PURELY COMMENTARY Bar-Han Symposium Provides Clarification PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus ublic relations challenges and disputes have arisen in the cur- rent developing crises in Israel and may demand serious studies of the roles of the media. Bar-Ilan University has made a notable contribution toward such studies in a symposium whose par- ticipants represented every aspect of life in Israel. While Arabs were not among the participants, the military response to the intifada gave substance to the topic: 'Intifada and the Media — Who Nourishes Whom?' On the occasion of the annual meeting here of Detroit Friends of Bar- Ilan University, at which the many university achievements were outlined, the work of the Department of Corn- munications and the Chair in Jour- nalism gain special consideration. The encouragement given these depart- ments by this community enhances its merits. Inspired by the director of the Bar- Ilan communications studies, Dr. Shmuel Sandler and chaired by Prof. Dina Goren of Bar-Ilan and Tel Aviv Universities, discussions included army officers, newspaper correspondents from abroad and Israeli editors. There was no pulling of punches. There was recogni- tion of errors and assignments of guilt. The functioning of the dissemination of news was of importance. The fact that 250 foreign correspondents increased by 750 was given importance. The seminarians viewed with great p seriousness the fact that the immediacy of news reporting gave momentum to intifada aims. The army difficulties were of concern and there was admis- sion that Arabs gained from intifada violence. Rumor mongering was a subject for discussion in the two-hour session of 700 participants. It is deeply regretted that the entire proceedings were not made available immediately in a compiled volume with an Arab addendum. Perhaps this can still be undertaken to provide the valuable record of the intifada crisis. Meanwhile, acclaim should be given to the Bar-Ilan Communications- Journalism departments for notable academic enrichments. The Detroit community can take pride in co- sponsoring such university tasks. What the Bar-Ilan academicians did with the symposium on the intifada was to demonstrate that the Jewish com- munities they represent, the Israelis and their supporters in the United States are anxious to have all the facts known, to deny secrecy and to strive for peace. If the Arabs, who instigate violence, were to share in such plann- ing, there would surely be vital com- munications instead of stone hurling. Therefore the hope that what the Bar-Ilan Programmatic policy ad- vocates and practices is an aim for the desired and hopefully achievable good will and amity. Bar-Ilan's supporting forces, the Detroiters aiding them, have a cause for pride in the assistance they give for positive communications among all forces in Israel. Aggravations resulting from the spread of prejudicial judgments relating to Middle East problems suggest the need of symposium akin to the Bar-Ilan- inspired testing of the media in this country. The confusions that resulted from events aroused by the current hostage crisis emphasize this viewpoint. Commentators and editorial writers have refrained from enlisting in the new "Blame Israel" charade. But a spontaneity of such hate arousing emerged with a "Doleing" antagonism by the responsible minority leader of the U.S. Senate who criticized and challenged Israel's prime leader in numerous terrorist acts. A.M. Rosenthal, in his New York Times column of Aug. 4, entitled, "The Next Terrorist Crisis," had this com- ment on Senator Robert Dole: President Bush himelf rais- ed the question of the basic American attitude toward ter- rorism. He implied at the begin- ning of the crisis that all "kid- nappings" were the same. He went on to call for the immediate release of "all, all" of the "hostages?' Then Senator Robert Dole contemptuously denounced Israel for "freelancing:' It was an exhibition of tight-lipped fury that disgusted many of his friends around the country who happen to hope well for Israel. It put a knowing smirk on the faces of his detractors, a loud "I told you so." Suddenly Israel becomes target and villain. Israel — not the sheik, not his Iranian paymasters or the Syrians. The arms he gets go through Syria. His bands live and train in Syrian-controlled parts of Lebanon. Israel did what the United States did when it could — reached out to grab a terrorist careless enough to get within grabbing reach. This is a statement by an American official in 1985: "We need to extend the reach of U.S. laws to those who would kidnap or murder U.S. citizens overseas . ." It was on the morning of the threats of executions that the Times referred to the comments of Sen. Robert Dole. That Continued on Page 42 Lewis Weinstein Autobiography Shows Skill F or at least half a century, a Bostonian Jewish personality had so much dominance in politics and world affairs, with as much em- phasis on the political as on the Jewish, that his activism and guidance were demanded almost globally. Lewis Weinstein had that role. His autobiography possesses so much shar- ing in a multiplicity of causes and events that hardly a personality or a function relating to the most popular can possibly be missing from his accumulated memories. Lewis Weinstein is the accomplish- ed compiler of memories which emerge as encyclopidic in historic values. His THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCV No. 25 2 August 18, 1989 FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1989 Masa Odyssey of an American Jew military career. It is like a revelation of (Quinlan Press, Boston) is treated as a the courage displayed by Weinstein in "Journey — Hebrew Masa." Therefore, it his relations with Eisenhower and can be judged as a travel log through DeGaulle. history. Added to it are the testimonials Masa is a noteworthy accumulation of our lifetime. Many, like Lewis Wein- of the author's immense roles in educa- stein, remain the molders of public opi- tional tasks, in the advancement of nion and adherents to them. cultural needs and in providing Every episode related here at once priorities for the Jewish school systems. assumes a page or a chapter in history. It thereby indicates the deep interest in The Jewish and the general-universal, proper training for the young the political and the military, the Zionist distinguished scholars who contributed and the philanthropically specialized — toward cultural advancement. The emi- hardly a designation is missing. nent literary masters are recalled and There are military factors in the the name of an especially important Weinstein experiences that are replete leader, the famous Harry A. Wolfson, with drama, achievement in influencing therefore assuring him retention in commitments to the erasing of venom, academic fame. It is an element in close association with the world's most Weinstein's devotion to his alma mater, important personalities in the U.S. and Harvard University, in whose activities French military forces. He was the chief he has devotion to its many academic liaison officer between Eisenhower and involvements. DeGaulle. In that capacity, he was witness to behind the scenes occurrences He contributes immensely toward that led to the expulsion of Nazi forces remembering the great whose names from France. were associated with Harvard. Harry Because he was present at the Wolfson is supreme among them. liberation of the Ohrdruf, Buchenwald There were decades when people did and Dachau death camps, his recollec- not need to be reminded of Wolfson. He tions gain immense value in the was the leader in academia and in Holocaust library. philosophy. He established a cultural The forward to the Masa book by Dr. school of great magnitude among his Abram L. Sachar is an exceptional students and the following that arose in tribute to Weinstein and has a the cultural influence he exerted. Had remarkable account of the Masa authors it not been for the Lucius Littauer en- Lewis Weinstein with John F. Kennedy. dowment that was secured to assure Wolfson's continued studies and his great cultural treasures would have been lost. Rescue came thanks to Judge Jullian Mack, the prominent Zionist leader, who learned that Wolfson had been evicted from his home, and the great scholar was thus rescued from the ills of poverty. Weinstein's recorded memories are anecdotal and they are replete with fascinating stories. The many that he ac- Continued on Page 42