EDITORIAL A New Germany? L ast week witnessed one of the most astounding, exultant scenes of the postwar era: the effective dismantling of the Berlin Wall. As East Germans streamed to the West, there were champagne, tears and laughter. It was, for all purposes, a holiday, one that Germans on both sides of the wall had been hop- ing to mark on their calendars for years and which finally, almost miraculously, came about. The wall has been an insult to humanity — to all humanity, not just to Germans — since it was erected in 1961. It was built as a barrier to the human spirit, as a refutation to aspirations that, it was apparent to all, the Communist system could not satisfy. But as one observer noted, the wall is coming down for the same reason it was built: to keep people from leaving East Germany. One senses now a mixture of joy and anxiety, a note of triumph of the human spirit mingling with concern about the challenges ahead. These heady days in Berlin have renewed speculation that Ger- many will be reunited. It is an idea that throws into confusion the nations of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and geopolitical experts and economists. The postwar military alignments were largely a reaction to a divided Europe. Now, almost every day, we hear that these divisions aren't quite on the verge of disappearing, but they certainly seem more tenuous than at any moment since their crea- tion. More ambivalent than confused are several European nations — and many of the Jews of the world. The English, French and Poles, in particular, are fearful of reuniting a nation that began the most destructive conflicts ever on this planet, this century's two world wars. And many members of the European Community privately worry that a unified Germany would surpass the economic success that West - Germany has achieved on its own and become the economic magnet of western Europe. Meanwhile, many Jews are torn between their very visceral re- membrances of the Holocaust and their acknowledgement that the post-war generation of Germans is innocent of this genocide. In Israel, leaders spoke with concern and caution about the spectre of a unified Germany, perhaps envisioning, without articulating, the fear of a Fourth Reich. As ambivalent as these observations may be, no one can be im- mune to the heady atmosphere in the two Germanys today. It is, after all, democracy, not repression, that may prevail after long years of repression; it has been a virtually leaderless people in East Germany that has not only been allowed to speak, but whose wishes have been heeded by a government not known for being responsive. What follows now will be a test of good will on both sides — one that will require a careful, judicious reading of history and of temperaments. r OPINION A New Eastern Europe: Is It Good For The Jews? ADAM GARFINKLE Special to the Jewish News I can distinctly recall that evening 20 years ago when man first set foot on the moon. I was amid a mixed group of my friends. Ten seconds after that "small step for man" was taken, my friend Murray — something of a cross between Timothy Leary and Lenny Bruce at the time — turned to me with a wry smile and said: "But is it good for the Jews?" It is, of course, a deliberate and often humorous caricature of the Jewish at- titude toward the wide world Adam Garfinkle is the coordinator of the political studies program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute; a contributing editor to its journal, Orbis; and teaches political science at the University of Pennsylvania. 6 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1989 to put even the most globally salient events in parochial "Jewish" terms. In this case, however, what has been happening in Poland, Hungary and East Germany — and what will surely pro- ceed in Czechoslovakia, Romania, and perhaps even Bulgaria before very long — does have meaning for Jews on a number of levels. On perhaps the most pedestrian level, the rapid liberalization of some com- munist regimes (East Ger- many) and the more pro- tracted collapse and transformation of others (Poland and Hungary) mean that the constraints against the normalization of diplo- matic ties between these governments and Israel have been largely removed. Hungary re-established diplomatic relations with Israel on Sept. 19, and other states will likely follow. The Soviet Union seems unwill- ing, and perhaps unable, to stop them — and may soon join them. The re-establishment of East European and possibly diplomatic ties with Israel will lessen Israel's interna- tional isolation to some degree. But since Israel has maintained diplomatic ties with Romania throughout the last 20 years, and decent de facto relations even with East Germany as well, in more recent times, the significance of these formal changes is probably modest. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Jews were still prominent in the communist parties in Eastern Europe, but ineluctably, they were displaced by native ethnic cadres. This generational transition of political elites largely explains the anti- Semitism of East European communist parties in the 1950s, 1960s and beyond. Now these cadres are be- ing defeated and driven from power throughout Eastern Europe. This does not mean, however, that anti-Semitism has been completely van- quished. It is a moot point for most East European countries because there are very few Jews left in them, but There is reason for all people who love liberty to rejoice in the new light shining upon the societies of Eastern Europe. Hungary is an exception. There are as many as 100,000 Jews in Hungary, and while Stalinist forms of anti-Semitism will surely wane, the old nationalist forms may wax. In the new politics of Hungary, Jews may become political scapegoats in much the same way they were in Poland as recently as 1970. If that happens, we may ex- pect a modest level of Jewish emigration from Hungary to Israel, to Western Europe, and to Canada and the United States. There is also an economic lesson that Israel can learn from these dramatic events. Except in the East German case, political reform in the communist world has been driven by economic collapse. Israel's basic economic architecture is not very different from the failed models of Eastern Europe, with which it shares a historical kinship of sorts. It has been and remains so- cialist in design, heavily oriented toward public sec- tor employment, and the re- lationship of its leaden bu- reaucracy to the Israeli economy can only be com- pared to that of a boa con- Continued on Page 10 (.2 l