Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit Singles Break the Fast Dance three years commented to me, "Efrat must have changed significantly since I've been away." I thought he was refer- ring to the positive — to the growth of the community. Ac- tually he was alluding to the ›, negative effects of the in- tifada. The modern communi- ty of Efrat has continued to grow and thrive during the intifada. The new homes be- ing built are not prefabricated settlement homes, rather beautifully constructed stone dwellings, each custom designed by an architect. There is a tapestry on the northern ceiling of the main synagogue of Efrat, which 1 - shows Hebron, Efrat and Jerusalem situated south to north. The red tile rooftops of Efrat depicted in the tapestry highlight its elegant inter- position between the two an- cient cities. Arab mobs have not attack- . ed Efrat during the intifada. Arabs who own the vineyards and olive groves immeditely adjacent to the homes in Efrat have peacefully con- tinued to tend their fields during the reported unrest. Golomb's plumber is an Arab, ' and in fact, the massive con- struction going on through- out Efrat is being carried out by Arab work crews. How then are the residents of Gush Etzion affected by the intifada? From what I saw, not very dramatically. Most work in Jerusalem, and although the commute can be harrowing a times, I drove this route daily for a week. Stone throwing is now a rare occurrence — I experienced none. At present, a 30-foot fence prevents direct stone throwing from the Haitia Refugee Camp. The roads are not heavily guarded by Israeli soldiers — on each trip we saw one or two jeeps patrolling. A divided highway is being built near Efrat which will permit the residents of Gush Etzion safe access around the Arab population centers south of Jerusalem. Similar highways are also being built elsewhere in the territories. However, it would not be safe to conclude that the new road- ways will alleviate all the risks facing the residents of Efrat. There continues to be the posibility of direct ter- rorist attacks and concern about the government trading the territories for the hope of peace is permanent. Nevertheless, so many in Efrat are facing these pro- blems. Most are young, in their 30s, almost half are Ohm from the U.S. or Canada and all are Orthodox. Hope- fully they, like Ruth, will "prosper in Efrat." ❑ — I Live Music by Lee Pantely and New Romance Monday, October 9, 9:00 p.m. Maple/Drake Building •Dancing •Refreshments 'Cash Bar $7.00 admission Warmest Wishes From All The Merchants At Evergreen Plaza For A Most Happy & Healthy Holiday Season • LED, For Further Information Call Leanie Gunsberg at 661-1000 ext. 347 All Of Us at Steve Goden's Flower Shop Wish Our Customers & Friends a Happy, Healthy New Year. r • AZA 12 MILE ROAD AT EVERGREEN 1 May the coming year be one filled with health, happiness and prosperity for all our friends and family. Happy Holidays from The Zivov Family and Staff B etzati.on J. gy giOefak i i g/2.C. Bridal Gowns and Accessories Custom Mode and Restyling Clothes A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CLIENTS Farmington Hills • Rochester Hills 851-5111 d o re g Orchard M 8 c 11511. • W. 5566 SHOES Evergreen Plaza • Southfield 559.3580 May the coming year be filled with health and happiness for all our family and friends. in the JEWISH NEWS Call the Jewish News Advertising Department 354-6060 DWI-MORA/it A Supportive and Skilled Care Residence 661-1700 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 81