PURELY COMMENTARY Arthur Joseph Goldberg: Dedicated Jewish Libertarian PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus A dmiring communities, in the judiciary, gov- ernment and diplo- macy, are rating the merited honors to a man whose name will remain inerasable in this nation's history. Arthur Goldberg will be unforgotten for knowledge of the corn- mitments in which he became involved in everything for which he was selected in his life filled - with marked achievements. There will be a page for him in the Jewish portions of the American history in which he had great roles. In nearly all the obituaries about him there was mention of his having had a two-year term as president of the American Jewish Committee. There are many more iden- tifications for which to remember him, with grati- tude for notable services. First, let us remember his notable careers in the U.S. government, in our chief judiciary in the Supreme Court, and as the U.S. spokesman in the United Nations. There is an appreciated summary of these roles in the Encyclopedia Judaica. Re- lating the basic facts, we read in it: Arthur Goldberg Arthur Joseph Goldberg was U.S. labor lawyer, secretary of labor, Supreme Court justice and ambassador to the United Nations. Goldberg, who was born in Chicago, was the youngest of 11 children. After graduating from Nor- thwestern University Law School (1929) at the head of his class, Goldberg began practicing law in Chicago. He soon developed a na- tional reputation in labor law, a field then rapidly ex- panding in the wake of the intensive labor strife and legislation of the depres- sion years and Roosevelt's New Deal. During World War II, he was appointed head of the labor division of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), for which he helped to establish intricate clandes- tine operations with anti- Fascist trade union leaders behind Nazi lines. In 1948 Goldberg was ap- pointed general counsel of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). In this capacity he played a crucial role in the prolong- ed negotiations between the CIO and its warring rival the AFL (American Federation of Labor) and was instrumental in draf- ting the merger agreement between them in 1955, after which he returned to pri- vate practice. His book AFL CIO; Labor United was published the follow- ing year. An early supporter of the presidential aspirations of John F. Kennedy, Goldberg was appointed to the cabinet as secretary of labor upon Kennedy's in- auguration in 1961. Unlike his immediate predecessor, Goldberg took an activist view of the office. He vigorously strove to raise the national minimum wage and to increase federal unemployment - benefits, while at the same time seeking to arbitrate a wide range of labor- management conflicts in order to implement Ken- nedy's anti-inflationary program by discouraging excessive wage hikes. His activities in this area alienated many of his old labor colleagues, causing the magazine New Repub- lic to summarize his two years as labor secretary by remarking, "His contribu- tion to the Kennedy ad- ministration has been notable for his forthright disregard of old ties with organized labor in shaping a new doctrine of the na- tional interest in labor- management disputes?' In 1962 Goldberg was chosen by President Ken- nedy to replace the retiring Felix Frankfurter as a justice on the United States Supreme Court. During his term on the court, Gold- berg consistently voted with its liberal majority and wrote several key deci- sions protecting the rights of naturalized American citizens. The most signifi- cant decision written by him, however, was the famous Escobedo Case of 1964, in which the court ruled by a 5-4 majority that every accused prisoner had the constitutional right to be advised by a lawyer during police inter- rogation, thereby working a revolution in American criminal law. In 1965 Goldberg re- signed from the court to become United States permanent representative to the United Nations. The high point of his U.N. career came during the Arab-Israel war of 1967, when throughout the six days of fighting he re- peatedly and successfully argued the American posi- tion calling for a cease-fire without previous Israel withdrawal. He thereby earned the enmity of the Arab nations, who accused him of influencing Ameri- can foreign policy on be- half of Jewish interests. Goldberg was also said to have had a major hand in the drafting of the November 1967 Security Council resolution which served as a basis for the Jarring Mission to the Mid- dle East. In 1968 he re- signed from his position, reportedly dissatisfied with President Johnson's "hawkish" policies in Viet- nam and his own inability to moderate them. Such a remarkably ap- plauded career necessitated Continued on Page 46 The Disease Of Fault-Finding: The 'Mu Poison F ault-finding has be- come an appropriate ti- tle for a chapter in dis- putable propaganda tech- niques. The prejudiced in the media and the discriminating in governments and even in churches have contributed to it. This has become the means of equating all South African apartheid guilt to the Jewish community. The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Archbishop THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Fri- day with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCVI Na 23 February 2, 1990 2 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Desmond Tutu, has provided the tools for hatred with venom that disgraces the Nobel Prize granted him. Shocked by the extremely prejudiced views, the distinguished leader in Christian-Jewish relations and a dedicated ecumenist, Dr. Marc H. Tannenbaum, was compelled to write his most recent syndicated col- umn under the title "Ar- chbishop Tutu Is More Anti- Jewish Than He Acknowl- edges." Dr. Tannenbaum re- called the services to the South African-freedom move- ment of Helen Suzman. His column recalled: I first met Desmond Tutu, the Anglican ar- chbishop of South Africa and Nobel laureate, in his church in October, 1985. Helen Suzman, the feisty anti-apartheid leader in South Africa's parliament, arranged for an American Jewish Committee delega- tion to meet with Tutu for a frank discussion about apartheid and black- Jewish relations. After the usual courte- sies, the archbishop laun- ched into a long lecture to us about how apartheid is the equivalent of the Nazi Holocaust, and the Jews are spectators to the black tragedy. Suzman — as did we all — bristled with anger. She was the first member of the South African parliament to campaign against the evils of apartheid more than a quarter-century be- fore Tutu was on the scene. She also organized the first liberal party in South Africa to combat apar- theid. "Listen, Desmond?' Suz- man said, "I have devoted my entire life and career to battling against apartheid. Terrible and tragic as is apartheid, it is no way the equivalent of the Nazi Hol- ocaust which tried to de- stroy physically the entire Jewish people. I wish you would stop exploiting that great Jewish tragedy for your purposes?' Tutu seemed to be em- barrassed and remained silent for awhile. But he obviously has not remained silent since then. He has consistently ex- ploited Judaism and the Jewish historic experience. I am not sure whether he really believes what he has been saying about Jews and Judaism, or whether he is cynically distorting — even raping — Jewish sanc- ta for his own dramatic purposes. This is not enough to record the poison of a bigot who un- fortunately has a very long record of hatred to his credit. Dr. Tannenbaum proceeded in his column to expose the hatred of a man who was chosen for a great world honor: Examining the record of Archbishop Tutu's declara- tions over recent years, I have come to the conclu- sion that his mind-set is that of the medieval Chris- Desmond Tutu tian tradition, which be- lieved that Jews are moral- ly exhausted and that Christianity has come to supersede Judaism as a "superior" form of religion. Thus, we see it is classic anti-Judaism which feeds his consistent pattern of anti-Jewish attitudes. Continued on Page 46