Just a typical day in Jewish It's 9 a.m. The school bells have finished ringing, a bus is dropping off Jewish Federation Apartments residents at a shopping center, and the first cries can be heard from a new-born baby... Two young men look forward to a good day at the sheltered workshop of the Jewish Vocational Service. Some 572 persons use the JVS facilities daily. Photo by David Zuroff Morning prayers have begun at Borman Hall Jewish Home for Aged, where 212 indivi- duals are provided with residential services and medical care. Photo by Bob Benyas Another new life. It's 12:15 p.m. and time for lunch at Sinai's Neonatal Center. A total of 17 babies were born on February 15. 44444ig g; Photo by Richard Sheinwald While their parents attend English-language classes, these young new Americans enjoy a workshop of their own at the Jewish Vocational Service. AN Photo by Marty Abrin 68 FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1990