MODERN DRAMA who subdivided the property in the late 1930s. The couple chose the area because of the sense of privacy and the natural setting. The wildlife ducks, frogs, geese — frequent the backyard pond fed by an artesian well. The home was recently featured in the national magazine Architecture, and won an award from the state chap- ter of the American Institute of Architects. The Neumanns purchased the property from a developer, who believ- ed the site was unbuildable due to the rugged terrain. However, Neumann, a principal in the architectural firm of Neumann Smith & Associates, was familiar with the area because he had designed the home next door. One architectural challenge, in addi- tion to the slant of the land, was adher- ing to strict city codes and meeting the average height requirement of 26 feet. Because of the slope of the hill, he could average the height, which resulted in the 10-foot front and the 45-foot rear. He dug the home into the site to achieve the proper measurements. "The other weird parts about the shape of the house are from our com- mon commitment to keep all of the trees," says the architect. The house literally dodges all the magnificent scotch and white pine trees on the property. The exterior of this 5,100-square foot home looks like an oceanliner in the midst of a forest. The voluminous, three-dimensional home is actually two freestanding boxes connected by an enclosed passageway. The south box is the garage. The longer box contains two sections: kitchen, laundry room, bathrooms and stairs in one area; and living room, dining room, family room, Two views of the dining room show studio and bedrooms in the other part. the multi-level, multi-windowed There is a front courtyard with a small interior. The modern light fixture reservoir and fountain before entering deliberately displays its wiring. The the home. glass top of the table is etched with The artist-and-architect team chose horizontal lines. The chairs are in horizontal lines to contrast with the ver- pairs, with arms attached. The tall tical trees. This theme is evident in the Biedermeier-style wall unit has exterior and the interior of the home, contrasting colored wood to and in the furniture and the windows. emphasize its horizontal lines. The white clapboard exterior of horizontal redwood boards blends in- to the setting. The 300 or more win- dows are all either square or rec- tangular, in keeping with the horizontal images. Even the coffee tables are ac- cented with horizontal lines, while the 70 HOME