PURELY COMMENTARY Pragmatic Testing In A Timely Communal Survey PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus K now Thyself' could be considered the new motto in the survey conducted by the Jewish Welfare Federation as an analysis of existing policies in our communal structure. The many who already have been tested by the multiplici- ty of questions addressed to them acknowledge the pragmatism of the task under- taken. In a sense, the entire study introduces a revolu- tionizing change in communal activism. In earlier years, pro- testing factions in the com- munity contended that the Federation failed to adhere to the democratic way of plann- ing its serving communal needs. The mere search for opinions on needs of the agen- cies supported from large and representative elements in this active area suggests a new tendency toward democratization. There is another aspect in the survey that invites deep interest. Not everything is tzedakah-minded. The tradi- tionally obligated always call for deep interest and continuity. The devotion to the causes related to the elderly and the welfare commitments are not to be ignored. The cultural aspects must be given equal concern. The school system demands deeper interest. Pro- posed improvements must be treated seriously. The libraries associated with them dare not be ignored. Functions in the Jewish Center program have reached great heights. The Detroit Book Fair has become a guide for other communities and is like a nationally advanced ideal meriting acclaim. On occasions, demands are made for attention to what may be the lesser in values. In at least one sphere, special at- tention is due to the less sen- sationalized. When interest is John Mames F or more than a decade, at the observance here at Passover time of Yom Hashoah, commemorating the anniversary of the heroic Jewish resistance to the Nazi terror, honors were accorded to the most distinguished among the Righteous Gentiles. Dr. John Mames' death Dec. 1 after a serious illness cost our community its chief archivist of the Christian Righteous Gentiles. In that activity Dr. Mames was himself the righteous historian. He made it a chief cause in his life not to forget those who had rescued Jews, themselves risk- ing their lives. In such a com- mitment to an ideal he emerg- ed as a historian of the Holocaust, of which he was a survivor. This was only a portion of his activities in the "Never THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Fri- day with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCVI No. 15 December 8, 1989 2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1989 essays and poems, drawing upon history and current events. Its Writers Journal has just appeared as a 33rd year anniversary issue. It calls for deep communal interest. Their achievement is literary and creative. The writers and the bubbies and zaydes in this group are anx- ious to be recognized as writers. What they write is history and experience. They also express the American way as well as the Jewish. Norma Goldman accorded to the senior citizens, it is often with pity. There is a factor in our pro- gram that substitutes pride and admiration for pity. It is an element in the Ten Mile branch of the Jewish Com- munity Center where a group called the Center Writers Cor- ner keeps creating, writing In the current volume, for example, an elderly baseball adherent wrote an essay on "Play Ball." He told how, as a youngster, he was at once at- tracted to baseball. His devo- tion to the sport continued. This essay by Albert Lipton is as humorous as it is realistic. The reason for mentioning such factors in our life is because it is another manifestation of progress in Jewish experience. In the earlier decades of this century one of the aims of welcoming new immigrants was to strive for their "Americanization." This is now a forgotten term. Yet the memory of it in our ap- proach to our now totally Americanized community is unforgotten history. Our reaction to the Writers Journal must be communal glory. That is why the adviser to that group, Professor Nor- ma Goldman, who is on the Wayne State University facul- ty in the Latin and Greek department, deserves deep appreciation. Another point needs to be made here. Norma Goldman is a volunteer. The devotion she gives her wonderful group of writers elevates her to the top rating in volunteerism. If the scores of writers published in Writers Journal were to be listed they would have to be defined as the "Who's Who Among the Ac- complished Elderly in Detroit's Cultural Communi- ty." ❑ Righteous Jewish Humanist Dr. John Mames Forget" identification with Holocaust concerns. He organized lectures in schools on the subject. He delivered some of the addresses himself and arranged for large assemblies in the Holocaust Center. Yet, the chief activity in which he acquired national fame was the Magen David Mom of Israel, the Jewish equivalent of the Red Cross. He was the organizer and for 20 years president of the Michigan Chapter of the MDA enlisting support for this cause. Thanks to the services he and his devoted wife Eva gave to it, more than 70 am- bulances were purchased and fully outfitted here and were shipped to Israel to provide the assistance needed for Israel's military and civilian health services. These activities definitely earn for John Mames the title thus chosen for him as the Righteous Jewish Humanist. There is very much more to be said about him and his Eva. They dedicated their energies and leadership qualities to a continuity of efforts as a result of which the large sums ac- quired here for MDA were raised at practically no ex- pense to the movement. A $250,000 annual income for MDA could have involved a three percent expense — a record-setting, unmmatched philanthropic achievement. John Mames was a very devout man who treated synagogue sanctity as a lifetime's involvement to which he dedicated himself without reservations. His spiritual devotions became the commitment to Jewish learning through his knowledge of the Bible and everything relating to prayer. Without in any sense limiting his devoted duties in his dental profession he also was the impassioned scholar, the Hebraist as well as the master of other languages, especially his expertness in his knowledge of Latin. The tribute, therefore, is to a dedicated friend who was a pious man, a linguist, a culturally-inspired ideal- ist with humanistic devotions. Therefore the title for him as Righteous Jewish Humanist. ❑ Ambition And Tikkun O nly when calamities threatened Jewries on a global scale, was there anything resembling near-total unity. These were always disputes among us. We differed theologically. We were never alike sociological- ly. How could we think alike when there was always something to divide us? Even philanthropically, divisiveness. Therefore, when there is a revolt against the "Establish- ment," it can be treated as a mere formality. In the larger sphere "the revolt" cannot even induce skepticism. Take, for example, American Jewry. Some, at the heads of major movements, may be disliked. There is now a powerful Jewish press in the language of the nation in which we enjoy citizenship, and there is a free avenue for criticism. We can't always cor- rect everything individual citizens object to, and there are no longer any secrecies. But a member of the very journalistic craft in which we place a large measure of con- fidence wants to assume con- trol of "Establishment." He wants to become "Establish- ment." He does it under a slogan of "correcting . . . repairing ... mending . ." It is more than cynicism that calls such an ambition ridiculous. Under the title "Tikkun" the name of the magazine Michael Lerner edits, he seeks to mend the communi- ty. He wants to oust the pre- sent leadership and himself become the community.Are there any substitutes in the apparent "revolt" who can take over the educational systems, the aid to the elder- ly and handicapped, support for family welfare cases, many more functioning responsible? The initiator of the move- ment for "mending" in American Jewish life under the title "Tikkun" had a peculiar way of defining his ideology when he said to a San Francisco audience: "We need compassion for Jews and Palestinians. The condition under which we returned to Palestine were like jumping from a burning building. We landed on the backs of the Palestinians." Is it possible that such showmanship fails to recognize that this form of braggadacio harms the Arabs he wishes to shelter even more than his fellow Jews? Continued on Page 46