Breaking bread with his constituents in Beit Shemesh is Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. ZE'EV CHAFETS Israel Correspondent F or the past 40 years, Israel's electoral system has been like the weather. Everybody complains about it, but nobody has been able to change it. Prime ministers from Ben Gurion to Shamir have called for revisions, study committees have been estab- lished and disbanded, legislation has been in- troduced and defeated, and the system remains. This week, a prestigious band of professors and parliamentarians from eight countries met in Tel Aviv under the auspices of the Israel-Diaspora Institute's International Forum on Electoral Reform. Their goal: to offer advice that will help bring about the elusive change which, they believe, can make Israel's govern- ment more stable and responsive. "We are not unrealistic," said Arye Carmon, president of the Institute. "Nothing will happen overnight. But things are moving in the right direction. If a year ago, the chances of changing the system were 3 percent, today they are 27 percent, and ris- ing slowly." Carmon and other members of the MI Forum point to two basic flaws in the current system. First, Israel has no elec- toral districts. Candidates are selected by their parties and put on a slate, which receives a number of Knesset seats proportional to its share of the national vote. As a result, members of Knesset owe their election to their parties, not to a par- ticular constituency; and this leaves Israeli voters without direct, personal rep- resentation. The second problem is 36 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1989 The Catch-22 Of Electoral Reform A conference in Tel Aviv explored improving Israel's system of elections, but how do you convince the small parties to relinquish power? forming a government. Under the current system, a prospective prime minister needs the support of at least 61 Knesset members. But, in Israeli history no party has ever won an outright majority of Knesset seats in a national election. Every Israeli government has been a coalition. Government coalitions come in two sizes — large and small. Either the major parties combine forces, as they have in the present Government of National Unity, to form a broad coali- tion, or one major party forms a narrow partnership with small parties. According to the experts, neither result is desirable. In broad based governments, the two major partners often work at cross purposes, which undermines decision making and efficient ad- ministration. In narrow co- alitions, the small parties gain disproportionate in- fluence. This was graphically il- lustrated in the negotiations that followed last year's election. The Likud and Labor finished in a near deadlock. Both tried to set up a narrow coalition with the Orthodox parties, which received 15 percent of the vote, and thus held the bal- ance of power. Party leaders held countless meetings with with rabbinical power brokers, who demanded large sums of money for their institutions, and religious legislation, in- cluding the controversial Who Is A Jew? bill. "After the 1988 election, the small parties tried to ex- tort and bribe the major ones," says Carmon. "We need a system that will pre- vent that in the future." Largely as a result of their unpleasant post-election ex- perience, the Likud and Labor parties established a bipartisan committee head- ed by Cabinet Minister Gad Ya'akobi, to examine and recommend changes in the electoral system. Members of the IDI task force serve as advisers to the committee, and have helped formulate a proposal that would divide the country into 20 electoral districts, each with three members of Knesset. The remaining 60 members would be elected at large, as they currently are. The Ya'akobi Committee also suggested reducing the number of splinter parties by raising the electoral threshold for parties from the present one percent of the vote cast to four percent. One key question that re- mains open is the method for selecting the prime minister. Speaking to the IDI forum this past weekend, Labor leader Shimon Peres called for direct elections along the American model, but many of the experts were skep- tical. "The overwhelming majority of our participants feel that electing the prime minister directly is a great mistake," said Carmon. "The main problem is that Israel has no constitution. If "The major problem is mistrust," said a Likud Member of Knesset. the majority of the parlia- ment come from one party, and the prime minister from another, it could cause seri- ous complications." Some of Peres' party col- leagues were also unhappy with the proposal to directly elect the prime minister. "The problems we face are so complex that no one per- sonality can tackle them all,"said Labor's Mordechi Gur. "For that reason, I favor retaining a cabinet form of government." Despite disagreements over specifics of the Ya'akobi recommendations, and on the method of choosing the prime minister, the members of the IDI forum, which included parliamen- tarians and professors from Israel and eight foreign countries, were nearly unanimous in calling for major revisions of the status quo. But, it is far from certain that the present effort to change the system will fare better than previous attemp- ts. The major stumbling block is, as it always has been, the opposition of the small par- ties. "The Orthodox parties know that a change will reduce them to their true proportions," said Carmon. "Some of the other small parties say they are in favor of a change, but in fact they won't do anything to bring it about. They are torn bet- ween principle and a fear of losing their place in the Knesset." On paper, the Likud and Labor are easily able to pass new election reform. But neither wants to alienate the smaller parties. "The major problem is distrust," said a Likud Member of Knesset who did not attend th -e IDI meeting. "Labor hasn't given up the idea of setting up a narrow government, and neither have we. And, to do that, you need the religious parties. Everybody's for changing the system, but nobody wants to lose the the possible support of the religious parties by going first." Such a political Catch-22 is a sure prescription for stalemate. But not everyone is sorry. "At least we know what's wrong with the system we've got," said the Likud MK. "Who knows what will be wrong with a new one." ❑