Forgiveness Essential Part Of Our Character Continued from Page L-1 us. They don't hear us when we call out to them. They act in ways that ignore our sensitivities or our interests. Sometimes they will do exactly the opposite of what we need them to do, or would want them to do. And we hurt. At times like this the easiest thing for us to do is to take that hurt and make it part of ourselves. Perhaps we enjoy nursing the pain. Perhaps we derive some perverse pleasure from calling the injury to mind. Whatever it is, each cherished piece of anger and hurt becomes like a small piece of building material. Bit by bit those small pieces build up until before we know it, and perhaps without our intention, they form a wall that stands between us and the people who should be close to us, the people who should be dearest to us. Now come the Days of Awe. When we forgive the walls we have built begin to crumble. We let go of the feelings of bitterness, of hurt, of disappointment. We give ourselves the chance to start our relationships anew. And we are called to turn our gaze inward to see how we have injured and harmed those near us and to Tashlich: Unique Rosh Hashanah Ritual By RABBI MARC S. VOLK The custom of tashlich on Rosh Hashanah is observed by Jews worldwide. Strangely enough, tashlich is not mentioned in the Talmud or in the early writings of the Rishonim (opinions of rabbis from the authorship of the Talmud until the year 1565). In light of this, the obligation of tashlich is incumbent upon us, because the people of Israel have ordained the custom's sanctity and uniqueness. The Ramah (Rabbi Moshe Isserlis), a commentary on the Shulchan Aruch says that: "Minhag Yisrael Torah Hu" meaning that a custom of Israel has the status of Torah. Let us now attempt to understand the reason for this custom. The origin of tashlich is correlated to akedas yitzchak, the mandate given by God that Abraham sacrifice his son, Isaac, on the altar at Mt. Moriah. Our rabbis say that satan intended to inhibit Abraham from carrying out his task by weakening his devotion to God. Abraham and Isaac, upon observing a river that seemed impossible to cross, forged ahead with the full realization that satan, the epitome of the evil inclination, was attempting eChaian THE JEWISH NEWS 20300 Civic Center Drive Suite 240 Southfield, Michigan 48076 September 22, 1989 Associate Publisher Arthur M. Horwitz Jewish Experiences for Families Adviser Harlene W Appleman L-2 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1989 to prevent them from carrying out God's will. Abraham, the first Jew, having proclaimed "hineni," "Here I am," was ready, willing and able to fulfill God's will and appealed to the Almighty by saying: "Help, Hashem, for water threatens our lives!" This appeal was accepted. The river disappeared and Abraham and Isaac continued their journey to the site of the Akedah. Abraham's demonstration of dedication and submission to the will of God serves as an inspiration to all Jews. We go to a river, or some other body of water, to recall before God and to ourselves, that our patriarch defeated the master of evil. Two other suggestions for the origin of the tashlich ritual are: • Water can be spilled on the ground without much effort and - become mud. Man in his humility recognizes that he, like water, can be lowered from an elevated status. • We can be compared to fish who swim to and fro with reckless abandon. Suddenly, they may be caught in a net. Similarly, a human being may feel secure in the thought that he will not sin or transgress. However, the reality of the imperfection of man engenders him to realize that he could become caught in the "net of sin or transgression." The Jew approaches a body of water and recites various psalms in addition to the verses "You shall cast all their sins into the depths of the sea." During the recitation of these prayers, he shakes out his pockets, symbolically removing himself of all his sins. Rabbi Volk is executive director of Akiva Hebrew Day School. ask their forgiveness. And so during this time of penitence, those closest to us realizing, we hope, the mistakes they have made will approach us and ask us to forgive. And in the spirit of our tradition "When you are asked to forgive, you must forgive." When we forgive, the walls we have built begin to crumble. We let go of the feelings of bitterness, of hurt, of disappointment. We give ourselves the chance to start our relationships anew. For forgiving means truly setting the past behind us. It means seeing our close ones with new eyes. Eyes unclouded by the deeds of the past. We are able to reach out to one another anew. And embrace anew. To forgive, to truly forgive, means to turn a new page in our relationships. It means to build new foundations. Like all of creation at this time of the New Year, we start afresh. Our relationships grow unencumbered by mistakes of the past, our own and those of dear ones. What a wonderful gift our tradition gives us, the ability to wipe the slate clean and start afresh. So we have important work these days. To look into our own hearts, to find the people to whom we must do atonement and hope that they will accept our apologies. And we have the work of forgiving Now come to us, they are asking us to allow them to start anew with us. Let us start anew. Let us forgive. May our new beginnings be for the good. Holiday Puzzle DOWN 1. Day of Atonement. 2. Animal Abraham sacrificed in place of his son. 3. Abraham's son. 6. Traditional Jewish bread. 7. Nine fast, short blasts blown on the shofar. 8. Trumpet blown on the High Holy Days. 11. The shofar is made from a 12. Father of the Jewish People. 13. Prayer said on the eve of Yom Kippur. Kol 17. Apples are dipped in this for a sweet year. ACROSS 1 Translation of the word "shanah." 4. Holiday following Yom Kippur. 5. Fruit eaten during Rosh Hashanah. 7. Rosh Hashanah occurs in this month. 9. To refrain from eating. 10. Closing service on Yom Kippur. 11. Holiday that celebrates the birthday of the world. 14. High Holy Day prayer book. 15. Jews go to the synagogue or temple to 16. He was swallowed by a whale. 18. The Jewish calendar is based on the cycles of the 19 Days of Awe. (Number) 20. Long, loud blast blown on the shofar. ANSWERS ON PAGE L-7 Puzzle by Judy Loeb!