Pho tos by Arg ollo Hern andez/courtesy o f Miami Conven tion and Vistors Bureau South Miami Beach has boomed in the past two years, brightened by restored hotels, new restaurants and plenty of yuppies. But the economic revival has displaced many low income elderly Jews. The Chanaina Tides Of Miami Beach C ool ocean breezes waft through a hotel veranda where Clara Rosenthal sits with her friend Clara Wein- stein. Bundled in sweaters and kerchiefs, the elderly ladies might pass the time shmoozing about their grandchildren or guessing when warm weather will return to Miami Beach. But on this December morning they talk apprehensively about an empty hotel next door being renovated to at- tract a younger clientele. For Rosen- thal, the clamor of hammers and nerve rattling drills sound a death knell for a way of life she has known for 18 years. Throwing an afghan over her shoulders, she sighs and wonders aloud when she, like other Jewish eld- erly on the beach, will be kicked out of her winter home. The Clara Rosenthals of Miami Beach — thousands of elderly people who winter here or live in apartments year round — are literally a dying breed. Those who came to settle on the beach in the 1950s, '60s and '70s have either passed on or moved up the Florida coast. Over the past seven years, there has been a 29 percent drop in the number of Jews in Miami Beach, a city where the street signs once were written in English and Yiddish. The first major wave of Jewish settlement on Miami Beach goes back to World War II, 26 FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1990 A chapter closes for "Little Jerusalem" as Jewish retirees push north along south Florida's coast. ELLEN BERNSTEIN Special to the Jewish News when Jewish soldiers stationed there decided to stay after the war. Since then the Jewish population of Miami Beach has doubled every decade, fed mostly by retirees from northern states. But from 1982 to 1988 their numbers plummeted from 82,000 to 58,000, according to surveys con- ducted by Ira Sheskin, a demographer and professor of urban geography at the University of Miami. Three- quarters Jewish at the start of the decade, Miami Beach will be less than a third Jewish as the city enters the 1990s. Gone are the days when 15 or 20 people sang Jewish melodies in front of a apartment buildings until ten o'clock in the evening. At the old kosher hotels on Washington Street, seniors sat in the lobby gossiping in Yiddish, pinching the cheeks of visiting grandchildren. From the kit- chen came the smells of simmering chicken. Plates of gefilte fish ringed the tables in the dining rooms. Those were the familiar signs, sounds and smells of a city that liked to call itself "Little Jerusalem." But the haimische quality of life in Miami Beach's oldest section, South Beach, is fast disappearing as developers buy up the old, run-down hotels and Latins and young professionals move into the area.