1) • tr. • ti "i x ," '/ /- "/0.e5X4" ,,/ • - % Art By Nip Rogers Jewish kids, poor and hungry Jews, and Jews with disa- bilities. I didn't say we are doing nothing. I just said "Slower-Than- Desired". For all the battered women's shelters in North America, I can still count in 30 seconds how many are for Jews and run by Jews: Los Angeles, New York, Montreal, rIbronto, Baltimore, Chicago, and maybe one or two more. And two or three of those began in the last 18 months. Anyone involved in the "out- side world's" battered women's projects will tell us there are many (More than we admit to ourselves) Jews among them. And Jews have special needs in this area. For all the AA chapters around and all the statistics on cocaine, crack, Valium, and other abused drugs, the number of JACS (Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons) and similar endeavors lags far behind the need. For all our demographic studies on Jewish poor peo- ple, we're still not reaching nearly as many as we need to reach. The runaway kids—Father Bruce Ritter's New York Covenant House now has some rabbis working with them. There must be a need. Some of the kids who wind up selling their bodies and deal- ing drugs on Times Square are Jewish, enough to need some rabbis. And in other large metropolitan areas? Access: Still a struggle, despite great strides. Not enough interpreters for the deaf, not enough TDD machines so the deaf can call in by typewriter over the phone wires to connect with the Jewish community. There are not enough ramps to the bimah, to the synagogue itself, bathrooms, lecture halls, group homes for retard- ed adults, involvement of the special needs community in Super Sunday, Yom Ha Shoah, Yom Ha'atzmaut. There is not even a national directory of Jewish com- munal buildings that are wheelchair-accessible or have special sound systems for the hearing impaired, though the United Synagogue of America has already pub- lished its first preliminary listing with 25 or so synagogues. 3. No Significant Progress with the Big Numbers: I've been warned and fail to heed the warning—what about the thousands and thousands of others who remain unin- volved, totally assimilated? Israelis have a point about that: you can be very secular and still very Jewish in Israel. In America you can be very secular and nowhere Jewishly in the Diaspora. You don't give to Jewish causes, you don't affiliate with Jewish organizations, you don't have to care in any way about the destiny of the Jewish People. You read about the masses in the Monday society page of the New York Times, the mixed marriages. You hear about them when you ask Federations how many are givers out of how many in the Giving Pool. You know about them when you announce the adult education courses in a 1,750-member synagogue and 79 people sign up. I have no panacea. I have seen a little progress in the area of The Big Numbers since I hit the road 25 years ago—but not much. • Perhaps what is needed is a meeting of the leaders, lay and professional, and the wealthy movers-and-shakers to review and evaluate the Jewish agenda. If the good news is so good in certain areas, let's beef these programs up on a massive scale. If the bad news is so bad in certain areas, let us set our minds and resources to stemming the flow with new and different insight. lb quote the Book of Job, "Though your beginnings be small, the end result will be exquisite." Danny Siegel is an author, lecturer and expert on identify- ing and supporting grassroots Mitzvah Work in the US. and Israel. This article was made possible by a grant from the fund for Journalism On Jewish Life, a project of The CRB Foundation of Montreal, Canada. Any views expressed are solely those of the author. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 49