INSIGHT ZE'EV CHAFETS Israel Correspondent O n Monday, the long awaited Likud Cen- tr al Committee meeting took place in Tel Aviv's Exhibition Gardens. After a month of ballyhoo, hype and mutual recrimina- tions, the showdown bet- ween party leader Yitzhak Shamir and opposition cabinet ministers Ariel Sha- ron, David Levi and Yitzhak Modai ended in a victory for Shamir — and drew the par- ty to the edge of a permanent split. The meeting began with a dramatic announcement by Minister of Commerce and Industry Ariel Sharon, who also heads the party's Cen- tral Committee, that he was resigning from the govern- ment. Amid shouts of protest from his supporters, Sharon read his letter of ' igna- tion, in which he s. ad that the present government's policies threaten the nation- al goals that he is committed to pursuing. Following Sharon's resig- nation, Prime Minister Shamir took the rostrum to deliver an impassioned defense of his performance in office. Shamir called for a vote of confidence from the three thousand member Central Committee. "The time has come," he said, "to let the public know who speaks for the Likud — me, or those who slander me. I am turning to, you, the members of the Central Committee, with a request and a question: Will you give me a vote of confidence?" Hundreds of hands shot into the air, but Shamir was not alone on the podium. Ariel Sharon seized a second microphone. "I ask the members of the Central Committee, all those in favor of wiping out terror- ism, raise your hands, " he called in a loud, clear-voice. "All those in favor of keep- ing expelled Palestinians Shamir and Moshe Shahal listen to Sharon's resignation. Shamir Gains Strengt In Clash With Sharon But the battle pushes the Likud factions to the precipice of a permanent split within the ranks. out of the Palestinian dele- gation to peace talks, raise your hands. All those in favor of barring East Jerusalem Arabs from par- ticipating in elections (in the West Bank and Gaza), raise your hands." For a few moments, the Prime Minister and Sharon tried to out shout one an- other as the confused dele- gates raised their hands without knowing precisely what they were voting for. Finally Shamir declared himself the victor. "I have received a massive majority," he said, "and I thank the Central Com- mittee for its vote of con- fidence." Not to be outdone, Sharon, too, declared victory. "The resolutions (that I offered) have been accepted," he called over his microphone. "I declare that whatever takes place in this hall after the vote (of confidence) is in- valid," retorted Shamir, and left the auditorium. Sharon remained on the podium and "If Shamir enters our line of fire, it won't be us who kills him; he will have committed suicide." Yitzhak Modai tried to restore order, but the meeting was, for all prac- tical purposes, over. More surprises were yet to come. Following the meeting, Deputy Prime Min- ister David Levi who, along with Sharon, has led the internal opposition to Shamir, met privately with the Prime Minister in what he described as "the interest of party unity." The two adversaries emerged with a statement calling for harmony. Asked whether he had coordinated this move with his ally Sha- ron, Levi replied that he did not have to report his actions to anyone. In the aftermath of Mon- day's dramatic events, polit- ical observers are now trying to make sense of the new situation. Most see it as a conditional victory for Prime Minister Shamir and a seri- ous defeat for Sharon. The prime minister, who is supported by eight of the 11 Likud cabinet ministers and 30 of its 40 Knesset mem- bers, emerged as a strong leader from the confronta- tion. Although no one 7 1 counted the votes, it is gen- E erally assumed that he has the backing of at least 60 percent of the Central Corn- cc mittee. Shamir also succeeded in preventing the party from taking the hawkish turn that Sharon advocated. In doing so, he preserved the Government of National Unity, at least for the time being. On Monday night, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, one of the leaders of the Labor Party, declared that the events in the Likud Central Committee presented his party with no reason for leaving the coalition government. The prime minister also made it clear that he would accept Sharon's resignation. "This man wants to destroy the Likud," he said, referr- ing to Sharon. "As long as I am party chairman and prime minister, I won't allow that to happen." Shamir's angry blast came partly in reaction to the campaign of personal villification that Sharon and his allies have waged against the prime minister and his supporters. Earlier this month, Sharon charged Foreign Minister Moshe Arens, who is . Shamir's choice as eventual successor, with having been a draft dodger during the 1948 War of Independence. Last week, Yitzhak Modai warned that "if Shamir enters our line of fire, it won't be us who kills him; he will have committed suicide." Modai also ridi- culed the prime minister's small physical stature. Such highly personal rhetoric makes it unlikely that Sha- ron and Modai will be read- mitted to the party inner circle in the near future. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 37