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The Ibrah, spar- ing in its description, says on- ly that "the earth was filled with violence?' The very beginning of civilization was almost doomed by man's pro- Shabbat Noah: Genesis 6:9-11:32, Isaiah 54:1-55:5. pensity to injure and violate the life of his fellow. The text is as contemporary as today's headlines. What is the most serious problem con- fronting modern man? Is it economics, the impact of technology, concern about the environment over-population, drug addiction? All of these challenges can be met by the insight, resources and produc- tivity of highly advanced Western civilization, if we could but summon the will. But one problem hangs like a sword of Damocles over the world and has in overt and covert ways affected the quali- ty of life in our time: the scourge of violence. Each day sees more killing in the areas of conflict around the world, murders, rapes and muggings on our city streets, gang wars, the brutality that takes place in the inner city neighborhoods, political assassinations and all the other forms by which the human existence is attacked, assaulted and disfigured. We do not respond with suf- ficient indignation to the prevalence- of violence in American life. The U.S. Con- gress has yet to pass an effec- tive gun-control law. We are indifferent to the effect of the mass media on our lives and the lives of our children. No generation growing up in any epoch of history or any place has had to face such a deluge of violence as modern Irwin Groner is senior rabbi of Congregation Shaarey Zedek. American youth. Many youngsters play with toy guns before they can read. The mass media blur the distinc- tion betwen reality and fan- tasy, between right and wrong. Movies have become more explicitly violent, presenting a pornography of violence in which every twitch, shriek and contortion of the victim is portrayed. This disregard for human life, for human dignity, for human existence itself cannot, but in some measure, affect the at- titudes, the fantasies and perhaps even the behavior of the audience. From a moral perspective, violence is not only a matter of murder or grand larceny. It begins with petty crime, a small insult, a murder of a man by degrees. In the eyes of God, chamas, the term for violence in the Noah story, is not only the violent crime that makes the headlines; it is the thousand little assaults that we perpetuate every day against our neighbor's sen- sitivity, a friend's ego, a parent's dignity, a child's self- respect, a colleague's self- worth, a competitor's equal opportunity. Every time we sneer at a human being, we spill a drop of his blood. Every time we utter a cutting and unkind remark, we kill the victim a little bit. Whenever we humiliate another person, we do violence to his self-image. The poor and the deprived represent another kind of violence — subtle, hidden, but no less powerful and destruc- tive. It is shocking that an af- fluent country perpetuates hunger, need and misery in the slums of its urban centers. Violence to the human spirit is the daily portion of those who live in urban slums with their sub-standard housing, filth and inadequate educa- tion. The lack of opportunity, the elimination of hope and the growth of despair are the products of this form of covert, but no less real attack upon the lives of the poor — the vic- tims of society's indifference. The story of Noah is meant to convey an eternal truth: violence is not natural to man; it is a perversion of the process and meaning of crea- tion, an aberration of what it really means to be human. The 'Ibrah says that God per- mitted man to begin again- through Noah, for he and his descendants were granted another opportunity to achieve an abundant life. Tel-Twelve Mall 12 Mile & Telegraph Southfield Daily 10-9 Sun. 12-5 354-9060 Always 20% off Professional Interior Designers . A Woman's Touch CAR CARE CENTER MAKES YOUR CAR LOOK LIKE NEW! SPECIAL • Interior cleaned and shampooed • Exterior buffed, finished off with a coat of polish Reg. $139.95 $9995 Free Estimates On: Body Side Moldings Scratches & Dents Repainted Wheels & Wire Covers Cleaned Vinyl Tops Cleaned & Sealed Clean Engine - Pin Striping Puritan Auto Service 355-1200 Puritan Auto Service Center M-F 8 am-5 pm, Sat 8am-Noon Just South of Nine Mile 21545 Telegraph Lenny's Body Shop 357-3020 M-F 8 am-5 pm, Sat 8 am-noon ❑ THE, DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 51,