ROSH HASHANAH Jacob The Baker Continued from preceding page the other. She shifted her purse to the same hand that held her gloves so she could reach out and greet Jacob. When she released his hand, she con- tinued to stare down at the flour dust set- tling on the floor where Jacob stood. She swallowed in an attempt to gather herself. "Did you write this?" she asked, thrusting one of Jacob's notes forward. The note read: "Wisdom does not make me full. It fills me with hunger." Jacob looked at the paper and nodded his head. "How wise you must be," said the lady, with great flattery. "All my life I've been pursuing wisdom, and you've captured my frustration. I feel like a fool." "Anyone who has struggled with wisdom has felt like a fool." said Jacob. The lady and Samuel stood there is silence, looking at Jacob and weighing his remark. Then, they looked back and forth at each other, then back at Jacob, and then back at each other. "Well, will he do it?" she asked Samuel, as if Jacob weren't there. Samuel turned to Jacob. "Well, will you do it? Will you let us have some of your ideas for the bread?" Jacob grinned. "Only arrogance guards what it doesn't own!" Samuel nodded to the lady. "He'll do it:' The lady returned her focus to Jacob. "Thank you;' she said. But Jacob had already retreated to the bakery, leaving her appreciation to find peace on the ground where Jacob left his footprints, in the flour dust. Jacob traced his path to work on the way home. He traveled within. A small, frozen puddle of water, caught by a rock, huddled next to a curb and drew his attention. "An eternity is any moment opened with patience," he reminded himself. Then he raised the tip of his boot and pushed down on the layers of ice. He could feel the pressure of the lady's request that morning in the bakery. The ice cracked under the insistence of his boot, sending a map of new patterns across the surface. He continued home and noted spring was in the air. Jacob warmed a cup of soup for dinner and finished the heel of his morning bread. His books of learning surrounded him, their blue bindingS appearing black in the light. Small pads of yellow paper, a stack of blank white paper, pencils, and pens crowd- ed a worn wooden desk. Jacob sat to write but did not. The clean innocence of the empty pages instead invited his imagination on an ancient route, _and, on that journey, absent of eter- nal arguments of logic and reason and in- dividual perspective, Jacob climbed his ladder. During the night, angels stared down through the stars into Jacob's world. They watched him sleep. They commented on the way his body folded on the bed. They liked this man. They drew their wings over him and stood guard by his soul. 76 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1989 The next morning, Samuel's voice flexed with excitement as it again reached into the bakery and begged for Jacob's at- tention. "That lady is back;' shouted Samuel. "Everyone loved your 'thoughts' in their bread. But they want more. They all want more. Will you do it for me?" Max, the young man with thick muscles, who carried the flour sacks, gave Jacob a gentle elbow in the ribs and wink- ed at him. "How much will they pay you? Maybe you can make some extra money, eh?" Max raised his voice at the end of the sentence. "You know, he may be right;' said Samuel. "Are you interested, Jacob?" "No!" said Jacob with amusement: "Greed only uses expectation to arrive at despair?' Max was intrigued. "Does that mean you're going to give them your thoughts for nothing?" "I will," said Jacob, touched by Max's form of caring. Jacob nodded his consent to Samuel. "Thank you;' said Samuel, and he meant it. But, from somewhere, in an unar- ticulated voice, he knew his friend's life was changing. Forever. And Samuel was right. Because now, people hurried to the bakery, anxious to ask Jacob how they should live, and what Jacob was a reed, and the breath of God blew through Jacob, made music of him. should be said to this child, and how do I struggle with this sadness? They came in haste and noise and deep concern. They reached out to touch him as he walked down the street. The secret of Jacob became a whisper, which rode the wind into every ear, and the community embraced Jacob as if he were a long-ignored human treasure suddenly unearthed. "Tell us the truth about life!" someone asked Jacob. And Jacob responded. "Language is only a lie told about the truth?' "Can you show us a miracle, Jacob?" they asked. And he answered. "A miracle is often the willingness to see the common in an uncommon way." "How can we have more, Jacob?" And Jacob answered. "The only way I can take a breath is by releasing my breath. In order to be more, I must be will- ing to be less." A neighbor of Jacob's needed to start on a journey, but it was the middle of the night. Afraid to begin, afraid_not to begin .. . he came to Jacob. "There is no light on the path;' he complained. "Take someone with you;' counseled Jacob. "Jacob what do you mean? If I do that, there will be two blind men." "You are wrong," said Jacob. "If two people discover each other's blindness, it is already growing light!" A mother and father came to Jacob and asked to speak with him about patience. "Tell us what we need to know in order to be more patient?' "Go away," said Jacob. "I have no time for you!" "Well;' said the couple, "how do you think that makes us feel?" "Ah," said Jacob smiling. "That is the first lesson in learning to be patient with others?' Two men approached Jacob and asked him to decide which of them was wise. "I know what is right;' said the first man. "I know what is wrong," said the other. "Good," said Jacob. "Together you make one wise man." A man wandered for many years, searching for happiness. Much came into his possession, but no joy remained. He came to Jacob and stood weeping, complaining about how he had been cheated in life. Eventually, he turned his head toward Jacob and moaned, "Why me? Why me?" And Jacob answered, "Why not you? You've looked everywhere else." One night, while he slept, Jacob's mind stepped onto Jacob's ladder and posed a riddle. "To what heights can a person aspire?" he asked himself. "To the Number ONE;' he heard himself answer. "And after that?" "And after that, Moses came down the mountain knowing less than ONE would leave the world with nothing, and more would leave the world in pieces." There was a terrible banging on Jacob's front door. From the intensity of the ham- mering and shouts, it became clear to Jacob he had been unaware of the noise for some time. This awareness did not disturb him. He appeared rather to enjoy it. When the door was opened, a man with a puffy red face shouted at Jacob, "What were you doing?" "Thinking' said Jacob, giving very lit- tle notice to the man's anger. "Look, Jacob! I've seen you for a long time. You're just Jacob the baker. Now everyone wants to ask you questions, and the children come to learn from you. What do you tell them?" Jacob was missing the warmth of the huge bakery oven. The sunrise was paint- ing orange cracks in the gray sky. He searched his mind for a door these men might pass through and then spoke. "I will be glad to tell you what I have been teaching the children," he began, "but first you must all agree to put your fingers in your ears:' The men did as they were told and stood as a jury directly opposite Jacob who again began speaking. After a few minutes, the men waved and shouted, trying to draw Jacob's attention. "Jacob;' they said, "we can't hear what's being said when our fingers are in our ears!" "That;' answered Jacob, "is what I have been telling your children." ❑