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FREE IN CONSULTATION. ie sc wartz r da 66103660 26 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1990 "The issue of immigration cannot come at our expense." —Faisal Husseini. I Introduces Mon.-Fri. 10-4 • Franklin Plaza 29107 Northwestern Hwy. Southfield, Michigan (2nd entrance from 12 Mile in rear) "The civilian victims killed in the attack on the Israeli bus on the road .to Ismailia cannot be viewed in isolation from the innocent civilian victims killed daily in the oc- cupied Palestinian lands." — From a condemnation of the bus attack by prominent Palestinians in the ter- ritories. n the past weeks, Pales- tinian spokesmen in the territories have been compelled to confront two aspects of an issue which lies at the root of Israel's exis- tence: Jewish survival. The wave of Soviet Jewish immigration and the ter- rorist attack on Israeli tourists in Egypt have sharply etched both sides of this survival question, em- bodying both the hopes and the worst fears of Israelis. The reactions of Palestin- ian spokesmen to aliyah and terrorism have served as an instructive test of their polit- ical maturity, of their ability to effectively address legiti- mate Israeli concerns and aspirations. While the Palestinian reactions have shown a new sophistication and desire to reach the Israeli public, they have been tainted by a cer- tain ambiguity, by double messages which have left many Israelis unconvinced of their sincerity. These double messages are the result of the Palestin- ians' own deep sense of vic- timization by Israel, which is understandable. A people under occupation, feeling the brunt of harsh military measures to put down their uprising, is not in a condi- tion conducive to magnanimity toward the enemy. If Palestinians are ever to emerge from this condition, however, they must find the strength to address Israeli concerns with political maturity, be- cause only then will they be able to get what they need, something only Israel can give them. Palestinian spokesmen, to their credit, firmly denounc- ed the attack on Israeli tourists in Egypt — but they failed to make their con- demnation unconditional and absolute. Instead of a flat condemnation on purely humanitarian grounds, the Palestinians chose to link the terrorist attack to kill- ings of Palestinians in the territories and Israeli "intransigence" in the peace process. In their statement of con- demnation, leading Pales- tinian nationalists found it necessary to begin with a reference to Palestinian vic- tims and Israeli "intransigence." Only in the third paragraph of their declaration did they get around to stating their ab- solute condemnation of the attack. This denunciation should have been the first sentence of their message. Incidents of barbaric ter- rorism are not the time for promoting a political agenda or engaging in comparative measurements of victimiza- Husseini said Jews immigrating from the Soviet Union should be given the choice to decide where they want to live. tion. They should simply be condemned for what they are. The same unconditional condemnation should be ex- pressed by Israelis when Pa- lestinians are killed with equal brutality, by either Jewish or Arab assailants. The Palestinian response to Soviet Jewish immigra- tion has also been prob- lematic and equivocal. In general, Faisal Hus- seini and other Palestinian spokesmen from the ter- ritories have taken care to focus their expressions of concern on settlement of the new immigrants in those territories, asserting that they have nothing against immigration to pre-1967 Israel. Their alarm over possible settlement of the immi- grants over the Green Line was understandably stirred up by Prime Minister Yit- zhak Shamir's call for a "big Israel" to accommodate a "big aliyah" — a colossal blunder which jeopardized that very immigration. The Palestinian statements on aliyah, however, have also echoed the traditional Arab opposi- tion to any Jewish immigra- tion to Israel. Husseini himself indicated this when he recently told an Israeli audience that Palestinians would not "again" pay the price for Jewish immigra- tion. Husseini said Jews im- migrating from the Soviet Union should be given the choice to decide where they want to live; and he called for a lifting of U.S. quotas on immigration by Soviet Jews. Under the guise of a concern for freedom of choice, Hus- seini disclosed a deeply- rotted Arab fear of waves of Jewish immigration to Israel's shores. This fear was graphically evident in a Palestinian memorandum to foreign consuls-general in Jerusalem, which was reminiscent of Arab memoranda to British com- missions during the Man- date period. "The grotes- queness of the injustice of importing one million Soviet Jews to this country should now be more blatant than ever, especially while the condition of forced exile and statelessness of millions of Palestinians is being perpetuated," the memo- randum said. "Without solv- ing this latter problem, the former will be viewed as a re-enactment of the 1948 tragedy." Describing Jewish im- migration to Israel as a gro- tesque injustice is difficult to reconcile with Palestinian statements recognizing Israel and its right to exist. This existence means the right to grow and flourish, including the absorption of new immigrants. True Pa- lestinian recognition of Israel means acceptance of its right to serve as a homeland for immigrating Jews. Blanket opposition to such immigration shows -a distressing lack of under- standing of the implications of recognition. Bir Zeit University pro- fessor Sari Nusseibeh, in an interview with the English- language edition of the East Jerusalem daily Al-Fajr, put forward more sophisticated arguments against im- migration, even to pre-1967 Israel: "The immigration of large numbers of Soviet Jews will undoubtedly