raised from the water, the following bless- ing is recited by one of the rabbis or by a family member: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheynu Melech Ha-olam asher kid'shanu, be-mitzvotav vitsivanu al ha'tevilah. Praised are you, Adonai, God of all crea- tion who sanctifies us With your command- ments and commands us concerning immersion. The schehehiyanu is then recited. For boys, a mikvah appointment is scheduled sometime after the circumcision has healed. Remember, though that brit milah or mikvah are delayed if there is any suspicion of a health risk. For girls, mikvah is the only ritual re- quirement. Baby girls are named following mikvah, either immediately after immer- sion or sometime later in a ceremony at a synagogue or at home. While circumcision is performed at the earliest possible date, there is some dif- ference of opinion regarding mikvah. It is not uncommon to take newborns to the mikvah. One father counsels blowing into the baby's face as she is dunked, which he claims makes the child hold her breath for the few seconds of immersion. However, ac- cording to other sources, immersion is not done until the baby is three years old and some rabbis even recommend reserving mikvah for much later. Indeed, some parents and rabbis suggest that mikvah take place when the child is preparing for his or her bar or bat mitzvah, so it becomes an intentional rite of passage for a young person preparing to receive and accept the responsibilities of the Ibrah. This approach dovetails with Talmudic law regarding converted children, for which the process is not completed until the child reaches maturity (traditionally, 13 years old for boys, 12 for girls). At this time, the child has the right to renounce—or affirm—his or her Jewish identity. Legal- ly, the right to renounce expires when a , child reaches adulthood; however, since renunciation is based on the child's knowledge of her origins, if the adoptions has been kept a secret, she cannot decide, and thus her Jewish status is not settled. There are serious objections to this prac- tice, on both halachic and psychological grounds. Without mikvah an adopted child is not legally Jewish. And a formal reminder at the age of 12 or 13 that he is not really Jewish can cause real distress. This is often a time when identity issues are coming to the fore; adoption creates enough cause for ambiguity that convers- tion should not be added to it. A simple declaration of one's Jewish identity at bar or bat mitzvah is sufficient acknowledg- ment of the Talmudic right to renounce. Whatever you decide to do about mikvah, there is widespread support among adoption professionals, Jewish and non-Jewish, for full disclosure about your child's origins from the beginning. In the case of international or interracial adop- TWP fl TRnIT IPIAIICW AIPIA1C 44T