awallsoloi0100..1.0004. THE JEWISH NEWS FEBRUARY 2, 1990 A Toast To Jewish Living Bishevat A Variety Of Interpretations too • By RENEE WOHL Renee Wohl is director of the Israel Resource Center and an instructor at the Agency For Jewish Education and the author of this month's To Our Readers. For each issue of L'Chayim, a rabbi, Jewish educator or other notable will present an overview of the issue's theme. Tu Bishevat, which is sometimes referred to as a Jewish arbor day, has been relegated to a minor status on the Jewish calendar. Perhaps this is so because it has no connection to any great historical event or conflict in the lives of Jewish people over the ages, unlike other Jewish holidays such as Pesach, Shavuot or Rosh Hashanah. The holiday of Tu Bishevat is an agricultural one and yet it has taken on a variety of meanings for Jews throughout the Diaspora. Jews in the Diaspora have celebrated Tu Bishevat and tree planting in the middle of the winter as a way to commemorate their relationship and connection to the land of Israel. This holiday has helped to fortify the Jews as a nation and not only as a religion. In the Talmud, Tu Bishevat is referred to as a Rosh Hashanah Lellanot (a New Year for Trees). It is one of the four new years mentioned in the Talmud. This Rosh Hashanah for trees is likened to the Rosh Hashanah for humans as a time when trees are judged. The winter rain has fallen and the sap in the trees begins to rise. It is a new year for trees as the fruit of the trees begin to form. Our tradition has viewed Tu Bishevat as a day of judgement when God decides how bountiful the fruits of the trees will be in the coming year. Tu Bishevat is a harbinger of spring and a time of renewal. The Kabbalists have added a Continued on Page L-8 — , • I. VD. • •,/ . ... . .1.2 ■ 1711r407.i. T fi O r . ,^10.0114111* irA .0 4 10,1rioall VA ail ay" /Y0 4 '----- Tii Bishevat Offers Another Parenting Opportunity By HARLENE APPELMAN Lately I have been thinking about Jewish holidays as opportunities for specific kinds of parenting. The high holiday season offers the opportunity to talk about the value of saying "I'm sorry." Chanukah offers time for looking at the courage it takes to be different — And, in the famous story of Honi Ha Maagal and Tu Bishevat, there is certainly the opportunity to talk about aging and ultimately death. Tu Bishevat, the birthday of the trees, gives us a chance to talk to kids about trees in several ways. First, many trees go through obvious changes during the seasons. The leaves are born; they grow green; there is fruit and then, finally fruits disappear and leaves die and return to the earth. Fruits leave behind their seeds so that the new trees can grow. That happens yearly, looking at trees during their lifetime; they are planted, grow, bear fruit and ultimately wither and die having provided shade, ground cover, food and beauty to the world. They have left behind seeds to replenish the earth and sustain their species. It is not an accident that throughout Jewish lore trees symbolize life and knowledge and in contemporary life we talk about family trees. This provides a safe way to talk to kids about life cycles. Comparing trees to people and human life cycles allows parents and children to have a safe opportunity to talk about dying. People, too, spring from seeds, grow, bud and flower Continued on Page L-2