Please-Don't Forget Me! She constantly walks from one floor to where they live. They stop passersby and give another to make sure everything is running their name. "Will you help me to my room?" smoothly. Borman Hall officials say they By 9:45 p.m., most residents are asleep. The couldn't function without her. collector, who finds leftover cups and places 11:45 p.m. First floor. Cliett is going over them on her wheelchair, will not sleep in her some notes in a nurse's office where the smell room. Hugging her gray sweater, she sits in of fresh coffee seems like nectar of the gods. a chair by the nurse's station on the first floor The phone rings. until she falls asleep. Other residents ram o "Most things may never happen," poet the halls. One wants a sleeping p One con- Philip Larkin wrote. But of death, "This one stantly begs for food. The nurses walk up and will." As it happens so often at Borman Hall, down, stopping at rooms where residents a resident has just died. need medication. They work on their charts. Cliett knew the resident well. She had been A resident has a nightmare and screams. lying in bed for more than a year, living on Don't wait for silence here; it will never come. the liquid food that poured through a tube in- On the second floor, nurse's aide Lawrence to her body. Coleman sits outside a resident's door. He's Cliett picks up the phone and calls the resi- not a man you can catch off guard. Ask, "But dent's son. "I'm sorry to have to tell you your isn't it hard to work here?" Maybe he'll say mother just expired;' she says. Her voice is he's sick of these people. gentle and controlled; death is familiar here. "A lot of people think this is difficult work, "You take care," Cliett continues. "And if you and it is difficult," he says. "But these peo- need anything, you let me know?' ple are human beings. 12:10 a.m. A nurse on the second floor "Some of them haven't got anybody except walks with Cliett, who is well-versed in how the aides. They need people to talk to. I pro- Jewish corpses must be cared for until they vide them with companionship." reach a funeral home, to the room where the In fact, Coleman, who worked as a medic woman died. There lies a tiny body with its in the U.S. Army, and the other aides do much mouth wide open. The nurse gently pulls the more than that. Paid minimum wage, they sheet to the resident's neck. There are no are responsible for what must be one of the photographs, no bottles of perfume that give most unenviable tasks: caring for the off that sweet smell of li- ly of the valley like your residents' hygiene. That grandmother used to means everything from wear. Only a fan is left helping them brush as a testimony that so- their teeth to changing meone once lived here. their feces-covered 12:30 a.m. A repre- sheets in the middle of sentative of the funeral the night. Coleman is home arrives. He places not disconcerted. the corpse in a red body "You know, people bag, zips it up and car- here have done things ries it away on a gantry. for the history books. "Bless her soul;' a You can still have con- nurse says as the body versations with a couple disappears down the of the men and about two of the women. I hall. 12:45 a.m. Garbage speak some German, so bags filled with soiled I can usually unders- linen line the hall on tand their Yiddish. the first floor. The clean "You really get at- sheets will last a few tached to some of these hours until the nurses' people. You can't help it. • aides begin the routine So it's difficult when all over again. Now, they die, but that's what they can rest for five they come here to do." minutes. It is only four 11 p.m. The night hours until a new day shift arrives. Nurses in clean, white uniforms begins here. sit at their stations. In 1:30 a.m. The collec- charge is Night Super- tor is still there on an orange couch by the visor Dorothy Cliett, who has been in the first-floor nursing station. Her wheelchair is business for more than 30 years. She started covered with blankets, towels, paper cups. She as a nurse's aide when she was 18; she work- says aloud, "She sits here. She moves closer. ed with her mother, a nurse. She was there. Now she sits here," locked in- Cliett likes the profession because she loves to a world of madness. old people. She likes working at night because she has five children to raise. One is about to enter the University of Michigan. Cliett's daughter runs a bath for her mother when she gets home — in the late afternoon. he day already is in full swing by 5:20 After her shift ends at Borman Hall, Cliett a.m. Several residents sit fully dressed will begin her second job. She's always work- in the first-floor hall. Back in the rooms, one nurse's aide gives ed two jobs. Cliett oversees nighttime activities: at 11 a woman a bath, while another aide pushes p.m. the workers check to see if residents, a large cart, covered with large, diaper-like most of whom are incontinent, need their pads, towels and rubber gloves. It is part of sheets changed. Cliett will make sure all a constant cycle: get residents to a meal, clean residents receive their proper medication. Jacob Okragly watches television in his room. T THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 27