ISRAEL A One-Man Alternative Post-Zionist and neither left nor right, Hillel Kook remains Israel's intellectual gadfly. o-■ LOUIS RAPOPORT Special to The Jewish News !7 • o ► .* erusalem — The na- tional unity coalition between Likud and Labor may or may not be teetering on the brink of col- lapse over Egyptian propos- als for moving along the plan for Palestinian elec- tions in the territories. But in the view of one maverick Israeli thinker, both of the country's main political blocs are guilty of supreme negligence: "Israel after 1948 made the mistake of accepting a permanent state of war. Now, Israel acts as if the state of war is over," says Hillel Kook. "It isn't. This is not a boundary dispute, but an ex- istential war. Kook, who used the alias Peter Bergson when he rallied Americans in the 1940s to rescue Jews from Hitler's Europe, has been described by journalist Doron Rosenblum in a Ha'aretz profile as a one- man alternative, and by the late American writer Ben Hecht as a man of history. But today he is old and se- riously ailing, an Israeli in despair over the direction his country has taken since the 1948 War of Indepen- dence. Yet Kook's ideas are, in some ways, as fresh as when they were first con- ceived in the 1940s, when Foreign Minister Moshe Ar- ens was one of the Bergson group's youthful activists; and Kook's ideas could play a vital role in any future set- tlement of the dispute with the Palestinians. Kook has been an ex- tremely controversial figure, _since he and a small group of Palestinians (as the pre- state Jews were called) defied the Jewish and Zionist establishment and led a loud and dramatic campaign in the United States to force President Franklin Roosevelt to set up a rescue agency for the Jews. With the help of Ben Hecht's pageants, a massive propaganda effort and heavy lobbying in Washing- ton, they succeeded, while the official Zionists put res- cue lower down on the agen- da and even engaged in a dirty-tricks -campaign to discredit the efforts of the "upstarts." Nahum Gold- mann and Rabbi Stephen Wise told the State Depart- ment in 1943 that Bergson was a bigger threat to Amer- ican Jews than Hitler, be- cause he was causing an an- ti-Semitic backlash. . The battles over what Bergson and his various committees did during. the war years are still being fought in books and jour- nals, but it is Jewish lives and the dangers of today that have become an obses- sion for Hillel Kook. His analysis of the cause of the malady is unique, out of sync with conventional opin- ions about Zionism and Jews. Kook's politics cannot be pigeonholed as left or right, though he was an early leader of the Irgun under- ground (before former Prime Minister Menachem Begin became commander), and a young aide to Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the foun- der of Revisionist Zionism that Begin molded into the Herut and, later, Likud par- ties. Zionists see a nation of 13 million Jews; Kook sees an Israeli nation living in Israel. that Zionism is a continuing revolution, whose work is never concluded, in the words of former President Yitzhak Navon. Zionists see a nation of 13 million Jews; Kook sees an Israeli nation living in Isra- el. He does not believe that the Diaspora is sick, as con- ventional Zionists do, or that American Jews are not really Americans, but Jews in exile. Kook's ideas often have been dismissed because of his blunt and provocative way of saying things, as when he declares that Israel has not yet recognized itself and that this is the crux of the country's problems. What he means is that Zionism, which was suppos- ed to bring about the nor- malization of the Jewish people as a means of solving the Jewish problem, has in- stead perpetuated the anomalous status of the Jews in the world. He believes that the fail- ure of the Jews of Israel to deal with "the fundamen- tals" has led to the situation of an Israel that on one hand claims all the rights and privileges of a sovereign na- tion, but on the other hand has not lived up to the responsibilities of that sov- ereignty. Israel, he has said, is "a Jewish ghetto with an army." The failure to make dis- tinctions between the Jews of Israel and the Jews of Hillel Kook: "There is a Palestinian people. I see no reason to continue claiming that there is no such people." Today, Kook's contribu- tion to what he regards as the true debate — Who is an Israeli, not Who is a Jew —has been recognized and praised by a wide spectrum of Israeli intellectuals. After the state was de- dared in 1948, one could be a Jew by religion, culture or ethnic identity, Kook main- tains. There was no longer a "Jewish nation," but an Is- raeli nation. Yet the doctri- naire Zionists do not believe this, he says, contending THE DETROIT JEWISH.NEWS . 109