EDITORIAL Cardinal Talk T he cancellation of Polish Cardinal Josef Glemp's visit to the United States and Monday's statement by Detroit's Cardinal Edmund Szoka (see Page 7) have temporarily relieved the pressure build-up on Catholic-Jewish relations. Cardinal Szoka has prodcued a reasoned, concilliatory evalua- tion and called for the removal of the Carmelite order's convent at the Auschwitz death camp in Poland. His words have done much to reassure those in the Detroit area who have worked for many years toward reconciliation and understanding between the Jewish and Polish communities. His statement does not, however, mention his friend Cardinal Glemp, or the Polish cardinal's anti-Semitic posturing in defense of keeping the Catholic monastery on the grounds of Auschwitz. Cardinal Szoka has pointed out the bonds that tie our com- munities together. Cardinal Glemp has verbalized the issues that keep us apart. It is obvious that the Polish-Jewish dialogue sponsored by the American Jewish Committee in Detroit and around the country must coninue. It is also obvious that any dialogue will be meaningless when a leading member of the Catholic Church spews ancient anti- Semitic cannards and when the Church ignores an agreement it made two years ago to remove a major source of friction. The cardinal and the convent have added a new chapter to a dismal, 2,000-year history of religious bigotry. has been defeated until the morally bankrupt East German govern- ment devises some heinous way to keep its people exactly where they don't want to be, which is what they have been doing since the Wall went up. This westward immigration adds to the cumulative evidence of the last few years that communism as way of life and a way of govern- ment has been a failure. Some form of democracy is being attemp- ted in Poland, Hungary and that mother lode for communist inter- nationalists, the Soviet Union. Democracy brought Chinese students to Tiananmen Square last spring and early summer, and it was fear of democracy that caused the Beijing government to mow them down. But democracy must prevail for peace to endure, whether it is in the Soviet Union or the Middle East, where Israel remains the only democratic state. The challenge for the West is to assure these new immigrants that the bold step they took when they fled was the correct one. And surely, then, others will follow. 111 F5Sf... iM &No- To 6e1- Rib oF - I }-IARD- IjNER5 IN PASs , it ON - - - - Breath Of Freedom T he flood of humanity continues. Since last Sunday evening, tens of thousands of East Germans have fled to the West via Hungary's newly opened borders. This has been an ecstatic torrent of people. They have made the East German government furious, and they have thrilled the citizenry of both Germanys. Together, they have contributed to the defeat of the Berlin Wall, that desecration to the human spirit where President John Kennedy declared to a roaring crowd, "Ich bin ein Berliner." At least, the Wall OPINION Jewish Education Must Go Beyond School JOSEPH A. POISSON ewish educators are trying to rekindle a new spirit about religious school. We want to make it a unique place, designed to give our children a comprehensive education with a firm Jewish background. We are trying to provide a challenging at- mosphere of joy and wonder in learning, as well as to in- tegrate within this framework the study of Jewish tradition, history, culture, Hebrew, etc., in order to create a sense of Jewish identity within all of our students as concerned j Joseph Poisson is president of the Jewish Educators Council of Metropolitan Detroit and education director at Temple Israel. 6 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989 members of our community. Generally speaking, we have some difficulty explain- ing the paradox that, despite the great effort made by many Jewish leaders, assimilation and mixed marriages con- tinue to grow. One answer can be brought to light through a conversa- tion I had with one of our con- gregants who told me the following: "My dear friend, when I read your articles regarding Jewish education, they make me aware that we should con- tinuously insist on more Jewish learning. I am a pro- duct of a Hebrew afternoon school, yet I have to bring to your attention that if it had not been for my parents' in- sistence and religious and cultural discussions at home, I would be part of the assimilation process. "Thanks to my parents, whatever I learned at the religious school was reinforc- ed at home via Friday night Shabbat candlelighting, holi- day observances and a follow- up of what I 'acquired' in the school. "When I attended college, the Jewish youths were always among the marchers for civil rights, very active for women's liberation causes and leaders in the anti-war in Viet Nam movement, etc. These same youths neglected to pursue Jewish causes. "My feeling is that we should teach our children more about the promotion of the future of Judaism and the survival of the Jewish way of life in addition to teaching about the great human and moral lessons of our prophets. "It would be a great idea that the laws that deal with our everyday lives — those that teach charity, that pro- mote friendship with our fellow man, love and understanding — should be part of our life cycles." From research and surveys made, as well as the facts of life, we learn that there is no relation between being an ex- cellent student and being a good Jew. Most of us know that the pattern of forget- fulness after attending short days in the religious school is large. Only if one can follow up in his everyday life with what is taught Hebraically, Judaically, and spiritually in the religious school, can one be able to keep alive our tradition and great heritage. The basic question on which our survival is based is: Will our students live Jewishly beyond the walls of the religious school, especial- ly when they grow up? Being intelligent, well-educated and knowledgeable does not necessarily make you a com- mitted Jew. What makes you committed to the Jewish way of life is living Jewishly and identifying yourself actively with the Jewish community. The religious school has to go beyond the old objectives, goals and concepts. It is not enough to teach our children a language they will probably never use in their daily lives, besides during services. It is not enough to concentrate solely upon current events or history lessons. It is not enough to prepare them for the bar mitzvahs, etc. What is needed is to create an environment, a spirit and the promotion of a new "soul" that will be able to function as a responsive, concerned and active Jew within the family, temple or synagogue, and community. ❑