes Arab students from all lands, as it continues to provide ac- cess even to applicants from Gaza. Agricultural colleges operating near Jerusalem THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in February, March, May, August, October and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and addi- tional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $29 per year $37 per year out of state 75' single copy Vol. XCVII No. 10 2 May 4, 1990 FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1990 train Arab farmers, providing the necessary skills. Hadassah is the health saver in Israel not for Jews alone. Time and again the news media of the world have reported about Arabs treated in the Hadassah medical centers on a par with Jews. Prejudice will not be found in the Hadassah dictionary. Hadassah directors and nurses are dedicated to preserving the health of pa- tients regardless of color of skin or how they worship. Arab children are born in the hospitals and the Hebrew University-trained doctors heal their families. Yet there is venom applied to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. Mention of Jews from Russia establishing residence there and sharing in pro- viding the humanism that is engendered in the causes that are Zionist in origin and Jewish in administration are treated with bitterness even by those securing comfort and healing from them. Therefore the duty has arisen to remind many who owe their very lives to Hadassah that the capital of Israel is head- quarters for the movement that advances compassion as a defiance of the hate engendered into poisoned minds; that in human spirit there should be no room for the venom that fails to recognize the justice of the health providing movement in the capital of Israel that operates with compassion for Arabs as often if not more, than for Jews. Therefore Hadassah found it necessary to state its case anew in a paid advertisement in the New York Times. The reminder about the Hadassah role called attention to these never-to-be-forgotten services to mankind: At a time when barriers between people are crumbling, when we are celebrating the breakdown of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the Iron Curtain, it is a terrible mistake for our Ad- ministration to encourage the creation of new bar- riers in united Jerusalem. President Bush must recognize that Jews everywhere stand as one on the principle that a united Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, shall never again be divided. For Hadassah, as for every Jew, Jerusalem has a special place. Here we opened our first medical station in 1913. Here stand Hadassah's Medical Center, the great healing institution of the Middle East, and Medical School, where thousands of physi- cians have been trained for service in Israel, the Third World and other lands. It is from Jerusalem that Hadassah reaches out to the entire world. Here Muslim, Christian and Jewish patients alike are cared for with exper- tise and dignity by Muslim, Christian and Jewish doc- tors. In the bustling cor- ridors of the Medical Center may be seen a vi- sion of the peace that one day must come to the Mid- dle East. We remember the pain of a divided city. We must remember the loss and senseless tragedy when 78 of our top physicians and nurses, in an official UN convoy, were ambushed and murdered in 1948 on their way to Hadassah hospital atop Mt. Scopus, isolated from the rest of Jerusalem. This must not happen again. This will not happen again in a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. This is the message in time Continued on Page 44