SPECIAL REPORT ❑ THE NEW EXODUS have started organizing on their own to help determine their future. In December, the Va'ad, the federation of Soviet Jewish communities, was created during the historic Zionist Congress in Moscow which brought to- gether virtually all of the 200 Jewish organizations in the USSR. "Everyone felt the need to be together," explained Mikhail Chlenov of Moscow, co-president of the Va'ad and one of 12 Soviet Jews at the journalists' conference. "This is a dangerous time and in the face of threats, we are j oined in unity. " During a conference semi- nar on Soviet immigration, Chlenov was joined by Na- tan Sharansky, a leader of Soviet Jews in Israel, and Yuli Kosharovsky, a former refusenik who emigrated to Israel nine months ago. A tiny man physically, Chlenov was impressive with his command of English and his straight- forward analysis of current events. He explained that the Va'ad was formed to deal with "the basic ques- tion for Soviet Jews — to leave or not to leave" — and with such issues as anti- Semitism in the USSR, in- formation on life in Israel and the future of Jewish life in the Soviet Union. Chlenov said most Soviet Jews favor aliyah to Israel, but they are motivated by "panic and hysteria" rather than love of Zion. He called Soviet anti-Semitism a "boiling pot" that may ex- plode at any minute. Sharansky agreed that "anti-Semitism in the USSR is just beginning," but fo- cused his remarks on his frustration with Israeli au- thorities for their lack of preparedness. "A million Jews want to leave Russia, and this is our biggest chal- lenge," he said. "It can only be met by the unified work of the Jewish community, but we are not ready to cope with this phenomenon." As chairman of an umbrel- la group of Soviet Jewish organizations in Israel, Sha- ransky said he is lobbying for an emergency absorption plan from the government "but we are very upset be- cause there is still no clear plan." The Jewish Agency has taken no special efforts, he charged, and the gov- ernment has not kept its promises to build houses. Sharansky said he is an- gry that the government prefers to treat him as a hero rather than listen to his ad- vice. "We don't want to be just symbols," he said. "We want to be part of improving absorption and to take re- sponsibility for our views." He and his group have clashed with the Ministry of Absorption, which refuses to allow Sharansky and his colleagues to meet with new- ly arrived Soviet Jews at Ben-Gurion Airport to give them advice. "Perhaps the army that captured Entebbe should help us capture Lod air- port," he mused. Sharansky said he will take his case to American Jewry to raise funds and en- courage businesses to open plants in Israel to create desperately-needed jobs for the new immigrants. "Only if we are all part- Journalists Told Not To Trust The Media T he Third Interna- tional Jewish Media Conference was 'dominated by the pre- sence, for the first time, of participants from the Soviet Union and such Eastern bloc countries as Romania, Poland and Czechoslovakia. The 170 delegates from 27 countries — journal- ists working in the Jewish print, television or radio media — were addressed by Prime Minister Yit- zhak Shamir, Finance Minister Shimon Peres, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Foreign Minister Moshe Arens and Deputy Foreign Minister Ben- jamin Netanyahu, and many others, but most sought after were the So- viet and East European journalists. Indeed, a persistent complaint, particularly among the American del- egates, was that the con- ference organizers — chiefly the World Zionist Organization — brought in too many government officials to speak to the group and did not allow 26 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1990 sufficient time for the participants to discuss and explore the pressures and challenges of being a Jewish journalist in their own country. The few opportunities that did allow for fellow journalists to meet and hear from each other were enlightening. Chaim Rimer, editor of Romania's only Jewish newspaper, Mosaic Cultulul, described the recent revolution, and how his countrymen suf- fered. "The Almighty sent ten plagues to the Egyptians,' he said. "Ceausescu sent worse than that. "There was darkness. We remained without light. There was terrible cold. We could not sleep at night. There was hun- ger and fear and censor- ship." Rimer, in Israel for the first time, said that his paper had been pub- lishing for 35 years. "It was important that we publish, even though there were few readers of Hebrew and Yiddish," he The flags tell the story: USSR's flag alongside Israel's at the international Jewish media conference. said, noting that the pa- per was read in the USSR as well. Andrei Dozortsev of Riga said that there are now six official Jewish publications in the USSR, reaching a readership of up to 200,000. He and most of his Soviet col- leagues at the conference advocate aliyah and be- lieve that most Soviet Jews will be leaving, as the fear of pogroms with- in the USSR increases. Only Tancred Golen- polsky, editor of the gov- ernment-approved Herald Of Soviet Jewish Culture, advocated Jews staying behind and finding a place for Judaism in the Soviet Union. "We are a part of Sovi- et culture," he said. "It would be a tragedy for Jewish and Soviet culture if no Jews remained in the USSR." Adam Kwaterko of the Folks Sztyme in Warsaw said that his newspaper's chief responsibility to the 15,000 Jews of Poland was to keep alive the memory of the rich, vi- brant Jewish community that flourished there be- fore the Holocaust. But Desider Galski of Vestnik in Prague said that one of his primary ners can this effort help," he warned. Kosharovsky, the former refusenik, painted a depress- ing assessment of Jewish life in the USSR. Jews can- not survive there as Jews, he said. The best one can do is work to create a mechanism that will monitor and corn- bat anti-Semitism while keeping Jews abreast of in- formation about Israel. He warned that unless Is- rael and world Jewry re- spond positively to the chal- lenge of this exodus, the re- sults can be "a disaster." During the ensuing ques- tion and answer period, the audience seemed intrigued by the comments of one So- viet Jewish journalist — for his appearance and lack of an accent as well as much as for what he had to say. Tancred Golenpolsky, who missions in writing for the small Jewish commu- nity of Czechoslovakia was "to keep our syna- gogue, the oldest in Eu- rope, open and alive and not just a museum." For the most part, though, the conference and seminar were struc- tured along the lines of the standard UJA mis- sion to Israel, with nu- merous speeches from government leaders and quick forays into trouble spots on the West Bank. One such visit, to the de- velopment town of Ariel, featured a lunch meeting with the defiantly nation- alist mayor, Ron Nachman, who made headlines last summer for a short-lived attempt to identify Arab visitors by ID badges. Nachman criticized the policy of the Jewish A- gency not to fund settle- ments "beyond the green line" (pre-1967 borders) like Ariel, and ripped up a PLO flag for the benefit of photographers and television crews. Then, perhaps thinking he was addressing a UJA mis- sion, he closed his re- marks by warning his guests "never to trust the media." The stunned silence that followed quickly gave way to a mixture of laughter, anger and ap- plause from the scores of journalists. ❑ Gary Rosenblatt