SUSAN WEINGARDEN A Special to The Jewish News s assistant Wayne County prosecut- ing attorney, Mar- tin Krohner saw drunk drivers get- ting away with murder. First he got mad; then he joined MADD. A co-founder of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers in Michigan and the Oakland County Chapter of MADD, Krohner was recently honored in Lansing as MADD, Michigan 1989 Volunteer of the Year. On a recent day, Krohner spent his lunch hour working with the MADD legislative group. Much of his evening was using the phone with fellow MADD volunteers. While the time involved varies, it is not unusual for Krohner to spend 20-30 hours a week as a MADD volunteer. He is fierce in his determina- tion to bring about a change in the public's attitude toward drunk driving. Krohner says, "MADD is an advocate for those individuals who have been victimized by the drinking driver. We seek to bring this problem to the attention of the public and attempt to have laws strengthened to stop the kill- ing on our highways." Krohner cites a multiple death accident as the impetus that got him involved in MADD. "I had a case in 1981 where a teenage drunk driver struck a car bearing four young children, their mother and her fiance. The car was cut into two pieces. The mother and children were all killed; the fiance is a paraplegic. "The teenager got six months in the house of correc- tion and was picked up soon after for a second drunk- driving violation. It seemed to me that nobody cared." He adds, "I saw so much an PRIM APPII 9n iggn destruction. Something had to be done." After seeing MADD founder Candy Lightner on a local TV show, Krohner "jumped in with two feet" and co-founded MADD in Michigan in 1982 with a man whose son had been killed by a drunk driver. Krohner said MADD's big- gest handicap at the time was society did not view drunk driving as a problem. "As a prosecutor, I saw people kill- ing people, injuring them and making them burdens to their families and the public. The people who caused these horrendous crimes were never punished. Hardly anyone went to jail. "Even for killing people, nine out of ten drunk drivers would plead guilty to negligent homicide. They generally paid a fine and were put on probation. The victims' families just had to live with that." In addition, drunk driving is not a high priority of the criminal justice system. "The jails are overcrowded,"he says. "Judges are reluctant to put a business person convicted of drunk driving in jail with criminals who have commit- ted armed robbery or rape or murder, so they are put back out on the street." For the past few years, Krohner has advocated an alternate detention facility for drunk drivers. "I developed a concept for a low- security facility that would be supported by those confined there. The facility would pro- vide alcohol treatment and rehabilitation and would serve as a self-functioning in- stitution." Krohner is attempting to get his proposal sponsored in the state legislature. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 23,351 people were killed in the United States in 1988 in alcohol- related traffic accidents. Ac- cording to MADD, 793 of those deaths occurred in Michigan. Krohner insists these deaths were not accidental. "If you killed someone deliberately with a gun, you would be convicted of first degree murder and go to jail for life. If you use an auto while drunk, society says it is sorry but it is an accident; it is not deliberate. "To me there is no dif- ference. I believe people who drink to excess and drive and injure or kill someone have committed a willful and deliberate act. It is not an ac- cident." In addition to acting as a public speaker for the Oakland County Chapter of MADD, Krohner serves in an advisory capacity as legal co- counsel. "I help put together our legislative ideas and I ap- pear in Lansing on behalf of the group," he says. He worked for the passage of the Victim's Rights Amend- ment to the Michigan Con- stitution and helped re-write the 1983 Michigan drunk- grams such as Designated Driver, Project Graduation, and the red ribbon Tie One On campaign for increasing public awareness. "I am somewhat amazed that the public response has been as fast and as good as it has," he says. Unfortunately, frustration sets in while trying to reach the law makers. "We've been trying to tighten up the drunk-driving laws even more,"he says, "but with the legislature, it's like pulling teeth They don't have room on their agenda; of course, everything changes when their family is involved." As part of the MADD pro- gram, members offer a sup- port group to accident victims and family members who don't know where to go for help. Krohner gets calls in the middle of night from peo- ple who have been injured or have lost a family member from a drunk-driving acci- dent. Bethany Goodman, MADD, Michigan, executive director, says, "Marty deserves praise for his sen- sitive, supportive efforts with for his involvement in the Say No To Drugs Campaign and serves on the Substance Abuse Committee for the Men's Club at Congregation Shaarey Zedek. "He is always busy," says his wife, Marlene. The father of two teenagers, Krohner, 45, enjoys his status as a certified master gardener. He relaxes with his model trains and works out at the JCC. When time permits, he tries his hand at golf. driving laws. "Marty's exper- tise as a prosecutor is ex- tremely valuable in our quest for getting drunk-driving legislation," said Greg Bien, president of the Oakland County Chapter of MADD. "He has been instrumental in helping us frame our goals." Krohner credits MADD pro- victims. His unsurpassed commitment has resulted in substantial differences in the lives of thousands." Along with his key role in MADD, Krohner is active in many community organiza- tions in Farmington Hills. He received an award from the Farmington Hills Police Chief very involved with the com- munity." Marlene Krohner describes her husband as sensitive and caring. "He gets so upset when he sees victims of in- justice," she says. He describes his personality _as outgoing and balanced. "I try to achieve a compromise bet- A native of Detroit, Krohner has served in the Juvenile Division for the past five of his seventeen year association with the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office. He credits his wife with his involvement in the communi- ty. "A long time ago my wife said, 'If you don't like something, don't sit and com- plain; go out and do some- thing about it.' So, I've been doing something ever since." Additionally, he notes, he is following the example set by his family. "My parents and grandparents owned Grunts' Market in Detroit. They were MAIM' S