ROSH HASHANAH GREETINGS PICK ... THE GREETING OF YOUR CHOICE Best wishes for a May the coming happy, healthy New Year. year be filled — NAME — $15.00 #1 ,..-- European accords on human rights. "There's a timetable here, meaning they cannot just go into a human rights con- ference held in their own backyard in 1991 and put themselves in a position where people will say, Aha, you've failed to comply.' " However, he emphasized, "What's really of concern are these two factors — na- tionalism and the economy. And in a way we have a vested interest to see an im- proved economy and the elimination of food shortages. And we have a vested interest in seeing Gorbachev's democratization succeed." In order to help shore up the reforms and prevent possi- ble calamity, Schneier said, the West should act quickly to help improve the Soviet economy. One way, though not the only way, is through an immediate waiver of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment that links U.S. trade benefits to Soviet emigration rights. [ vanDn nalla with health and 111L13 1.2 happiness for to all our friends and relatives. all our family and friends. — NAME — — NAME — $26.50 #2 $37.75 #3 We wish our family and friends a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. — NAME — $26.50 #4 These are samples of the personal greetings being offered. They will be published in the Rosh Hashanah issue of The Jewish News, Sept. 29, 1989. DEADLINE: Wednesday, Sept. 20 AU greetings arriving after the deadline will appear in the following week's edition. To All Our Relatives and Friends, Our wish for a year filled with happiness, health and prosperity. — NAME — A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to All Our Friends and Family. $67 #6 Sephardim Talk Peace Jerusalem (JTA) — Two pro- minent Sephardic figures from Israel met last Wednes- day with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who had in- vited them to Egypt to discuss the peace process. Interior Minister Arye Deri, a member of the ultra- Orthodox Shas party, and Ovadia Yosef, the former Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel, met with Mubarak near the port city of Alexandria. Deli presented the Egyp- tian leader with a letter of good will from Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. The letter is understood to have contained a general reaffirmation of Israel's com- mitment to the peace process. Yosef stated that all parties must be prepared to take risks and make sacrifices for the sake of peace. Mubarak is said to have af- firmed Egypt's commitment. But he expressed dismay over the hard-line constraints on Shamir's plan recently adopted by his.Likud party. The Israelis, who met with several other Egyptian of- ficials, have been trying to convince their skeptical hosts that Shamir is sincere in his peace offers to the Palesti- nians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. May the New Year Bring To All Our Friends and Family — Health, Joy, Prosperity and Everything Good in Life. May the coming year be one filled with health, happiness and prosperity for all our friends and family. THE JEWISH NEWS SEND TO: The Jewish News Greetings 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240 Southfield, MI 48076-4138 Please insert my New Year's Greeting # Name Check enclosed (circle one): 15.00 5 49.00 5 99.50 5 5 26.50 5 67.00 Other 5 37.75 5 85.75 (Please print name to appear in greeting) Address City State Zip Code I THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 55