PURELY COMMENTARY Earthquakes: Seismography in Our History PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus Then the earth did shake and quake, the foun- dations also of the moun- tains did tremble. Psalms 18:7 The earth reeleth to and fro like a drunken man, and swayeth to and fro as a lodge; and the trans- gression thereof is heavy upon it. Isaiah 24:2 E arthquakes are in history from time immemorial. They are mentioned in Scriptures and the Prophets comment upon the ex- periences. They are in our records com- monly referred to as the Old Testament, and there is reference to the occurrences in the New Testament, as in Revela- tions 8:5: "There were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake." The manner in which the ground vibrations "extend into antiquity" as earthquakes is recorded in an ac- cumulated record assembled in the En- cyclopedia Judaica. In the current ex- perience that is now shocking us in the reports from Oakland, San Francisco and other California areas, we are pro- vided with the numberless occurrences in human history. The Encyclopedia Judaica record is worth studying in relation to the current shocking news: In biblical times earth- quakes, like thunder and other natural cataclysms, were regarded as demonstrations of God's unlimited power. It was believed that the phenomenon preceded divine manifestations (I Kings 19:11-12; Isa. 6:4; Ezek. 3:12-13), the revelation at Sinai (Ex. 19:18), divine wrath (Ps. 18:8; 104:8), and collective punish- ment (I Sam. 14:15; Isa. 5:25; Nah. 1:5; 16:32; Amos 9:1), and it was also envisaged as heralding the end of the world (Ezek. 38:19-20). The descriptions of earth- quakes in the Bible — especial- ly by prophets — indicate that such cataclysms occurred from time to time and that people were therefore familiar with their consequences. The almost scientific description of the phenomenon at earth disloca- tion and cracking related in a prophecy of wrath (Zech. 14:4-5), might be based on a personal experience of an earthquake. Because of its powerful im- pact, the major earthquake which occurred toward the end of King Uzziah's reign (about 800 B.C.E.) was referred to for some time in date references (Amos 1:1; Zech. 14:5). In 31 B.C.E. a disastrous tremor in Judea claimed 10,000 to 30,000 victims (Jos., Ant., 15:122). During the last 2,000 years, earthquakes in Palestine and its neighborhood have been recorded in greater detail (see bibl. Amiran, 1951; Shalem, 1951; Arieh, 1967). These records reveal that, on the average, several damaging earthquakes have occurred in each century, but usually only one reached disastrous proportions. Seismological observatories have been operated by the Geological Survey of Israel since 1955, and by the Weizmann Institute of Science since 1969. Recent seismographic measurements indicate that most earthquake epicenters are situated in or near the Jordan Rift Valley, an area where the two most destructive earth- quakes since the 19th century originated. The earthquake on Jan. 1, 1837, whose epicenter was near Safed, took about 5,000 victims, ruined much of the old city, and was strongly felt from Beirut to Jerusalem. On July 11, 1927, an earthquake occurred north of Jericho violently affecting vast areas from Lebanon to the Negev, and in Transjordan kill- ing about 350 persons and ruin- ing some 800 structures (mainly in Shechem) .. . There is another important en- cyclopedic reference to earthquakes that merits mentioning. It calls atten- tion to the following: Tiberias was severly damag- ed by the violent earthquake of 1837, which destroyed most of the 16th-century city wall and caused the death of many in- habitants (according to one source, 1,000 Jews then lost their lives). Many of the surviving Jews fled to Jerusalem, but returned to Tiberias in the following years; in 1839 the city had 600 Jewish inhabitants. On the site of the old settle- ment, in addition to the in- habitants belonging to the old yishuv, a modern Jewish com- munity was established, given impetus with the founding of Jewish villages in the surroun- ding areas in eastern Lower Galilee at the beginning of the 20th century. We must judge as comforting and Continued on Page 48 Multiple USSR Cover-Ups On Raoul Wallenberg or 40 years the USSR has been hiding facts about Raoul Wallen- berg, his detention and ac- cumulating persecuting details. Now comes another attempt to "bury" the facts. So many distortions have become evident in the treatment of a case that has become internationally significant that the latest USSR assertions have added to the suspicions about Kremlin responses to demands for the truth. There are many, especially members of the Wallenberg family, who continue to believe, on the basis of reports of former Lubiyanka prisoners, that the famous hero of World War II is still alive. Therefore an accumulation of ac- cusations by an eminent student of world affairs is vital to the Wallenberg record. William Korey, director, interna- F THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCVI No. 10 2 November 3, 1989 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1989 tional research, of B'nai B'rith, in a let- ter published in the New York Times Oct. 24, presented these facts: Your Moscow dispatch con- cerning the Wallenberg case ("Soviets Give Kin Wallenberg Papers," Oct. 17) requires a small calendrical correction. It begins by saying that Raoul Wallenberg disappeared into the gulag "more than 45 years" ago. In fact he disappeared on Jan. 17, 1945, while on his way to see Soviet Marshal Rodion Malinovsky in Debrecen, Hungary. Jan. 17, 1990, will mark the 45th anniver- sary of that tragic event. Secondly, the article states that Wallenberg was 35 years old at the time of his disap- pearance and 37 when he was alleged to have died of a heart attack in July 1947. In fact, he was two years younger in both instances, which makes even more incredible the K.G.B. in- sistence that he had suffered a coronary. Incredulity is compounded by Soviet insistence — ar- ticulated last June in Paris at the Helsinki-sponsored "Human Dimension Conference" — that "we know nothing new" about Wallenberg's arrest, incarcera- tion or reported death. The mind-boggling denial is of a piece with earlier Soviet distortions. Soon after Raoul Wallenberg Wallenberg's apprehension, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Dekanosov told the Swedes that. "Russian military authorities have taken measures to protect Raoul Wallenberg and his belongings?' The Soviet Ambassador in Stockholm, Alexandra Kollon- tai, told Wallenberg's mother her son was safe in Russia and would return soon. But two years later, the notorious Andrei Vyshinsky, now deputy foreigh minister, declared on Aug. 18, 1947, that "Wallenberg is not in the Soviet Union and is unknown to us." As for Dekanosov's earlier report, it was allegedly based upon misleading information. Early in 1948, the semiof- ficial Foreign Ministry weekly, New Times, denounced as "fables" reports that the "Soviet secret police" were holding Wallenberg. The lie was con- tinued for another nine years. Finally, after persistent Swedish inquiries based on new documentation, in February 1957 the deputy foreign minister announced that Wallenberg had died a decade earlier but that the key witnesses had in the meantime died or were executed for "anti-state crimes?' Last June, the Soviet ambassador to the Helsinki talks in Paris declared that those responsible for "destroying such persons as Wallenberg, also destroyed the documents:' Clearly, the cover-up is con- tinuing. President Mikhail Gor- bachev's challenge that the "blank spots" in Soviet history should be filled in has a special relevancy for the Wallenberg episode. There will surely be a continuing insistence that the Soviet authorities reveal the true record and the realities about the treatment that was accorded Raoul Wallenberg. His persecution will remain an indictment of the Russian Communist leaders. ❑