• - BACK TO SCHOOL The Perfect Pet JANET RUTH FALON D Special to The Jewish News oes your family seem to share very few inter- ests? Are you concerned that your "latchkey" child suffers from severe loneliness? Does your adolescent seem to be keeping all his worries to himself? Is a crisis such as a divorce deeply troubling fami- ly members? Maybe it's not family thera- py you should seek out; per- haps you should just get a pet. It has long been thought that pets help teach children a sense of responsibility — which, in fact, they do, de- pending on how much the child interacts with the pet — walking it, feeding it, train- ing it. But the benefits of pet ownership go beyond an edu- cation in responsibility, no matter what else is going on in your life. Experts are particularly ex- cited by the benefits of pet ownership for adolescents; ' one study, conducted by the Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society at the University of Pennsylvania, found that more than 70 per- cent of adolescents confide in their pets (as compared with 48 percent of adults). Some researchers argue that pet ownership can play a definite role in child develop- ment. A European study, for instance, found that children who are raised with animals learn non-verbal communica- 78 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1989 Finding the right pet for your child and family situation is the key to many years of happiness. tion skills better than children who don't have pets. Underlying all the subtle benefits, however, may be the simple fact that you can touch and talk to your pet, accor- ding to Alan Beck, director of the Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society. The Center's many studies have found that people describe their animals as if they were human and that pets often play family-like roles. In fact, pets tend to join a family as a family grows. Dog ownership, for instance, in.- creases dramatically when there's a child older than 6 in a family. "My personal bias is that contact with living systems in general is important for peo- ple, whether you have a pet or go to the zoo or go camping," says Beck. When To Adopt Even with all the benefits of pet ownership, the general recommendation is that most families shouldn't adopt an active pet, such as a cat or dog, until the youngest child is at least 6 years old. Very young children sometimes torment animals, and the pet is going to defend itself. Young animals, especially puppies, are more difficult to integrate into family life than older animals. Puppies are a tremendous commitment. They have-to be fed every four hours and it takes as long as two months to train them. No matter what their age, pets are not for everybody. Pets help teach children a sense of responsibility. They're not for families in which parents don't want a pet but are getting one to keep the kids occupied. And they're not for families in which the parents don't like animals, but buy one as a tool to teach responsibility. Problems There are a couple of things a parent should consider before bringing a pet home. The biggest problem is the wrong attitude about who cares for the pet. Having a pet is a group effort. Often, the person who gets home first, or who's home most, is the per- son who takes care of the pet the most. Another trouble area is the possibility of dog bites. Accor- ding to Beck, 20 percent of children under 17 are bitten by dogs each year. In most cases, however, dog bites are not severe injuries, he says. Disease is another area for concern. Ringworm and mange, both animal diseases, can be contagious to humans. But both conditions should be obvious to an owner long before the diseases get so bad that they are transferred to humans. Supervision is critical in preventing communication of animal diseases to humans. "With the tremendous in- timacy in pet-people relation- ships, you have to watch your kids and never leave a very young child alone with an animal," Beck says. Most animal experts recom- mend animal shelters, veterinary hospitals and responsible professional breeders as the best sources for pets. You are sometimes saving an animal from being destroyed and an animal's health and temperament will have been checked before it is put up for adoption. People have definite prefer- ences when it comes to choos- ing pets. "There's a real difference in kids' prefer- ences," says Beck. "At adolescence, boys prefer dogs and girls prefer cats or horses:' Even so, these preferences should be tempered by the knowledge of how that pet fits into different lifestyles. Picking One Cats have replaced dogs as the most popular pet in America, probably because their independence fits in with today's busy lifestyle. Although sometimes charac- terized as solitary, standoffish creatures who don't like affec- tion and don't "need" humans, this independence makes them terrific pets for families in which someone isn't home all the time. Cats don't have to be walked, and they can eat dry food that's been left out for days. And since most cats sleep at least 60 percent of the time, you shouldn't worry that your pet is lonely while your're away. Kittens are adorable, but older cats are preferable in homes with young children. Because small children tend to pick up things and drop them, it's a good idea to start them off with an older cat. Although not fully noctur- nal, many cats tend to prowl at night, especially if a home is quiet during the day, and they can rest for uninter- rupted periods of time. Dogs are the most social of all house pets and enjoy human companionship. They are generally happy to learn obedience training, for in- stance, because they enjoy pleasing their owners. On the negative side, dogs are a greater responsibility than cats. They need to be walked and fed, needs that re-