DIANE WOLKOW Special to The Jewish. News T he first noticeable thing upon approach- ing Yavne from the junction with the port city of Ashdod is that this is a city with an oasis look about it. Blocks of gleaming white villas and modern, American- style apartment buildings rise amid lush greenery only yards away from scrub and desert sand. The downtown commercial area, a few blocks from Detroit's Project Renewal neighborhood of Neot Shazar, is clean and bustling. Once a typical Israeli development town without a future, Yavne now is booming. In the span of only 15 years, this city has metamorphozed into a thriving industrial center and a residential paradise for top Israel professionals. The modern city of Yavne likes to boast of its proud heritage as a famous city. An- cient Yavne can trace its history to at least the Middle Bronze Age. Following the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 B.C.E., it attracted leading biblical scholars and became a major academic and religious center. A tradition was established in Yavne: Torah study combined with crafts and agriculture. But many of Yavne's citizens and illustrious rab- bis left after the Bar Kochba revolt in 132 B.C.E., leaving the city in the hands of con- querers and rulers. The 1948 War of In- dependence freed Yavne of Arab rule. The following year it became a development town, providing a haven of sorts for Jewish immigrants from Asian and African coun- tries. These immigrants lived first in tents, then in tenements which deterio- rated quickly into slums. 50 FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1990 Building Yavne Detroit's Project Renewal neighborhood has become a bustling industrial center for top Israeli professionals. Education was scandalously poor, unemployment ram- pant. Yavne no longer could lay claim to its former glory. Mayor Yehuda Berros, who settled in Yavne in 1973 following his army service, recalls that at the time of his arrival, more than 50 percent of Yavne's families were being maintained by welfare services. "I saw very quickly that this town had no chance for a future," he says. "As a bachelor, it was no problem for me. But for most of my friends, when they had children who had to go to school, it was a breaking point where they had to leave Yavne." Berros joined forces his first year with others who say that the only key to the city's future was improving its educational base. They cam- paigned successfully for a change in municipal leader- ship to a council that would be better able to meet the total community's needs and solve its social problems. The new leadership's first major step was a huge investment in education, which made Yavne more attractive to young couples. The unique approach for its time — emphasizing educa- tion in order to cure social ills — changed Yavne's image. The town's ideal location — approximately 15 miles from Tel Aviv and 4 1/2 miles from the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, 9 miles from the ma- jor port at Ashdod and half an hour from Ben Gurion Inter- national Airport — coupled with its status as a develop- ing area with government in- centives, drew the eye of potential investors. The town's first major in- dustry, Ormat, had already been founded in 1965. Yehuda Bronicki started his fledgling plant with a technology he had developed: a special tur- bo generator designed to generate electrical power from low-grade heat sources such as solar energy, geother- mal sources and hot water, waste heat and waste combustion. The 1960s were an era of cheap petroleum, and worldwide interest in alter- native energy sources was weak. But Israel, which has no energy resources, had been interested in solar energy and other alternative energies since the 1950s, making the domestic market lucrative for Ormat. Ormat project manager Michael Gill notes that when Ormat started operation, its objective was to manufacture its products as an industry. But besides the problems of education and housing, Yavne of the 1960s lacked local employment and had a shor- tage of skilled workers. Shortly after its founding, Ormat established a vocational-educational school to teach specialized mechanical and electrical skills at the high school level. The school is now run jointly by Ormat, ORT and the Ministry of Labor. Gill proud- ly points out that many of Or- mat's 400 employees are graduates of the ORt-Ormat school. About half the com- pany's work force is from Yavne, with the remainder from the surrounding area. Growing interest in energy conservation and non- polluting energy sources over the past decade or so has spurred interest in Ormat's products. More than 3,000 Or- mat generator systems are operating arund the world; the company has established American headquarters in Sparks, Nev. Last year, Ormat registered about $40 million in sales, mostly for export. The Ormat connection has boosted Yavne's employment base in other areas. In 1982, Bronicki and a group of in- vestors founded Orgenics to produce sophisticated testing systems for human and veterinary medicine and tox- ocology in such areas as AIDS, viruses in poultry and eggs and other potentially dangerous substances. , Another Ormat affiliate company, Orbot, was founded with a group of young scien- tists from the Weizmann In- stitute and Michigan In- stitute of Technology to per- Detroit philanthropist Max Fisher (center) visits with children at an elementary school during a recent visit to Yavne.