Rosh Hashanah: A Time To Build Relationships By ALAN D. GOODMAN As Rosh Hashanah and the days of awe approach, our tradition teaches this is a time for reflection and self evaluation. In our formal prayers, we read statements acknowledging we have transgressed in one way or another over the past year. These transgressions could have been related to ourselves or others, both close family members or the community at large. With the act of acknowledging our transgressions, we believe we will be forgiven both by those against whom we have transgressed and by the Almighty. By turning over a new page in our own personal book of life, we try to make those changes which we see as important for ourselves in the new year. This example of a book provides a tool to help us understand a complex life process. Implicit is the acknowledgement that by our very natures, we are prone to mistakes, poor judgment, temptation, jealousy, greed, etc. and despite our actions, we are often given many chances to start again. From the perception of the writer of the book (ourselves), every new page represents a creative opportunity. From the perception of the readers of the book (those with whom we relate), the previous pages must be read in order to reach the most recent one. It would be naive to think the reader's perceptions would not be colored by these prior pages, thereby influencing the manner in which the most recent chapter is understood. So, too, in relationships, the opportunities to evaluate our roles and behavior are ever present. Ideally, through open dialogue and discussion, we can learn how to better fulfill one another's needs and strive toward deeper communication and understanding. Simply acknowledging privately that we have transgressed is only the first step in the process of reconciliation and healing. Equally important is the need to communicate with others and to discuss what traits we would like to discard and what changes we would like to make in ourselves. This requires serious and often painful discussions which can open lines of communication which have become blocked through disuse or misuse. To be effective, this must become a process that cannot be done only once a year. Now may be a good time to begin. Are we ever able to wipe the slate clean in relationships? The book we have written about our lives is with us and those who are close to us have read many of the earlier chapters. Sometimes this helps to strengthen and deepend the relationship. At other times, the memory of what occurred in the past becomes an emotional barrier that cannot be overcome without professional help. The high divorce rate is indication we have not found a way to successfully overcome the barriers to open communication and to reconciliation between partners. To be effective, those suffering from the malady need to be sufficiently motivated to try the cure in the first place. Furthermore, the "cure" is not an instantaneous result or even a foregone conclusion, but an opportunity to gain insight and begin on the path to self discovery. Those who will not seek professional help in a timely manner, or at all, are not willing to make the investment required to help heal an ailing relationship. This is one of the most important investments you could ever make. It would be wrong to assume all relationships should be saved and reconciliation is always the best solution. Sometimes, relationships are not amenable to change and can lead to emotional breakdown, dysfunction or even physical harm or death. Relationships which place spouses and children at risk may never be productive or healthy, despite the amount of therapy provided. For example, when physical, emotional or sexual abuse occur, breaking the cycle of abuse by terminating the relationship may be the only solution. This is not to say that effective treatment cannot be provided in these situations, but rather that too often, family and community pressures work toward keeping families together where the results can be disastrous from short and long-term perspectives. So as we prepare for Rosh Hashanah, we should pause from our daily lives and ask ourselves the question. Am I going to make an investment in myself and in my personal and family relationships? If the answer is "yes," then you have an immediate opportunity to take the first step towards making this happen. Begin the process of reconciliaiton within yourself and by so doing, you will pave the way toward reconciliation with others. Mr. Goodman is executive director of Jewish Family Services. Apples and Honey Apology It's hard to say "I'm sorry," Although I'm feeling sorry. The "s" always sticks in my throat. And "I made a big mistake" Would produce a bellyache That might last till I was old enough to vote. "Please forgive me" sounds real good. and I'd say it if I could, But between the "forgive" and the "please" I would have to go to bed With a pounding in my head And a very shaky feeling in my knees. "I was wrong" seems oh so right. But it gives me such a fright That my "was" always turns into "ain't." So I hope you'll take this rhyme As my way of saying "I'm Really sorry." Now excuse me while I faint. Reprinted from If I Were in Charge of the World and Other Worries by Judith Viorst. Anthneueum 1981. FOR A SWEET NEW YEAR! DIRECTIONS: Start at the star, move clockwise around the circle skipping two letters each time and write the third letter down. Continue until you find the sweet tastes of Rosh Hashanah. Puzzle by Judy Loebl ANSWERS ON PAGE L-8 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS L 5 -