the family decided to stand on prin- ciple rather than practicality. "They didn't know about lying," Meir Stern says. Holding foreign passports, the family declared that they were protec- ting Herzl under what now would be considered diplomatic immunity. Herzl left in any case, leaving behind an empty valise, the first of the artifacts that Meir's father Mordechai — a year old at the time of the visit — later collected into the family's Herzl museum. Jerusalemites, or has the danger of marauders and bandits in those days been exaggerated? "First of all, my great-grandpar- ents came from a fearless country," Stern says. "Jews were well treated in Germany. Plus, a gun can do wonders." The family also built a fence around the property and kept a great dane for additional security. heodor Herzl grew up in an assimilated Hungarian-Jewish family. It was while covering for a Viennese newspaper the trial of Alfred Dreyfuss — the French Jew ac- cused of treason — that Herzl became convinced Jews needed a homeland of their own. While not the first modern Jew to reach this conclusion, Herzl was able to popularize the idea. In 1896, he wrote a pamphlet called "The Jewish State." The next year he convened the first Zionist Congress. From then until his death in 1904 at age 44, Herzl worked feverishly to convince world leaders — principally the land of Israel's Turkish overlords — that the removal of Europe's poor Jewish masses to a Jewish state would be in everyone's best interest. So, in 1898, when Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II paid a visit to the land of Israel on his way to Constan- tinople, Herzl sought an audience. He arrived at Jerusalem's Kaminitz Hotel on the eve of Shabbat with a delegation of seven Zionist leaders to find all the rooms occupied by the kaiser's entourage. The Jews spent the night in the hotel's recep- tion room, Meir Stern says. Stern's grandfather, Michael, was told about Herzl's plight and invited the eight to stay in his house. Herzl slept in a room on the first floor, the others on the floor above. The following days were nervous ones for Herzl as he prepared to meet the German emperor. He was suffer- ing from a fever brought on by malaria. Lacking proper clothing, he had to borrow a suit and top hat from Michael Stern. When the day of the audience ar- rived, Herzl was so nervous that he forgot to put on his tie. Michael Stern's wife Yachat tied it for him. Herzl refused food that day, Meir Stern says, despite Yachat's urging. "He was afraid that if the kaiser smelled garlic on his breath he would be convinced that Herzl was another stinking Jew." Herzl's meeting with the kaiser achieved no results other than a war- rant for his arrest issued by the Turks. A detective named Mendel Kramer, a friend of the Sterns, was dispatched by the authorities to ar- rest Herzl. But Kramer told the c) Sterns that he would look the other way and let Herzl leave. ,, But being punctilious Germans, T Meir Stern stands before the entrance. Demolition begins in the Mamila quarter. The family has erected a shrine and defied authorities for 19 years. he Mamila neighborhood flour- ished under the British rule during the 1920s and '30s. Meir Stern describes a district of elegance and sophistication. There were four barber shops on Mamila Street. At the Picadilly Coffee House, male members were not permitted to enter unless they were wearing a tie. "One couldn't purchase a Cadillac in Palestine except in Mamila Road," he says. Most of the area survived Jerusalem's division in 1948. In 1970, the state confiscated the land in the neighborhood, intending to build a new commercial district. Buildings were demolished. But the Sterns refused to sell. The Mamila project was besot by problems and delays and Mamila Street today is lined by boarded-up shops and abandoned apartment buildings. The still-functioning con- vent looms over the shells of the former neighborhood. On one building, someone has spraypainted the name of _the heavy-metal band Iron Maiden. A building owned by the Education Ministry is still in operation. And there is the Stern House. Michael Stern's name hangs over the front door. The front room, which used to be his textile shop, is now an antique store. Meir, Chana and Ruth open the store for two hours each mor- ning and offer customers and curious visitors a free tour of their museum. The three derive little income from the shop; they each have other jobs. Meir enters the shop from a back room, pipe in hand. He neither lets go of the pipe nor smokes from it as he tells the story of his family. Three rooms follow the first, one behind the other. In the second room a block of plaster is missing, exposing the brick wall, a reminder to pious great-grandfather Judah of the destruction of the Temple. The fourth room belonged to grandparents Michael and Yachat. The third room is where Herzl stayed. A visitor for eight days, the room has belonged to him ever since. His majestic black beard stares down from portraits all over the room. The hat he wore to meet the kaiser is pro- tected in a glass cabinet. Other memorabilia, lining walls and shelves, are meant to be touched THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 25 •