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October 28, 1989 - Image 34

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1989-10-28

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This lake front home
holds family memories
for the owner, whose
grandparents were once
the residents.


t was fate that I bought this
house," says the proud owner
of this magnificent quad-level
home on an Oakland County lake.
"My grandparents built this house in
1956. I spent my childhood summers
here and I used to dream of living here.
I have always wanted to live on a lake."
She had the chance to buy the
house when her grandmother moved
to a one story home next door, but she
and her husband decided it needed
too much work. The house was sold
to someone else who remolded it,
modernized it and also added a swim-
ming pool.
"He lived in it three weeks and
decided it was too large," the owner ex-
plained. "We had just purchased a
house across the street, but I decided
to buy this house the minute I heard
it was for sale. I guess it was besheret;
it was meant to be mine."
The 4,500 square food home with
100 feet of lake frontage is the perfect
haven for this active family of four.
"When my husband gets home from
work we take a boat ride or go water
skiing. In the winter we go ice skating.
Living on the lake makes you very
aware of the change of seasons."
One of the best features of the house
is that every room offers a view of the
lake. "Every day the lake looks dif-
ferent," the owner states. "Some days
the houses are reflected on the lake
like a mirror. Other days it looks as
rough as Lake Michigan."
The remodeled house resembles a
sophisticated yet casual California
beach house. To help with the interiors,
the owners hired designer Toby Zack,

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