I NSIGHT Weizman Winner Israel's defense minister Yitzhak Rabin achieved several important goals. ZE'EV CHAFETZ Israel Correspondent A s Israeli political scandals go, last week's Weizman Af- fair was mercifully brief. On Sunday morning, Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir accused Weizman of conducting secret talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization and fired him from his post as Minister of Science in the Government of National Unity. On Sunday night, Labor Party leader Shimon Peres announced that if Weizman were not reinstated, Labor would leave the government, thus bringing it down. On Monday, Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin brokered a deal, and on Tuesday, Weizman and Shamir ac- cepted it — the Science Min- ister agreed to leave the in- ner-cabinet, which deals with foreign policy and defense matters, while Shamir allowed him to stay on as a member of the government. Following the compromise, things returned to what has become normal unity government. Weizman flew to Moscow, where he was treated as a hero by the Soviet leadership. Shamir appeared on "Moked," the Israeli "Meet the Press," and pronounced himself satisfied with the deal. Peres and Rabin went back to their duties at the Ministries of Finance and Defense. Despite the appearance of business as usual, all four of the principals in last week's drama are well aware that it altered the political balance of power in the government and the country. Shamir, Weizman and Peres emerged from the 48-hour affair as losers; the big winner was Rabin. When Shamir first moved against Weizman, it ap- peared that he had engi- neered a brilliant maneuver. By boldly confronting the Science Minister with evidence of behind the scenes contacts with the PLO, Shamir asserted leadership and forced the Labor Party to choose bet- ween supporting Weizman's dealings with the Palesti- nian enemy, or allowing one of the party's senior figures to be fired for what amounted to treason. Shamir, however, com- mitted a cardinal political sin — he failed to count votes. It soon emerged that, should the government fall as a result of the crisis, Labor had a good chance to establish a narrow coalition with the Orthodox parties. Faced with the prospect of losing his job, Shamir back- ed down. His agreement to reinstate Weizman made a mockery of his accusation that Weizman was a traitor ("Now I know how to become a cabinet minister," quipped Labor MK Chaim Ramon. "All I have to do is talk to the PLO."); and gave rise to charges in the Likud that the Prime Minister is in- decisive and weak. "The affair demonstrates that Shamir can't stand up under pressure," said party colleague Ariel Sharon, who is demanding a meeting of the Likud Central Com- mittee to discuss the inci- dent. Shamir was also criticized, off the record, by senior security officials who are angry that the prime minister used intelligence Ironically, Rabin once survived an attempt by Weizman to end his political career. reports for political pur- poses. When the affair began, Labor Party leader Shimon Peres announced that he was behind Weizman, "100 percent." Behind the scenes, however, he was far less supportive, dropping broad hints that he would be prepared to work out a deal that would leave Weizman in the lurch. Weizman retaliated by publicly cursing Peres and revealing that the Labor leader had been a party to Weizman's contacts with the PLO. "While I was talking to Tunisia, Peres was on the other phone, telling me what to do," Weizman said. This revelation badly damaged Peres' already tarnished credibility and seriously harmed his relations with the prime minister. Weizman himself emerged from the incident with a demotion for what amounts to security reasons. The former air force commander and minister of defense was removed from the inner cabinet for the grounds that he is not trustworthy, something that seriously weakens his chances for at- "Now I know how to become a cabinet minister. All I have to do is talk to the PLO." taining a senior government post in the future. Moreover, his profane attacks on Peres, other Labor Party col- leagues, whom he described as "sons of whores" and on the "stupid government" in which he serves, have made him an unpopular figure among his colleagues. As Shamir, Peres and Weizman lost ground, Rabin gained. First, he let the air out of Labor's defense of the Science Minister by observ- ing, in a party meeting, that "Shamir has a case." Then, he shot down efforts by Peres to form a narrow govern- ment with the Orthodox par- ties. Finally, he brokered the deal that enabled Weizman to remain in the govern- ment, albeit in a reduced capacity. In so doing, Rabin achiev- ed several important goals. He strengthened his popularity with the general public by making it clear that he, too, opposes contacts with the PLO; prevented his long-time rival, Peres, from becoming prime minister in a Labor-led government in which his own authority and independence would be diminished; and demon- strated that he, and not THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 39