I PURELY COMMENTARY 'Al Tifrosh' PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus A lways the most urgent need in Jewish ex- istence, unity in our ranks, is the most compelling duty. It is not uniformity, and differing in views is not objec- tionable. In matters involving the security of Israel and its protection against threatened annihilation, disputing is treated with great caution. When, therefore, appeals for peace are linked with menac- ing aspersions on Israel, the duty to come to the defense of the threatened Jewish statehood is apparent. There are scores of developments on the Israel front that demand attention. And exemplary was the hor- Separate Not Yourself From Your People rifying shock over the savagery in the murder of tourists who were on their way to Cairo. There was an equating of the murders with casualties resulting from in- tifada operations. It was a time again to remind the pre- judiced against the young defenders of Israel that the weapons against them were used as shields in the organ- ized attacks on Israelis, and the casualties were tragic results of such manipulation in anti-Israelism. There comes a time when there is need for unified Jewish action to prevent spread of misinformative in- terpretation of occurrences in Israel. But the manner in which an intifada has become a war against our fellow Jews must not be permitted distor- tion. In a unified resistance against such tactics against the young Israeli self- defenders, there should at least be denial of secrecy in making public the assassina- tion of nearly 200 Arabs by Arabs who accused them of collaborating with Israelis. Emphasis on facts and truth is among the necessities for unified Jewish action. Now we have immediacy in the call for unified Jewish ac- tion. It is the urgency of pro- viding means for settling tens of thousands of Jews who are fleeing from revived anti- Semitic terrors into the Israel homeland. No matter what difficulties this new exodus must have, Jewish support demands unanimity of action. There is the reminder of a basic Jewish principle which is spelled out as "Separate not yourself from the com- munity." "Al tifrosh min hatzibur" is the traditional guideline for the appeal for non-separation from the society we are a part of. It is in the second chapter of Pirke Avot, the Sayings of the Fathers, and the ad- monishing statement was by Hillel, (30 BCE-10 CE) the Jerusalem Pharasee sage, who is among the most historically quoted talmudic scholars. Through the ages, scholar- ly commentators have given emphasis to the importance of the Hillel guideline, warning the communally concerned never to dissociate them- selves from their fellow beings. There is the added re- minder of another important Hillel ethical code in Pirke Avot, that "If I am for myself alone, who and what am I?" The moral code is apparent in this commitment. It is the basis for applicability of philanthropic involvement in the society in which we live. Therefore the motto, now, as the duty appeals to us in the task of rescuing our fellow Jews from the Russian infer- no: "Al tifrosh min hatzibur — Separate not yourself from your community." This Jewish ideal must contribute nobly and in unity toward fulfillment of the goal of Pi- dyon Shvuying — rescuing the hostages. ❑ Philosophy Of ‘Shnorrerer Panhandling Legitimized B egging, panhandling and the right to solicit alms in public have been placed on the agenda of the active demonstrance by a judge's ruling. Faced by a challenge involving soliciting in the New York subways, Judge Leonard B. Sand, Federal District Court in Manhattan, ruled that "Spare change?" is just as surely speech as "Give me liberty or give me death," therefore enjoying First Amendment protection. The ruling has created shock in some quarters, especially in the ranks of sub- way riders. Perhaps there will be court appeals which will bring the constitutional issue into open debate. Meanwhile the judge's rul- ing introduces again into Jewish discussion the dispute over endorsement of begging and the debates that have been conducted over it through the ages. What Judge Sand has done was in- troduce anew the character and personality of the shnorrer. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Fri- day with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60• single copy Vol. XCVI No. 26 February 23, 1990 2 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1990 The theme is as exciting as it is often entertaining and it invites renewed interest in one of the most amusing topics in the Jewish social milieu. Shnorrer and shnorrerei are topically continuing in Jewish experience. They are included in the Talmud and reckoned with by our sages. In modern literature they have been treated with deep devotion by the most eminent authors. Israel Zangwill (1864-1926) earned high and unforget- table marks for the chief among his humorous works, "King of Shnorrers" which was published in 1894. It is still quoted and reprinted. Zangwill's Shnorrer was reprinted again in 1960 by Thomas Yoseloff with an in- troductory essay by Edward J. Fluck. In his essay Fluck gave this definition of a shnorrer. The present story, The King of Schnorrers, first published in 1894, is an im- mensely entertaining ex- ample of (Zangwill's) abili- ty to recreate, in colorful and vivid language, the authentically Jewish scenes of London life with which he was familiar. As he explained in a modest Foreword to the original edition, 'I have merely amused myself and at- tempted to amuse idlers by incarnating the floating tradition of the Jewish Schnorrer, who is as uni- que among beggars as Israel among nations. The close of the eighteenth cen- tury was chosen for a background, because, iii 03otte Otiabm, CARL WILHELM FERDINAND, .c ;cr3og 311 Zratinfcbtrciq , 2'tnthurg ?c. ,c. Za, brut Zrnicbmen nad), he Zettcl , clubat fid) aufe Inc toicber Nutig cinfd9fricttn, unb burcb fcibigt gar lcant bit .(2anbIrrakn nnficf?tt grin* unrbtn brut. trn ; fo roetbet Stilt foiccrthIlb calf bit bagcgrn untcrist ccriuber 1774 unb 7 ten December 1780 alai: free 93crorbnungen bacn if)r t ■ inftibro nuf ba$ genoutfic iu brfofgcn t‘obt, f)itrnit bmrttfrn. run *Nig, ben stra 2urrii i 1787. Ad Mandatum Sercnillimi fpeciale. b. srUntikauftn. 2aonce v. Nottutrculi. b. 1>gbeiterg ettlitforb. The Duke of Brunsick issued this order in 1787 confirming earlier restrictions against betteljuden, Jewish beggars on the highway. — from Encyclopedia Judaica while the most picturesque period of Anglo-Jewish history, it has never before been exploited in fiction, whether by novelists or historians: The picturesque Yiddish word Schnorrer comes from the German schnur- ren, which means to 'hum, `buzz; or 'whir: Imitatively, it was used to describe the sound of the musical in- strument played by stroll- ing beggars. Then, by ex- tension, it came to mean `beg' — in a most unusual and lofty manner, however, one generaly humiliating to the victim, not to the beggar. Begging and shnorrerei have extensive consideration in the literary products of Nathan Ausubel and Leo Rosten. Zangwill's delightful account of the theme was given due consideration in the anthological works of these authors of Jewish legen- dary and humorous subjects. In his Treasury of Jewish Folklore, Nathan Ausubel devoted an 11-page excerpt to Zangwill's 160-page "King of the Schnorrers." Classical evaluation of schnorrerei is the essay on the subject by Leo Rosten in his The Joys of Yiddish. Here is Rosten's definition of the subject: shnorrer schnorrer shnorer shnorren (verb) Pronounced SHNOR-rer to rhyme with "snorer." German schnorren: "to beg:' Perhaps related to schnarchen: "to snore"; some energetic philologists relate the whining of beg- gars to snoring; but Jewish beggars do not whine — as you may read below. As a noun: 1. A beggar, a panhandler, a moocher. 2. A cheapskate, a chiseler. 3. A bum, a drifter. 4. A compulsive bargain hunter and bargainer. 5. An impudent indigent. As a verb: Shnorren means to beg, to panhandle, to borrow. Every Jewish community once had at least one shnorrer, and often a pla- toon. The shnorrer was not a run-of-the mill mendi- cant. He was no more an ordinary moocher than a nudnik is an ordinary bore, or a momzer an or- dinary child. The Jewish shnorrer was not apolo- getic; he did not fawn or whine. He regarded him- self as a craftsman, a pro- fessional. He did not so much ask for alms as claim them. He expected recogni- tion of his skill, if not en- Continued on Page 50